The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 334: Captain Demon

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'boom! ’

Lu Heng was once again hit by Zhang Yue with a Fangtian halberd, flying out like a meteor.

Just as he was about to fall off the platform, a big starlight hand grabbed Lu Heng in mid-air and pulled him back.

"Progress is okay." Zhang Yue exaggerated.

Now he really feels a bit lonely as a master. Seeing that he has to be cautious when he even learns, for fear that he might be killed by accident, Zhang Yue looked at the Royal Star Shield in the storage space, wondering when he would be able to do so. Use it.

"Brother Xiong, really." Lu Heng said happily.

"Well, the progress is obvious, come on, I might not be able to fight you with Euphorbia by then." Zhang Yue smiled and said, in all fairness, now Lu Heng's strength is placed in the second-rate race, which belongs to the level of genius, but it is only far away It's almost a billion points.

At this moment, the portal of the small world was rippling, and a group of demons appeared.

"Human race, you give me out, your pitiful strength does not deserve to own this small world."

A savage voice spread throughout the small world.

Lu Heng, who was talking to Zhang Yue, brightened his eyes. After waiting for such a long time, his bones were about to rust, and finally a foreigner came to find fault.

"Brother Xiong, relieve the gravity and let me relax my muscles and bones."

Lu Heng hurriedly said to Zhang Yue that he was afraid that the trouble-finding team that had finally waited was suppressed by Zhang Yue.

"Don't worry, I won't make a move until the last moment." Zhang Yue said to Lu Heng. Now he has no interest in abuse of food.

"Thank you Brother Yue."

Lu Heng looked at the group of earth demons far away from the mountain, facing the teammates below, stimulating the energy in his body and shouting at the mountain, "Don't be impulsive, let me come!"

"..." Everyone, you are the impulse.

After speaking, he looked at Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue raised his hand and lifted the law of gravity in Lu Heng's spiritual space.

Lu Heng felt his body light in an instant, and then he leaped towards the bottom of the mountain. At the same time, he took out a pair of flying bracelets from the storage space, and stayed on his hands, his body swayed in the air, towards the distant demons. The direction flew past.

The captain of the Earth Demon Clan led the team in this trial, looking at Lu Heng, who was flying towards him quickly in the distant sky, and seeing the expressions of those weak and small human races who were not afraid of things, and felt a bit wrong.

It’s not that the human race has just been promoted to the third-rate middle-level race.

Si Liyun looked at the demons who came in. He was really nervous at first, but after thinking about what Zhang Yue was afraid of, he began to let go. Unexpectedly, the first one turned out to be Lu Heng. .

Lu Heng slowly landed in front of the Earth Demon clan team.

"I can't go through the process."

Lu Heng's first sentence made the captain of the Earth Demon Clan be blinded. What does this mean?

"Weak races are not qualified to enjoy this wonderful world. Get out of here."

After hearing the words of Captain Dao Demon, Lu Heng sighed and said, "It seems that you are going through a process."

"A group of filthy people from the underground world dare to come to the human race to go wild."

"Weak? A demons who are not two or second-rate races, actually said that we are a human race who resists the invasion of the second-rate race is weak."

"You didn't have your head when you went out, or that you fell into your mother's stomach when you were born."

Lu Heng's mocking expression instantly angered Captain Demon, and when he wanted to speak, he was interrupted by Lu Heng.

"If it weren't for the Tauren clan spacecraft, you would all have to die."

The suffocated captain of the Demon almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

A giant mace was taken out by the captain of the Earth Demon clan and rushed towards Lu Heng.

The body of the Demon Captain instantly soared to 6 meters, and a huge demon head appeared behind him.

"Little bug, you have to pay for your words." The Demon Captain roared.

"That's right, what's the process?"

Lu Heng took out Fang Tian's painted halberd, and behind him appeared a phantom that made a figure of a peerless strongman with a halberd out of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, and everyone immediately felt a sense of killing.

"Today, let me teach you what is so great."

‘Crazy Battle’

"God of War"

The momentum that Lu Heng exploded in an instant caused all the earth demons present to start to palpitate.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, Zhang Yue looked at two distant voices that were about to collide, and said, "A third-rate race who dares to be so arrogant is also drunk."

The two figures collided.

'boom! ’

The mace and Fang Tian's painted halberd collided, and a strong wave of air dispersed around them.

At the same time, the two of them were pushed back a few steps by the huge counter shock force.

"It deserves to be an elite of a race, but Tier 4 strength is not qualified to fight against me." Captain Demon grinned.

"Now let me have fun with you."

The captain of the Earth Demon blew up a lot of magic energy around his body and began to infect the surrounding space.

‘Fear space’

In an instant, the huge demon face behind Captain Earth Demon exploded, exuding a large amount of demon energy, and for a while, the air around Lu Heng and Captain Earth Demon was completely replaced by demon energy.

"The unique devilish energy of our Earth Demon clan, enjoy it."

"Although I can't kill you on the spaceship, it is still possible to give you a scar that will never be remembered."

Everyone looked at Lu Heng who was surrounded by demonic energy and began to worry. When strictly speaking, the demons were a branch of the demons and belonged to the first-class race in the underground world, but they were suppressed by laws in the surface world and could not exert their full strength.

Zhang Yue looked at the form of battle, perceiving the area that instantly covered Lu Heng, and found that Lu Heng was still resisting the devilish energy before he was relieved.

When he was about to take action to suppress the Captain of the Earth Demon, Lu Heng's voice came over.

"Brother Xiong, don't shoot, I can still fight."

"I, Lu Heng, will not admit counsel until the last minute."

After hearing Lu Heng's words, Zhang Yue put away the hand of Captain Demon.

"What a pure fighting boy, if it wasn't for knowing that you have regular ultimatums, I would believe it."

This is coming from a roar.

"Broken Star!!"

Lu Heng's whole body's fighting spirit suddenly became like blood, and he rushed out of the demon energy space with the Fang Tian painted halberd, and stabbed the Earth Demon Captain.

The captain of the Earth Demon was inexplicably palpitated looking at the little cold light on the Fang Tian painted halberd that was piercing him.

Immediately holding a mace against the rushing Lv Heng, he smashed the’s Hammer’

A giant mace appeared in the sky, slamming it towards Lu Heng.

"Just waiting for your trick."

A cold light flashed in Lu Heng's eyes, and Fang Tian's painted halberd turned into a giant Fang Tian painted halberd, and he pointed at the mace in the sky.

'boom! ! ’

Fang Tian’s painting halberd and mace broke simultaneously,

At the moment when the weapons on both sides broke apart, the two of them had a halt at the same time.

At this time, Lu Hengqiang swallowed a mouthful of blood and swallowed Fang Tian's painted halberd again.

"Euphorbia Hengjiang"

Everyone in the distance saw a giant halberd appearing in the Demon Qi space, sweeping the entire Earth Demon space.

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