The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 63: End of Phase 1

   After Zhang Yue resisted all the magma balls, he quickly retreated to the team and began to recover his numb body.

Xu Ling looked at the flame-swallowing beasts getting closer, and thought that it was easier than she thought. The teams are all excellent, with their own trump cards. The gunner surprised her slightly. The gunner is a team at any time. The most respected existence in China, because you may encounter a crisis that day, you will have to rely on the gun sister to come back.

"Zi~~~" A burst of electromagnetic noise attracted Zhang Yue's attention. Nine arcanists were building electromagnetic acceleration channels for the fat female arcanist on both sides. Female arcanist In the most central position, the super-strong titanium alloy live ammunition is floating in front of him, with his hands in muzzle equipment, and he is aiming at the Tier 4 Yanyan beast that rushes over.

   ‘bang, bang, bang,’ a huge wave of air was set off in the team, and three super-strong titanium alloy projectiles braving thunder light rushed towards the three Tier 4 Flame-Swallowing Beasts. All the arcanists were knocked to the ground by the reaction force, and the female arcanist seemed to be hollowed out, sitting on the ground for a long time without responding.

   When the three Tier 4 Flame Swallowing Beasts had not reacted, they were directly headshot and fell on the way to charge.

   "Sister Pao is amazing!!"

   "Niu X!!!"

   "It's really accurate!!"

   The rest of the arcanists praised the female arcanist after seeing the target being headshot.

   At this time, the sound of a shocking explosion came from the left side of the team, and the sky went dark, as if all the light was concentrated in the explosion.

   As soon as the fire passed, a roaring Tier 4 Flame-Swallowing Beast rushed out of the explosion smoke, covered with scars, and looked overwhelmed.

   At this time, a mechanic wearing exoskeleton mecha flying in the sky, holding a 6-meter-long giant sword, rushed towards the Yanyan Beast, and directly chopped down the head of the Yanyan Beast.

"It made us archers incapable of killing." Ren Feipeng said with a curled lips. When the Tier 4 Flame-Swallowing Beast rushed out, he had already aimed and was ready to kill with one blow, but he was taken the lead by the mecha boss. .

   "Who makes our archers weaker in the early stage, inferior to those mechanics and arcanists, hold on, and we will be fathers in the later stage." An archer next to Ren Feipeng said.

   "Also, we are in the late stage, so we should stabilize in the early stage."

   "Zhang Yue, pay attention to the biggest Yan-Swallowing Beast, and create opportunities for the assassins." Xu Ling said to Zhang Yue.


   Under the recovery of Zhang Yue's heavy soil and strong physique, he has recovered seven or eighty-eight.

   Zhang Yue held his shield to meet the angry Yan-Swallowing Beast.

The Flame Swallowing Beast King saw that all its Tier 4 brothers had been killed, and was immediately furious. It did not understand why those Tier 3 bugs could kill its own little brother so easily. Now it wants to kill all the little bugs. Let them know that they are the king of the Yanyan Beast clan, and the king's majesty is inviolable.

   Yan Swallowing Beast King’s eyes were in disbelief, he was directly hit by Zhang Yue who was driving on anti-gravity. After landing, he was controlled by Zhang Yuedun's wall and couldn't escape.

   At this time, three phantoms flashed on the head of the Yan-Swallowing Beast, launched a fatal blow, and then disappeared.

   Three sword marks appeared on the head of Yan Yan Beast King, and the wound went straight to the brain. At this time, the brain of Yan Yan Beast King had become a real paste.

   "Return to defense, Zhang Yue established defense, the first stage is over, everyone is ready to rest." Xu Ling's cold voice came from the headset.

   Zhang Yue rushed back to the team and directly used the original shield wall to build a circular defensive shield wall.

   Zhang Yue sank the Yanyan beast in the circle directly into the ground with a "burial beast", clean and hygienic.

   "You have a good skill. It saves a lot of effort by burying the alien beast directly in the ground." Xu Ling walked over to Zhang Yue and said.

   "Haha, the kind of strange beasts that I can't kill are all caught by me and sunk underground, which is very convenient." Zhang Yue laughed, and he took out two folding chairs and opened them to signal Xu Ling to sit down.

   "It's very convenient. In the later stage, your skills will become stronger and feel like you can bury thousands of strange animals at once." Xu Ling took the folding chair and sat down and said.

   She came over to have a chat with Zhang Yue to see if Zhang Yue meant to go to the frontier battlefield. According to the usual practice, all Tianjiao evildoers will experience on the battlefield, including the children of the nobles and giants, who will also be sent to the battlefield for experience.

   "This is how I conceived. The disadvantage is that the raw materials of the alien animal are not available, which is a pity." Zhang Yue scratched his head and said.

   "In the future, the strength will be strong, and the raw materials of the alien beast are secondary."

   "Yes, by the way, Sister Xu, did you like this when you commanded battles in the frontier area." Zhang Yue asked curiously. Although he can watch the live broadcast of the battlefield, some details are still invisible.

"No, there are more battles in the frontier battlefield, and the layout is more biased. Now fighting the alien beasts is relatively simple and rude, there is no calculation, just use the characteristics of our team to maximize the combat power." Xu Ling said .

   "Well, I thought it was the same when fighting a foreign race, it was just brainless steel."

"On the other side are intelligent races, we decided that it is impossible to kill alien races like we kill alien beasts, but our human race has always been in the leading position strategically. Once a second-rate intermediate tauren clan, we paid a huge price to invite us Zhuge Army God over. Sitting and helping to direct the battle has won tremendous benefits for our human race."

   "There is still such a thing, our army is mighty!" Zhang Yue said proudly.

   "There are many more things like this, you will know in the future. Are you interested in going to the frontier battlefield to practice in the future?" Xu Ling looked at Zhang Yue and asked.

   "This is a must. Once I reach the standard, I will definitely go to the frontier battlefield. That's where professionals should go the most." Zhang Yue said yearning.

   "It's a meat grinder there. The situation has intensified recently. Our human race will have at most 50 years left. We may face a joint attack by the werewolf tribe and the diamond ape tribe."

"In 50 years, I estimate that I can reach the high level on time, and then I will be waiting for them on the battlefield." Zhang Yue's eyes lit up a raging fire. Born in the great age, he should have the courage to face the challenges of the times. Big risks have big opportunities.

   "Very good, tell me when you go to the frontier area, how about putting you in my team then."

   "Good Sister Ling."

   It was noon, and everyone began to take out their own food for lunch.

   Dinner with the wealthy team.

   "Brother Yue, what were you talking about with the **** just now." Zheng Yang asked while eating a large piece of meatloaf.

   "Yes, yes." The other two also saw it curiously.

   "The Great God wants me to go to her team when I go to the frontier battlefield in the future." Zhang Yue said concisely.

   "Really, can we take me with us in Tier 4 from now on," the three of them expected.

   "No problem, if we are destined then, we are still in the first team." Zhang Yue said, he felt that these three teammates were really good and they were very happy to get along with each other.

   "After an hour, move on." A voice came from the headset.


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