The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 40: The beast wave begins

   Zhao Yujue's communicator vibrated, it was Zhang Yue's video call. After being connected, Zhao Yujue directly zoomed in and projected in front of the three of them. Although Zhang Yue in the video looked rather embarrassed, it was not a big deal on the whole.

   After seeing that Zhang Yue was okay, the three of them let go of their last worry.

   "Brother Yue, where are you, do we need to pick you up?" Zheng Yang said.

   "No, send me a position, and I will find you by myself. The goal of the three people is too big." In the wild, at night is the world of alien beasts, and the human race is not dominant. Zhang Yue let them continue to hide.

   "Okay." Zhao Yujue sent the location to Zhang Yue.

   On the back of a hidden hill, Zhang Yue was resting, opening the position sent by Zhao Yujue, not too far away, it would take an hour to run at the cruising speed.

   After eating the energy bar in his hand, Zhang Yue got up and ran towards the three of them by the moonlight. While running, Zhang Yue began to think about the gains from fighting with Tier 4 alien beasts. Earth bear, Tier 4 intermediate alien beast, with soil attributes. His talent skills are ground stab and quicksand production. The body can absorb earth energy anytime and anywhere. Replenish body energy.

This is the information of the Earth Bear that Zhang Yue just found. Zhang Yue thinks he can absorb the energy of the earth when he is fighting, but Zhang Yue can only absorb energy from the earth when his body is still. To absorb anytime, anywhere.

   ‘Can you only be able to touch the earth through your body?’ Zhang Yue fell into thinking. Zhang Yue suddenly saw the stars in the sky. He had an idea that since he can absorb the power of the stars through consciousness, why can’t he absorb the power of the earth with consciousness?

Zhang Yue began to try. He slowly sinked his consciousness into the earth, only feeling the strong soil attributes, but no matter how hard Zhang Yue attracted and absorbed, he couldn't get any soil attributes. After a while, Zhang Yue gave up And started to concentrate on the journey.

   An hour later, Zhang Yue and the three will reconcile.

   "Brother Yue, you're a real cow." The three of them all gave Zhang Yue a thumbs up. It was a normal Tier 4 monster, and Tier 2 versus Tier 4, even if it was to escape from Tier 4, it was considered capital.

   "Brother Yue, you killed the bear of the earth?" Zhao Yujue asked. Although she felt it was impossible, she still wanted to ask, if a miracle happened.

   Zhang Yue was stunned after hearing this, and smiled and said, "You think too much. The earth bear is tired of beating me. I can't kill it. In the end, he left by himself."

   After listening to the four people, they exclaimed, people are incomparable. He couldn't even stand the paw of the bear of the earth, and Zhang Yue had to fight the okay person for so long.

   "I am driving the shield, and the attack power of the earth bear is reduced by one third. If I use my full strength, I can't stand it." Zhang Yue added.

   The three of them pretended to be injured by the full score of Xueba, and were also injured twice by the final additional questions.

   Zhao Yujue pointed to the food on the temporarily built table and said, "Brother Yue, have you eaten yet, I will save you food."

   "Thank you Sister Zhao, I just ran for a long time and I was a little hungry."

   After the meal, Zhang Yue went out of the cave to practice holding the shield. There was no shading array outside, and Zhang Yue did not absorb the star power. He just stood there quietly holding the shield, silently absorbing the energy of the earth. Today's Zhang Yue's power of the earth has become more proficient. When Zhang Yue discovered that the energy of the earth he had absorbed, there was a trace of other things mixed in the absorbed energy.

   When Zhang Yue felt this strand of energy carefully, he only felt the purity and broadness of that strand of energy, a bit like a higher level of energy.

   After finishing his daily homework, Zhang Yue returned to his cave to start the basic cosmic energy extraction technique, feeling that the cosmic energy was absorbed by himself and refined into his own energy.

   Early in the morning, the four of them set out to find the bloodthirsty wolf.

  After searching for the whole morning, a group of bloodthirsty silver wolves were finally found behind a hill, a total of 24.

   "Usually plan?" Zheng Yang asked.

   "No problem, Brother Yue's skill is simply a magical skill." Ren Feipeng took the opportunity to lick again, and Zheng Yang cast a contemptuous look.

   "Yes." Zhang Yue said lightly. Now it is a small problem for him. The bloodthirsty silver wolf individual is much weaker than the giant rock bear.

   After seeing that the battle plan was finalized, Zhao Yujue took out the drone and activated it to fly into the air.

