The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 329: Test new players

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The small spaceship of the Tauren clan landed in front of the five demigods.

A tauren with a height of more than four meters and a muscular body like an iron tower got off the spaceship first.

Iron Fist's eyes lit up and quickly greeted him.

'boom! ’

According to the manners of the tauren, the two gave a fierce hug, and the air wave of two powerful forces collided across the entire airport.

"Niu Li, I thought I would never see you again."

After separating, Li Tiequan hammered Niu Li's chest hard.

"Good brother, in order to meet you, I specially applied for the qualification of the team leader." Niu Li of the Tower version said with a smile. He was very happy to see his friends who were born and died together.

"Haha, it just so happens that I am also the team leader this time."

The two laughed again.

The human and tauren people on the side looked at them speechlessly. This kind of emotional scene is really rare.

At this time, the shortest tauren in the tauren clan coughed and interrupted their exchanges.

"Brother, your human race is really talented now."

"God-level geniuses have all appeared." Niu Li said enviously, geniuses are the foundation of a race.

Hearing these words, the demigod at the scene thought of a voice, and the script began.

After listening to Niu Li's words for half a lifetime, the five human races instantly pulled their faces off.

"What's the accident?"

Nerves also found something wrong in the big bull.

"My clan genius Zhang Yue was assassinated by two ninth-order strongmen from the King Kong Ape Clan. Now he has lost his potential and turned into an ordinary person who cannot practice." Wei Duntian pretended to be sad, his expression was so sad, this one He has experienced it, so he pretends to be the most authentic.

"The King Kong Ape Clan of Gou Ri, brothers don't worry. After this trial, I apply to come to the Human Race for 10 years of assistance to help you deal with the King Kong Ape Clan." Niu Li said angrily, but he still had a little luck in his heart. A god-level genius, as long as it doesn't fall, the possibility of finally being promoted to the main **** is still relatively high.

"Thank you brother." Li Tiequan said sadly, and gave his acting a perfect score in his heart.

"Don't talk about these sad things, brother, take your people with you, let's go." Niu Li said.

There was another coughing voice.

"Oh, I forgot, I haven't met your friends yet, and I haven't discussed some things." Niu Li scratched his head and said.

Everyone is a black line again.

The two tribes gave introductions. What is worthy of Zhang Yue's attention is that the short tauren in the tauren clan turned out to be a demigod sacrificial rite, and a military-level existence in the tauren clan.

When introducing Dao Zhang Yue, Niu Li and the Tauren sacrifices paid special attention.

The two races are better, and often send people to exchanges between the two races, so they have a direct understanding of the human shield holders, and know what a legendary talent is in the human race.

"The spacecraft will stop for one day, and we will set off tomorrow. Let the genius of the race get on the spacecraft to get familiar with the environment."

"Let's talk about those images together by the way."

Niu Li said, complaining about the true boss of the Tauren God, he must be the spokesperson of some race, it would be fun to fight and kill.

"Xiong Ti, you take them to the spaceship first." Li Tiequan said to Zhang Yue.

"Okay, senior."

Zhang Yue and his nine teammates boarded the Tauren's small spacecraft, and the spacecraft flew toward the huge spacecraft in the sky.

The door of the small spaceship opened, Zhang Yue led the team out, and then saw a tauren waiting for them.

"You are the team of the human race to participate in the trial, go, I will take you to the rest of your human race." said the tauren.

"Please lead the way." Zhang Yue said.

The tauren took Zhang Yue into a teleportation.

Zhang Yue sighed that the technology of the second-rate race had reached his destination before he came.

"It is estimated that you will have to rest here for a while, because the spacecraft will also pick up teams from other races to participate in the trial. There are many. This is the commission of the Divine Grace Alliance."

"It will take three months," said the tauren who received Zhang Yue's team.

"Three months?" Zhang Yue said in surprise.

"Yes, because the trial location is in the star field, many races do not have the ability to enter the star field, so they have to pass through our spacecraft." The tauren said with a little pride, this kind of spacecraft is generally weaker and second-rate. There is no race, even if there is, it can't be protected.

"Okay." Zhang Yue said, another trial like a battlefield of ten thousand races.

Zhang Yue followed the tauren to a portal flashing blue.

"The chief specially arranged a small world for the human brothers to live in. This is a treatment that ordinary second-rate races do not have."

"Thank you," Zhang Yue said.

Then he led nine teammates into the small world.

After watching Zhang Yue and the others enter the small world, the tauren clicked on the virtual screen and said: "After the reception of the Terran, the forest elves and the earth demons are here. I don't know if it will cause trouble for the Terran."

"Damn, the tauren brothers are really sincere and slow." Lu Heng said, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

"It's really hard to find a small world with such a beautiful scenery." Zhang Yue said, looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

"That is, it's really nice to live in such a beautiful place."

"Brother Xiong, let's go climbing the snow-capped mountains in a while, and we can also ski." Yi Meng said in a tender voice, looking at Zhang Yue's face of a straight steel man, she said in her heart, in order to have a husband and a goddess in the future. Fight.

Zhang Yue turned his head and looked at Yi Mengshuang seriously, and said lightly: "It's not the time to relax. As the captain, I need to know the strength of the new teammates while arranging battle plans in the future."

"Let’s start now, Si Liyun, Yi Mengshuang, Liu Yiyi, you attack me with all your strength, don’t keep your hands."

Zhang Yue walked to the center of a clearing.

"Received the three said at the same time that there will be a test for new teammates, which is also a tradition in the Terran team.

As soon as the three of them spoke, a light spot lit up on Zhang Yue's protective shield, and a transparent arrow of light and shadow exploded.

Si Liyun rushed towards Zhang Yue with the sword in both hands, and the giant sword in his hand began to shine with sharp light.

Liu Yiyi directly disappeared into the air, and then the environment around Zhang Yue changed drastically, and countless strange beasts appeared beside Zhang Yue, as if to tear Zhang Yue apart.

"Is this the effect of light and shadow folding? Interesting."

Zhang Yue said as he took out the giant shield of the Star God to block him.

'boom! ! ’

A hint of arrogance flashed in Si Liyun's eyes. As the highest-ranking giant sword warrior of the human race, even if the enemy is strong, he will shine with his own light.

‘The Power of Opening the Mountain: Split! ’

This was Si Liyun's strongest blow, beheading the seventh-order alien beast.

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