The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 333: Earth Demon 1 Family

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Iron Fist Demigod looked at these younger generations with infinite futures, and felt very comforted, especially Zhang Yue, who was on the same level as those top races on the battlefield of ten thousand races.

"Senior, I understand." Zhang Yue said while looking at the iron fist.

"In fact, my main point is to remind you not to kill first. I am still more confident in your strength." Tie Fist said with a smile, he was afraid that Zhang Yue would kill those alien teams.

"Senior don't worry, we will never dispatch Brother Xiong until the critical moment." Lu Heng said with a smile beside him.

"You only need to know, then I'm leaving."

"Senior is not here."

"We have a special place to entertain. It's nothing to just mix with you little guys." Iron Fist finished speaking and left.

Watching the iron fist demigod walk out of the small world, Lu Heng slowly said: "Among the human demigods, although the iron fist demigod is not the most powerful, it is definitely the most amazing."

"The battle between the human races, the iron fist and the demigods did not fall in a single battle. Every time the demigods fight, they are always at the forefront."

"Especially vulnerable to the siege of other alien demigods, every time you are beaten to death, but the magical thing, every time the iron fist demigod is beaten to death after being injured, the opposite alien begins to suffer casualties."

"The injured Iron Fist Demigod returned to its peak state after a period of recovery. The heavier the injury, the faster the recovery, as if there were no hidden injuries forever."

Zhang Yue secretly called himself strange when he heard that there was such a strange thing for the first time.

The next day, as a wave of energy fluctuations in the small world came, Zhang Yue knew that the spacecraft had started.

The whole team started their training life again.

At the foot of the snow-capped mountain, Ning Xiu and Si Liyun were all holding a huge boulder, and they were running around the foot of the mountain.

In a lawn clearing, there were countless sword lights crisscrossing each other, and two lightning-fast silhouettes collided and intertwined in the air. The sword lights collided and the air waves churned. For a while, sword lights left sword marks on the surrounding lawn.

In a battle arena where Zhang Yue condenses, there are various spells formed by energies. The five-element summoned beasts form a variety of magical arts. The arcanist's body is protected by heavy water, and the lightning flashes.

In a world formed by illusion, a female archer with a fascinating figure is closing her eyes, while resisting the invasion of the spirit and soul, while resisting the attack of the physical alien beast formed by illusion.

Zhang Yue and Lu Heng are facing each other with a halberd on a mountain platform cut off horizontally.

"Lu Heng, your inheritance is not fake," Zhang Yue said later.

Hearing Zhang Yue's words, Lu Heng said aggrieved: "Brother Xiong, the law of gravity you gave me has not been lifted. I am now using ten times the gravity to discuss with you, of course it won't work."

"I have twenty times the gravity on my body, did I say it." Zhang Yue said.

"..." Lu Heng

"It's useless to say more, Brother Xiong, let's continue."

Lu Hengxin rushed toward him with a halberd.

"The meaning of mad fighting"

Suddenly, Lu Heng was full of anger, and his eyes filled with fighting spirit revealed calmness.

"That's interesting."

Zhang Yue greeted him with a halberd.

In the main control room of the tauren spacecraft, he followed the demigod priest beside Niu Li and looked at the void map and said, "We will reach the border between the earth demons and the forest elves in five hours."

The adjutant next to the demigod sacrifice said: "These two races are feuds. I don't know what will happen after boarding the spaceship."

"They are also making trouble in the small world. It doesn't involve us, as long as they don't die." The priest said slowly, still thinking about the scene of meeting Zhang Yue for the first time.

"Humans, if there were no such variables as the King Kong Ape Clan, they would have risen a long time ago. The demigod-level defenders are all top-notch existences in the second and third-rate races."

"Now there is one more, legendary-level defender genius. If we come to successfully promote to the demigod, our tauren will pay more attention to the human race, and it will almost be on par with us." The sacrificial sigh said.

The three legendary Tianjiao who fell on the battlefield of the ten thousand races had just been resurrected some time ago, and he learned that Zhang Yue killed the god-class Tianjiao. He was deeply moved. Later, he was informed that he was successfully assassinated by the King Kong Ape Clan. Only after a sigh of relief, I didn't expect that there was another Xiong Ti now.

"The commander doesn't need to worry about this. If the human race really rises, our race will still be the tauren." said the adjutant.


At the junction of the forest clan and the earth demons clan, a large number of strong men of the two clans are facing each other.

"You little forest bugs dare to send a team to participate in the trial. Don't you want to be pinched to death by the great demons." The black-skinned and heavily armored demons are facing the opposite forest family with their mace. Said the demigod.

"The great family of demons? It's really ridiculous"

"You races that came out of the underground world are really arrogant. If it weren't for our true gods to go out, you would have a chance to come out."

"Dirty race, when the true **** of our race recovers, it will be your death date." The demigod of the forest clan opposite looked at the earth demon with hatred in his eyes. More than a thousand years ago, his family was destroyed by that earth demon disaster. Among.

"In the underground world, a small race like yours is only worthy of food. If it weren't for the limited number of places to enter the earth world, you thought your race would survive until now."

"And your true god, your race can't wait for the moment she wakes up." The earth demon grinned and said, the mother clan of the underground world, with the best of the whole clan, sent a top demigod. You can be promoted to the true **** within a hundred years, and at that time, these nasty bugs will become food.

The demigod of the forest elves wanted to do it, the sky was covered, and the world fell into darkness.

At this time, a giant lamp lit up on the spacecraft, illuminating the positions of the personnel of the two groups.

A half-god phantom with oxen power appeared in the sky, directly suppressing the two demi-gods.

Niu Li looked at the two peoples and said coldly: "Hurry up and get on the have another place to go."

He has no patience for other races, and he has a cold heart when facing alien races other than human races.

The demigod worship on the spaceship nodded with satisfaction, this is the courage of a second-rate race.

In the reception room, Iron Fist and Demigod looked at Niu Li and praised: "You have not seen you for many years, your aura is getting stronger and stronger."

"These are what the boss forced me to practice, saying that I will become the head of the tauren clan in the future, and I must have sufficient momentum." Niu Li touched the horns.

"Patriarch!" The iron fist half-god patted Niu Li's chest in surprise.

"Okay, brother, next time I meet, will I be promoted to the true god."

Among the tauren clan, only the tauren who is about to advance to the true **** can have the opportunity to serve as the head of the patriarch.

"Even if I am a true god, we are still brothers." Niu Li looked at the iron fist and said sincerely, he would never forget the arrow that iron fist blocked his back.

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