The Last God Of The League Of Legends

Chapter 5 - Genesis 4 THE ORIGIN.

right in the celestial city of mount targon there are several beings formed by energy,

The first of these is the aspects of war that will later be known as PANTHEON

THE ARTISAN OF WAR "and a little further on there is another aspect. THE MOON SCARNY which will later be known as DIANA" I am the light that travels through the soul of the moon. "And a little further along the aspect of the moon we find the aspect of the sun that will later be known as LEONA ARAORA RADIANTE "If you want to shine like a sun, you must burn like it first."

walking a little further we find another aspect The TARIC protector

VALORAN'S SHIELD "The best weapons are beautiful." And a little further on is the aspect of twilight, the "divine" messenger and a little more alongside zoe is The aspect of the rebellion that will later be known as MORGANA

The Fall. and a little higher above it flying is the aspect of justice that will later be known as KAYLE JUST, the aspects of mount targon are energy beings without a physical body, but when the world is in a turning or magical cataclysm. these extraordinary beings choose people worthy of carrying such responsibility and give them power fame longevity etc ... all that a mere mortal has always sought.

while the world was lifeless, Mount Targon lived joyfully full of living energy, from space the Cosmic Dragon marvels at the looks, The star forger traveled among various galaxies, various solar systems looking for beings to communicate with. He marveled at those who looked up at the sky and admired his creations. so he sought the most ambitious people to communicate with and the beings chosen were the targonians, the aurelion sun presented to them as the lord of the stars the creator of the universe and the targonians were startled at first as a gigantic and brilliant creature full of energy cosmic, appeared out of nowhere trying to talk to them, after a while talking with the dragon soon realized the chance to dominate all the worlds the Gods soon held a meeting away from the celestial Dragon.

inside the golden hall!

we need to chain him!

but how are we going to do this?

and if we gather our energy and create a crown?

a crown?

as well ?

yes a crown!

he is the creator of the universe the star forger plus he doesn't have a crown yet

we can say that it is a welcome gift, a commemorative date to seal this magnificent and extraordinary day, we create an extremely powerful spell with our energy a seal of obedience, and every time it breaks our orders we make the crown destroy a star. "

it makes sense because if he is the creator the stars are the children.

and so he will have no choice but to obey our orders.

they were in a circle and each directed part of their divine energy into the middle of the circle

and thus materializing an extremely golden and powerful crown full of glamor "

after creating the gigantic crown they modified it so that only they can without controlling the celestial dragon, leaving the golden hall they went towards the celestial dragon, Great magnificent creature we decided to give you a gift by choosing us from so many peoples in this great and mysterious universe.

a crown? these little beings know how to please me, (HAHAHA LAUGHTER OF HAPPINESS) it was a perfect idea to choose these people.

I extend my gigantic claws and take the crown with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and put it on my head, at that very moment golden chains begin to merge with my being, what's that ??? I realize that my gigantic body is no longer obeying me I look scared at those creatures and I realize that they are moving giant currents of golden energy, obey us Dragon if you resist our orders we will make you destroy your own beloved star creatures, the fool The dragon tries with every will that remains in its being to quickly pull out its crown, but when it touches its claws in the crown an image of a red star ceasing to exist, shocks the dragon.


At that moment the dragon realizes that he was deceived and made a slave, a noble and magnificent creature was made an idiot by creatures smaller and weaker than himself.

a great hatred and rancor comes to the Dragon's heart so much hatred that he wanted to torture these beings with his claws, if it were not for his daughters ceasing to exist he would have destroyed these creatures,






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