Blue City, the sky suddenly remembered the sound of air defense sirens, and everyone's personal communicators received the message.

   "The big beast tide is coming! All non-combat professionals are quickly offline!"

   For a while, everyone in Shuilan City started to get busy.

   "Son!" As if telepathic, Zhang Shaohui and Li Lengzhen exclaimed at the same time, and quickly contacted their son. Receive an automatic reply: I am running for my life, and I am safe at the moment, so don’t worry.

   "The city is on the first level of alert, and professionals with intermediate and high-level or above are urgently called up to listen to the instructions of the central system!" The majestic voice came to mind in the sky.

   "It's a demigod Wuming-sama!"

   "We have a demigod this time, so don't be afraid."

   All the professionals were pleasantly surprised that the large beast tide 20 years ago, half of the city was destroyed due to the absence of demigods in the water blue city, and it was only restored to life after two or three years.


   "Quick! Run!" the four of them were shocked.

   Zheng Yang directly accelerated to the limit, and the terrain vehicle was like an off-string arrow, quickly advancing towards the blue city.

   It's also a coincidence that when the four of them saw the beast tide in the distance, the four-person communicator also received an emergency message.

   "Damn, come 5 minutes early, maybe we will be safe." Ren Feipeng said anxiously.

   Zhang Yue patrolled the surroundings of the car to prevent accidents.

   "The only good news at the moment is that the beast tide is not advancing very fast in the gathering stage, and we still have a chance." Zhao Yujue said after observing with the eye of arcane wind.

"It's okay to be able to escape, and nothing else." Zheng Yang drove the car nervously. When he thought of a group of Tier 6 monsters behind the car, he felt that the thief was **** irritating. He was hovering on the edge of life and death. I feel that every time is precious.

   At this moment, where it was yesterday, another wall of soil rose.

   "Little Bear, you NNGT." Zheng Yang cursed.

   "Go straight, don't stop." Zhang Yue directly used the shield wall to build a **** in front of the earth wall. The terrain vehicle flew into the air along the slope, landed quickly, and rode out of the dust.

"I won't make a mistake the second time for the same thing." Zhang Yue not only added a **** on the dirt wall, but also trapped the bear of the earth that was about to rush over. Although it was only a moment, it was enough for the terrain vehicle to escape. Go to a safe place.

   At this moment, Zhao Yujue said suddenly: "The people who attacked us last time are right in front. I put arcane marks on them."

   "Zheng Yang avoid!" Zhang Yue said loudly.

   At this moment, three heavy arrows shot towards Zheng Yang who was driving.

   "Give me a good interception of the alien beasts behind." A voice came from the front, still using arcane voice art.

Fortunately, with Zhang Yue’s reminder, Zheng Yang hit the steering wheel directly to the side and avoided the three heavy arrows. At this moment, Zhang Yue became murderous. He wanted to let them go. This account will be calculated later. Thinking of them actually looking for death on their own.

   "I'm going to shoot an arrow." Ren Feipeng took out the bow and arrow with a black face, as if climbing out of the car.

   "Within 100 meters of them." Zhang Yue said murderously.

"it is good!"

   At the reminder of Zhang Yue, the terrain vehicle escaped the next heavy arrow. The distance between the two sides slowly narrowed, and the opposite was also a terrain vehicle, but it was not as fast as Zhang Yue's.

   "Boss, they are catching up." The driver said hurriedly.

"What are you afraid of? The group of scum on the opposite side did not kill you last time. With the help of the beast tide, you must die." The middle-aged archer said as he took out an arcane rocket launcher from the storage space. This is his. Most of the cards are by your side.

   The two sides were close to 80 meters. Zhang Yue placed an earthen wall in front of the opposite car. As a result, the archer who had not yet exposed his body directly suffocated the inside of the car. The opposite vehicle hit the earth wall and the vehicle was scrapped. The opposite side quickly got off the car and hurriedly started to run, but in the end it was swallowed by the beast tide.

   "I wanted to let you go, don't blame me if you want to die by yourself." Zhang Yue said silently in his heart, after all, he was a little nervous about killing, but after thinking about it, he was considered legitimate.

   continued to flee, and the beast tide got closer and closer to the terrain vehicle. According to the calculation of the elementary school math application problems, the terrain vehicle should be swallowed by the beasts 100 kilometers away from the blue city.

   Just as everyone was thinking of a way, a larger off-road vehicle came next to the terrain vehicle, which should be called an off-road passenger vehicle.

   There is a sound from parallel cars.

"Haha, your savior is here." Yizheng said triumphantly. They were escaping in front of Zhang Yue, but Yizheng detected that the four of Zhang Yue were behind them and their speed could not be maintained. The beast wave engulfed. Yi immediately decided to save them.

   "You guys come up, my car is fast." Yi Zheng said loudly.

   Zheng Yang immediately turned on the autopilot mode and jumped into Yizheng's luxury off-road bus with the three of them.

   After the four people got on the bus, they received a warm welcome from the Tianjuan team.

   "Feng Xing, start the grounded rapid flight mode." Yi Zheng ordered.

   "Understand, boss!" Feng Xing replied Everyone felt a huge thrust coming, the speed was twice as happy as before.

   "In 10 minutes, you can safely reach the water blue city, whether it is defending the city or offline, it will be safe."

   Just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a harsh eagle cry came.

   "Archer alert!" Yizheng shouted, and then through the transparent skylight, he saw a purple giant eagle staring at the off-road bus.

   "Lying grass, fourth-order purple electric giant eagle." Yi Zheng said a little depressed, and then took out a scroll, activated it on the car, and the cross-country bus was covered with a blue protective cover.

   "Eight minutes, the fourth-order Aquamarine Guardian can only last for eight minutes. Next, we will start to discuss ways, or let the purple electric giant eagle go." Yizheng said.

   "Your family is so rich, why don't you bring more." Zheng Yang said.

   "I didn't know there would be beast tide, it is estimated that my two sixth-order powerhouses who secretly protected me have already died." Yi Zheng said a little sad.

   "Me and the archers in your team can last for two minutes, maybe we can call for rescue." Ren Feipeng said.

   "The rescue team has no time. They have more important things to do. I have asked for help a long time ago. I can only look at the archers."

   "Finally, I stood on the roof of the car as the last guard." Zhang Yue said.

   "Okay, the plan is finished. Let's start preparing for the battle, take this time to write a suicide note, after all, the latter is very dangerous." Zheng Yang said.

   Zhang Yue looked at the communicator's suicide note function, thought for a while, and wrote a sentence: Dad, Mom, sorry. My son is not filial, so I can't accompany you anymore.

   Zhang Yue had no other thoughts at this time, only one thought, to live, and then go home.


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