The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 330: Chaos Force

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Looking at the eruption of Si Liyun in the distance, Lu Heng shook his head and said: "This brother's three views are about to be refreshed, and it is too much for Brother Yue... to let this brother get close. ."

Lu Heng began to recall when he was close to Zhang Yue last time. He thought about it carefully. It seemed that he had only beaten Zhang Yue back when he met for the first time. The meeting was the pinnacle, which made him very melancholy.

"Hey, I hope this buddy doesn't have a shadow in his heart."

At this moment, a hundred-meter giant sword appeared in the sky and plunged against Zhang Yue.

‘Sword of the sky! ’

Si Liyun's face flushed, with blue veins revealing all over his body, indicating that he could do his best at this time.

Today, Zhang Yue must be forced to take a step back. This is Si Liyun's only idea now.

"This brother has something." Chu Feng said.

"That's a bit." Cai Celadon said lightly.

Just when the giant sword was about to attack Zhang Yue, a little pink snake rushed towards Zhang Yue like lightning in the air. It easily passed through Zhang Yue’s earth protection and plunged into Zhang Yue’s heart. s position.


A strange roar sounded in the air again, and a light arrow wrapped around several black shadows also shot at Zhang Yue, taking advantage of Zhang Yue's huge sword attack to block him, and kill him with one blow.

'boom! ’

The great sword was inserted, and the arrows entwined with light and shadow also attacked.

The two perfectly coordinated attacks caused waves of earth protection.

The little snake that entered Zhang Yue's heart was also caught by Zhang Yue and directly crushed in his hand.

After these three attacks, the three of them stopped at the same time, all looking at Zhang Yue in horror.

"Brother Xiong, I'll take it." Si Liyun didn't have any unwillingness on his face. As early as when he attacked, he was ready to fail. What he didn't expect was that he did everything he could to avoid shaking Zhang Yue. A little bit.

For the future to have such a comrade in arms, that little frustration is nothing.

"Big Brother Xiong, they are also convinced." Yi Mengshuang said, feeling very happy. The man his mother chose for herself was really strong enough.

Liu Yiyi nodded to Zhang Yue to show respect.

"You are also quite powerful. Those attacks just now can't be withstood by a general eighth-level powerhouse." Zhang Yue praised, and at the same time, he has a better understanding of the shield of his earth protection and wants to break it. It is estimated that it will take a strong person above the high-level perfect level to protect the situation by oneself.

"Well, you have already attacked, let's get a feel for my methods." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Gravity Shackles"

An iron chain condensed by the law of gravity suddenly appeared at the feet of the three, and it was tied to the three of them. The sudden increase in gravity almost made the three of them unstable.

"Ten times of gravity, I hope you like it. The training with these gravity is very effective."

"I am here to provide gravity shackles for my teammates for free."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he looked at the other teammates.

"Brother Xiong is right. Exercise is more effective under conditions of multiple gravity."

Lv Heng said loudly to his teammates around him that he exercised under Zhang Yue's law of gravity and reached the limit of his physical strength every time, and he could obviously feel his physical strength slowly improving.

After listening to Zhang Yue's words, the teammates all knew this exercise method, but they had never connected this to Zhang Yue.

When Si Liyun heard Lu Heng's words, his eyes lit up. He had to grasp this perfect opportunity for exercise.

"Brother Xiong, how long can this gravity last?" Liu Yiyi asked. Although she is not a fighter, her physical fitness is also a key factor in her cultivation.

"Ten days, if I feel it is not enough, I can add it, up to a hundred times." Zhang Yue replied.

Among the three, only Yi Meng pouted her small mouth, but Zhang Yue was okay.

At this time, Chu Feng and Cai Celadon came over and said to Zhang Yue's: "Brother Xiong, give me and brother one."

"You can't be idle for three months."

"Okay." Zhang Yue said, using the law of gravity, two more iron chains rose from the ground and tied to the two of them.

People have a cluster effect. After a while, everyone in the team puts on the shackles of gravity and starts training.

Zhang Yue sat on a high grassy **** and laughed as he watched the people working hard below.

After changing a comfortable posture, closing his eyes and immersing himself in the spiritual world, a huge star map appeared in Zhang Yue's eyes.

In the middle of the star chart is a small solar system. Not far from the solar system, there is a translucent star that is slowly condensing.

Running "Wanxing Zhenyu Jue", the starlight energy in Zhang Yue's body began to gather toward the semi-transparent star, forming countless starry sky law matter.

When Zhang Yue opened his eyes again, he found that the whole small world had turned into a dark night.

"A virtual starry sky?" Zhang Yue said, looking at the stars in the sky, practicing the law of the starry sky, and he could tell at a glance that it was a projection.

"Hey, the law of the starry sky is now a comprehension of the power of the stars and the power of the soul. The matter of these two laws can only allow me to condense two stars in the star chart. This level is also the level of the eighth order. ."

"As for other starry sky laws, I am still at a loss."

"There is also the law of the earth, it seems that I am stuck in a bottleneck."

Sitting on the ground, Zhang Yue held up a miniature planet formed by the laws of the earth in his left hand, and a star condensed by the laws of the stars in his right hand.

Two different laws and powers revolved around Zhang Yue, and they were very beautiful in the dark night.

This is a light flashing through Zhang Yue's mind.

"Earth, starry sky, and time, is there any connection between these three?" Zhang Yue murmured, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

The two hands are merged, the law of the earth and the sky are unified, and the power of time is added by Zhang Yue.

For an instant, Zhang Yue heard a cracking eggshell in his heart.

All the law and power in Zhang Yue's hand transformed into a ghost, in a chaos, a little light slowly lit up, then collapsed, leaving only a certain amount of chaotic energy.

At this time, the whole small world began to vibrate, as if it was about to collapse.

Feeling the vibration of the small world, Zhang Yue immediately took away the chaotic energy in his hand, put it in the spiritual space, and integrated it into the star chart.

"Boy, you are so courageous, you have not become a god, you start to study this stuff."

Kabbah's voice sounded from the bottom of Zhang Yue's heart.

"Boy, give you a piece of advice, in your universe, don't study this stuff, here the universe will focus on you, and it will be over."

Zhang Yue, who was still thinking about the chaotic energy, was awakened by Kabbah's voice.

"Does that kind of destruction represent chaos?" Zhang Yue asked, the feeling of new life in the destruction fascinated Zhang Yue.

"You can say that, but the little pseudo-chaotic power in your hand is not real chaos."

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