   "Apply for excellence + evaluation task begins." Zhao Yujue said to the drone.

   When the drone received the signal from Zhao Yujue, it began to reply with electronic sounds.

   "Starting to apply for the task."

   "The mission application is approved, Observer: No. 13, please start the mission next."

   After speaking, the drone flew into the air, turned on the optical stealth, and slowly disappeared into the air.

   "Okay, let's start." Zhao Yujue said.

   The four kept in formation and walked towards the wolves.

Just arrived in the territory of the bloodthirsty silver wolf, twenty-three bloodthirsty silver wolves the size of an adult Siberian tiger turned their heads and looked at the four people together. Twenty-three pairs of blood-red eyes stared at the four people, and their mouths were dangerous. the sound of.

   "This neat looking back is really powerful." Zhang Yue smiled.

   "Be careful, more than 20 bloodthirsty silver wolves dare to hunt and kill Tier 4 monsters. They are very cruel. Don't be surrounded by them." Zhao Yujue said.

   "Don't worry, they will never attack you." Zhang Yue stared at the wolf pack and promised.

   Zhang Yue began to condense the earth force into a war spear, and threw it at the wolves. Now this is a sign of the beginning of the battle with the wealthy team.

   The battle spear directly pierced a bloodthirsty silver wave thigh under Zhang Yue's tremendous strength.

   "Wow!!!" The pack of wolves rushed towards Zhang Yue and the four.

   When approaching the Zhang Yue team more than 80 meters, he wanted to scatter into an envelop to surround the four people, and Zhang Yue directly used a special earth wall to enclose half of them.

   holding the shield-transformed giant shield, rushed towards the other half of the pack of wolves, and the powerful impact suddenly turned the people hit by the pack on their backs. Zheng Yang held his newly bought sharp rune giant sword to make up his sword nearby, and output all his strength remotely.

   At the same time, the professional headquarters, team evaluation department, task room No. 13.

   Tian Zhenghao, who was drinking tea leisurely, almost spit out the tea he had just drunk.

"Are they looking for death!" Tian Zhenghao saw the four-man team directly stiff steel wolves, and his jaw dropped. You are a Tier 2 team, even if you are all excellent + level professionals, you have to take your time. Gang, your brains, your wisdom, go to school for nothing.

   When Tian Zhenghao was about to call for rescue, the battle in the video reversed to his expectations. In the following time Tian Zhenghao watched the whole process in shock with his mouth open, and he didn't know that it was cold with the tea in his hand.

   "Is this a Tier 2 team? How can this shield bearer be so good."

   "Why is the fighting style of this giant sword warrior a bit assassinous, the path is wrong."

   "A qualified archer and arcanist understand the important trends of this profession."

"This shield bearer, if I read it right, has the power of the earth, immovable like a mountain, and shield. Looking at the strength of the body, there is no doubt that there is a possibility of understanding the power of the can be evaluated as perfect. level."

   After Tian Zhenghao came back to his senses, he started talking to himself and started with the rich team.

   "When this shield bearer reaches Tier 3, it will be amazing. By then, I don't know how many chambers of commerce and forces will begin to win over this young man."

   "But this kid's style is a bit like a country's barrier."

   Tian Zhenghao called up Zhang Yue's information as he spoke, and realized that when he saw that the column of Master Zhang Yue was Zhao Gaoshi.

   "I'll just say, do famous teachers make good students?"


  The battle is over and the four begin to clean up the battlefield.

"Brother Zheng, your path is a bit wrong." Zhang Yue said worriedly. Because there was no pressure, Zhang Yue looked at Zheng Yang's sword skills after fighting to the point, and he didn't pay attention to this before. Over.

   "I also know that, but my style is the most suitable for our team. I often practice in private, and I can't make any mistakes." Zheng Yang explained with a wry smile.

   "Brother Zheng, let's learn from each other in the future if nothing happens, and exercise each other's sword skills." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said, fortunately Zheng Yang noticed it from the beginning, so just pay attention later.

   When the four of them got in the car and started to return to the city, the earth slowly began to vibrate. Countless strange beasts began to appear in front of Zhang Yue's four.

   Tier 6 earth travel dragon, two-winged giant dragon, saber-toothed tiger, red flame lion

   Tier 5 shadow leopard, lion barbarian, red-eye horned beast, purple star wolf

   Tier 4 Earth Bear, Ironback Grey Bear, Bursting Tusk, Two-Headed Fire Python

   These are the strange beasts that four people can see with a glance, the heaven and the underground are endless, moving in the direction of the blue city.


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