The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 19 Potions Teacher (Part 2)

"I'm sorry, Professor!" Jon said softly, bowing his head.

He knew he was in a bit of trouble now... Severus Snape was arguably the most difficult teacher to deal with at Hogwarts, and offending him would have nothing to do with it; not to mention the Potions class was the one he was most interested in course, he didn't want to give up this course at all.

"Then what's your reason, Mr. Hart?" Snape sarcastically said, "For example, before my class, you went to fight off a Dark Lord's invasion of Hogwarts, so you were late. already?"

The Slytherin students let out a roar of laughter.

Jon was hesitating whether to tell the reason for being late... Because he was worried, telling the reason would make Snape feel that he was making excuses, and even more angry, so that he was punished more severely.

"Professor Snape!" A Hufflepuff student in the back row stood up and shouted, "Jon was called by Professor Sprout after the herbal class just now, so he was late... …”

It was Zacharias-Smith who spoke.

Jon glanced at him gratefully... excuses, someone else to help you talk to yourself, may have completely different results.

"Shut up, Smith!" Snape said coldly. "I should have reminded you just now that you need to raise your hand first when speaking in my class! Hufflepuff gets five points."

Zacharis' flushed face seemed to come up to fight Snape; fortunately, Steven Lucas, who was beside him, held him back.

Snape's indifferent gaze returned to Jon: "I will confirm this with Pomona!"

Then he snorted and motioned for Jon to come in.

Jon hurriedly walked into the classroom holding the cauldron.

Potions class requires a group of two students... Hufflepuff and Slytherin students, paired in pairs within their respective academies, sat clearly on both sides of the classroom.

In addition to being mortal enemies with Gryffindor's little lion, Slytherin's little snake also looks down on Hufflepuff's little badger, and can say a few words to Ravenclaw's little eagle... Hufflepuff Qi's students, naturally, will not be friendly to Slytherin.

The contradictions between these colleges have been passed down by word of mouth to these first-year freshmen after the opening banquet.

However, the students of these two academies happened to be an odd number.

The first-year freshmen of Hufflepuff were already paired up in pairs, and there was no vacancy; in the last row of Slytherin, a tall, clumsy-looking girl sat alone.

Jon has a little impression of her, seems to be the last one in the sorting ceremony, Madeleine Yaxley?

Seems like a dead second generation.

No choice, he was about to walk over when he was suddenly stopped by Snape.

"Stop, Mr. Hart!" Snape said calmly: "Miss Selwyn, you go and make a pair with Miss Yaxley; Mr. Hart, you sit in the place Miss Selwyn was just now. "

The Slytherin girl named Selwyn packed her cauldron with an ugly face, and then went to the last row... Jon had to take his own things and sat in the seat before her, the highest of a group of Slytherins. Front.

His partner, who happens to be an acquaintance:



The potions classroom was calm again.

Astoria didn't speak to him, and in fact no one dared to whisper in Snape's class.

Jon took out the "Magic Potion and Potion" written by Arseny Giger, opened it to the first page, the expression on his face was not relaxed at all... He didn't feel that his troubles were over.

as predicted……

"Hart!" Snape said suddenly. "Tell me what you'll get when you mix bad blood, lovage, and sneeze together?"

"Confusion potion, professor!" Jon, who had been prepared, stood up and replied calmly, "This potion will make people irritable and reckless after taking it."

Quite an excellent answer.

If it was another teacher, I'm afraid at least five points would be added to Hufflepuff for this answer... But there was no change in Severus Snape's face.

"What is the main role of salamander blood in potions?" Snape continued. "Or, what do we usually use it for?"

"Enhancing potion, professor!" Jon continued to reply: "The salamander's blood is the main ingredient of the potion, and it has the effect of enhancing the effects of other potions."

"Next question... If I asked you to go find me some Bai Xian, where would you find it?"

"Bai Xian is mainly produced in China, the United States and Mexico... So first I have to buy a ferry ticket to East Asia or North America."

A few of the Hufflepuffs laughed, but with Snape glaring at them, they immediately stopped laughing.

"Bai Xian generally grows on hilly soil slopes, in the bushes on the flat land, or under the grassland or sparse forest..."

Snape pressed his lips together tightly, staring at Jon.

The Hufflepuff students around him, and even many Slytherin students, looked at him with astonishment and even reverence... Obviously, they had never touched these questions and answers at all.

"So, what would I get if I added narcissus root powder to a wormwood infusion?" Snape asked the next question.

This time, Jon frowned, and after thinking for half a minute, he said:

"I'm sorry...I don't think I know, Professor!"

Snape glanced at his mouth. He waved and motioned for Jon to sit down.

"The combination of narcissus root powder and wormwood can be formulated into a powerful sleeping pill, which is a drink of life and death!" Snape said coldly:

"A brilliant Auror, Gideon Prewett, died because of this potion, and one of his 'friends' sent him a bottle of licorice and smuggled it under his glass Narcissus root powder... When the potion kicked in, six Death Eaters came and killed him and his brother... If poor Gideon had been more serious in his Potions class, even in the face of twelve A Death Eater, and he can Apparate away in time!"

When he said this, a contemptuous smile appeared on Snape's mouth.

But he didn't pursue Jon, didn't deduct points from Hufflepuff, and certainly didn't add points.

This made Jon breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't you write this down?" Turning around, Snape roared, startling all the students.

Then there was a rustling of fumbles for quills and parchment in the classroom.

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