The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 62: First battle

   After 20 minutes, Zhang Yue took the initiative to cancel the shield wall.

   After the shield wall was removed, countless flame-swallowing beasts rushed towards everyone.

   "Keep in line, charge!" Xu Ling's instructions came out of the headset.

The whole team is in a diamond shape, with Zhang Yue as the head, the other three shield bearers are covering the tail, the warriors are at the outermost part, the mechanics are second, and the archers are all mounted on the summoned beasts, maneuvering inside, and the rest are in the core position. .

   The entire team quickly charged at the Yanyan Beast herd for a period of time, and ran into three Tier 4 Yanyan Beasts.

   Three huge magma **** burst into the air with a violent breath.

   "Shou!" Xu Ling reminded when the Yan-Swallowing Beast condensed the lava ball.

   The whole team quickly stopped to make a defensive formation.

   Bang, bang, bang, three sniper bullets hit the magma ball.

Three magma **** exploded into countless small rocks with a ‘boom’.

   "Shield Wall"

   A huge shield wall blocked all the small stones from attacking.

   "Attack! Target, three Tier 4."

   Zhang Yue withdrew the shield wall and pushed in the direction of the three Tier 4 Flame Swallowing Beasts.

   Shield potential, anti-gravity, coordinated with Zhang Yue's collision, directly knocked all the Yan-Swallowing Beasts ahead. Xu Ling said earlier in the battle plan that the main goal is to kill Tier 4 alien beasts in a defensive battle. Tier 3 alien beasts don’t need to spend a lot of effort to kill. Resistance is the main task. Too many Tier 3 alien beasts cannot be killed. .

   The three Tier 4 Flame-Swallowing Beasts saw that their magma **** were not working, they rushed towards Zhang Yue's team.

   ‘Shield Wall’, within 100 meters of the three Tier 4 Flame Swallowing Beasts approaching Zhang Yue, they were directly surrounded by the shield wall. The soft shield wall trapped them one by one, leaving only their heads outside.

   Without Xu Ling's order, 10 arcanists, 5 mechanics, and 6 archers directly set fire to three Tier 4 inflammation swallowing beasts. Xu Ling emphasized in the battle plan that the attack priority of Tier 4 alien beasts is the highest.

   "Arcane Explosion Bomb"

   "A Shot of Destruction"

   "Armor Breaking Burst Arrow"

   "Energy Storage Ice Spear"

   "Ice Blade"

   "Break Wind Cone"

   This posture directly scared the three eager assassins back. They could only fight internally from the periphery, which seemed extremely depressed, but the quick support of the three assassins made the peripheral soldiers a lot easier.

   Three Tier 4 Flame-Swallowing Beasts were directly killed, and the strange beasts within a radius of 20 meters were also swept away.

Xu Ling saw that Zhang Yue really controlled three Tier 4 alien beasts so easily, or Tier 4 advanced alien beasts. Her expression was wonderful. If she had Zhang Yue in the frontier area, 2000 people would dare to go to the werewolf camp. After a wave, Zhang Yue was the tip of the knife, and the whole knife became extremely sharp, capable of offensive and defensive, and it was omnipotent.

   "Go ahead." Xu Ling ordered.

   The entire team made an orderly advance, keeping the diamond formation at all times.

   Watching Zhang Yue smash all the strange beasts in front of him, everyone in the team surrounded by shields felt an incomparable sense of security.

"Sister Zhao, how did your team find this great god, and how did you feel that it is not at the same level as the shield holders in our team." An arcanist from the same school as Zhao Yujue approached Zhao Yujue and said, Zhang Yue gave him It feels too strong. I didn’t look closely at the outside and thought it was an intermediate shield holder. The impact of so many alien beasts did not slow Zhang Yue’s forward speed by a point. Tier 4 alien beasts were directly charged without a trace of struggle. live.

   "This great **** was sent by another big guy to train in our team." Zhao Yujue thought for a while and said.

   "You saved that boss's life, thank you so much?"

   "Maybe it was luck. I accidentally met that big guy, and then sent the apprentice over, and our team embarked on the magnetic permeability highway." After Zhao Yujue finished speaking, he brightened the ring in his hand proudly.

"Energy storage ring!!!" The arcanist showed an envious expression. The energy storage ring with 200 million energy points, referred to as the second life, the ring can store vitality, mental power and arcane energy, and it can be directly restored when tired in battle. Heyday.

   Arcanist took another look at Zhao Yujue's whole body, good fellow, the total value of his equipment is definitely more than 500 million energy points.

   "Ice Spear"

An ice spear was sent from Zhao Yujue's hands. The spear-like ice spear directly pierced the three flame-swallowing beasts to the heart, and solved the crisis of that piece. The arcanist sighed, this is the power of krypton gold .

   "Attention, everyone, there are 7 Tier 4 Flame Swallowing Beasts appearing on the left and right sides, and they accelerate forward 2000 meters, forming a defense."

   Xu Ling saw 7 Tier 4 giant Yan-Swallowing Beasts attacking her aggressively in the distance.

   Everyone accelerated forward, and a huge forest could be seen in the distance, boundless.

   "Zhang Yue, put a shield wall in front of you to counterattack the Tier 4 Flame-Swallowing Beast from the side." Xu Ling said.


   A semicircular shield wall appeared in front of everyone.

   "Defend against the wall, find a chance to counter the 7 Tier 4 Flame Swallowing Beasts, the first stage is about to end, everyone, hold on." Xu Ling's voice came from the headphones.


"The warrior is defending, and the mechanic is doing his best to focus on the three Tier 4 Flame-Swallowing Beasts on the left. Arcanist notice, except for the largest one on the right side, there are three Tier 4 Flame-Swallowing Beasts in the right side. The assassin gathers the most fire, the archers randomly make up the knife, pay attention to the timing. The priest is on the state, and the rest guard the gap." The instructions were issued one by one received their own orders.

Mechanic, 5 mechanics got together, one took out a huge box, and started each. In some boxes, countless tiny robots flew to the sky, and some came out of the box with countless mechanical mice quickly crawling to the battlefield. Some deformed into a huge shaped cannon, some turned into a machine cannon, and a more excessive box was exoskeleton armor, which the mechanic put on and flew directly into the sky.

   "There are even the big bosses of Mecha Stream, our team is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." The other Arcanists sighed.

   The three assassins slowly faded, and finally disappeared into the air completely.

"You guys build mine-based permeance structure for me. I will be the core. Let's shoot one by one, so that there will be no aftermath to the Assassin Brothers." A fat female arcanist took out three basketballs the size Super solid titanium alloy pellets.

"I have seen Sister Cannon." All arcanists are in awe. The most terrifying among the arcanists who are proficient in the Thunder system is to major in electromagnetic cannons. As long as time is given, low-level can also deal super damage, but it is against willpower and Spiritual requirements are high, and it is the core combat power at the border.

   At this time, seven huge magma **** smashed towards everyone with an invincible aura.

   "Leave it to me, you concentrate on defending." After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he rushed out with a shield.

  ‘Shield Wall! ! ! A series of seven shield walls appeared in the direction where the magma ball hit.

   Zhang Yue held a huge shield and tried to open the shield to its maximum, holding the shield at the end of the seven shield walls.

'boom! ! 'With seven huge sounds in a row, all shield walls were destroyed, and all the seven huge magma **** were blocked by Zhang Yue. However, Zhang Yue's body was numb and his arms were almost destroyed. At this time, the four lights of life hit After entering Zhang Yue's body, Zhang Yue was able to breathe.


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