The Lost Chronicles Of Pangea: Apocalypse

Chapter 43 - Dark Reunion (IV): Eruption Of Grief

Lilith stomped on the ground leaving spider web like cracks on the pavement as she shot towards Ahmevid with more speed than David had seen on anybody. Her crystalline body glowed under the moonlight as she delivered a hefty punch that drove the giant lizard about a meter into the ground. There was a huge boom after the punch connected, and a cloud of dust rose up into air.

Scales flew everywhere, but David could not see anything like blood and severed limbs to show that the lizard was even receiving any damage at all. From where David was lying down weak and helpless, he could not see the rest of the fight, with only the booms and exclamations from Lilith being the only confirmation that the beat down was still going on.

David felt hand encircled him as he was lifted up and placed on his hover bike. David knew it was Minerva helping him, as Vici was right beside her. When David had asked the tortoise to go get help, he never expected that he would do it so fast, or that he would be able to get them here on time.

Because of that David had to stretch his hand and c.a.r.e.s.sed his head a bit, trying to convey his feelings of appreciation to him. David was to exhausted to talk, but he was able to feel how worried Vici was for him through his telepathy. It was marveling how human like the tortoises were becoming everyday in their thoughts and way thinking.

Minerva sat behind David and propped him up to a sitting position, he was leaning on her body, and he could feel her breath on his neck, and other more elastic appendages. She did not say anything, instead she tried to focus on getting David away from the fight that was currently going on. She started the hover bike, but that was when thing went sideways, for Lilith.

Ahmevid was already tired of being kicked around like a soccer ball, though David would argue that it was a good look on her, but they were bound to disagree. She twisted her huge body in an amazing show of finessed, lizard like instinct and agility, and strength. She swung her huge tail straight at Lilith who was in the midst of preparing to ram her spiked body into Ahmevid.

There was a loud boom at the moment the tail made impact, and Lilith was shot through a few trees, and back to the road where she bounced and rolled a few times, before flipping herself over and using the remaining force from the throw to dig her feet down into the tarmac, creating massive grooves on the road in the process. She came to a stop in a crouch like position, and David could not help but wonder and imagine how very superheroine like she looked.

However it looked like that hit really did a number on her, most of her crystal spikes had already broken off, and the shoulder of her severed left hand was missing it's crystalline armor and was covered in a rather nasty wound as she was dragged on the ground before she could set her trajectory right.

Ahmevid on the other hand looked completely unscathed, there were a few dislodged scales, but David could see them growing at a pace visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye. It was almost as if she had received no damage at all, and that all the attacks Lilith had delivered had been nothing more than a nuisance to her.

This was insane, but from the looks of things, they would not be able. To beat this monster anytime soon. But Lilith did not look like she cared, she had most probably gone made with rage. From where she was crouched on the street, she shot forward so fast, that there was a sonic boom left in her wake, all of the windows and glasses on the street she was thrown through, shattered from the speed of her movements.

David felt his ears pop as he was almost thrown of the hover bike by the sharp wind that was generated by Lilith, thankfully he was able to keep his balance thanks to Minerva.

Lilith shaped her right hand into a palm, almost as if she was about to perform a knife chop, from then on, the only thing David could see where blurs as Ahmevid and Lilith went toe to toe with each other.

David was shocked by the intensity of this fight, with strength like this, Lilith should have been able to get them out of a lot of troubles that they had found themselves in, yet she had kept her abilities a secret. And then there was the bloody lizard, she was fast, too damn fast for a monster of her size, not to mention to freakish defense and healing factor. It was as if nature was setting this monster up to be unbeatable or something.

Then there was a might roar, and David saw a tail the size of and ice cream cart and the length of a bus fly into the air and land with a thud about twenty meters away from it's previous owner. The tail kept twitching, and shaking erratically as if it was still connected to the main body, which was freaky in it's own right. Then Ahmevid roared in pain making David's already half deaf ear ring in pain.

The lizard swung her huge claws at Lilith, there was a sound of breaking glass, as the entire crystal covering her c.h.e.s.t was shredded, and a rather ugly bruise was formed on her body. Her shirt had also been obliterated, but thankfully her crystal armor protected her from the full brunt of the attack. Of she did not have her crystal like abilities, then David was sure she would have been sliced to pieces by those claws.

But Lilith did not look like she had any intention of stopping this fight, even with her injuries, she wanted to get back into the fray and give a pounding to what David now believed was an immortal lizard, because he could see the severed tail growing back as if it was not just cut 90 seconds ago. David wanted so badly to scream "what the f.u.c.k!" but he was so weak he couldn't even open his mouth. And he also wanted to tell Lilith to stop, he knew she was doing this because of revenge, but what was the use if she died without causing irreparable damage to her enemy if not outright killing her. They needed to get the hell out of here, and fast if they wanted to survive.

As if to confirm David's thoughts about survival, the sounds of beastly roars, grunts, and screeches resounded around the town. They were completely out of time, and if they keep staying here, the rest of the monsters under her control will surround them and make a buffet out of all of them.

"Lilith it's enough let's go!"

Minerva shouted at her frantically


Lilith was adamant, it was almost as if she had lost her mind to her rage and grief. Seeing her like this reminded David of the day her son died. She had cried, but it only lasted five minutes. And since that time David had not seen her grief or cry, she had bottled it all up, and much like a bottle of coca cola, everything she had been through since then had shook and rattled her pain. And now she was at the bursting point, she was reliving her pain and experiencing all of the grief she had not let herself feel right from the beginning, and it was breaking her apart.

"Lilith! Stop being foolish and let's get the hell out of here."

"I said No!, I have to avenge my son. He died for nothing!"

"I'm not going to argue that with you. I helped you deliver him Lilith, he was also like a son to me. For star's sake I'm his godmother. And maybe if I had being more around, rather than leaving you both on that island this would never have happened. I live with that guilt everyday, but there's nothing I can do about it. You know it's not your fault, and this is a fight you can't win. You'll die"

David felt like his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets, was it a coincidence that they knew each other, or that back in the arena, David had to fight and kill the godmother of Lilith's child to save, or that the godmother had to kill the mother of her godson to save the live of her father and her self. Was fate playing some sort of stupid game with his life, and from the looks of things, they both knew who the other person was right from the start. They were friends, I think. Wow.

"If I die Minerva, then at least I get to be with my son."

Lilith's voice had dropped to a whisper as she said that. But Minerva did not look like she was about to let Lilith go and kill herself in the name of a revenge she would not be able to see to the end.

"I know you lost a lot of your strength and power, and that you're slowly getting them back. But even then I never took you Lilith the Daylight demon to be a coward."

It looked like Minerva had struck a nerve as Lilith turned and walked towards them with an annoyed and ruthless look on her face, emphasizing her words with each step she took.










"Then why do you want to take the easy road. Your son loved you, not because you were beautiful, or just because you were he's mother. He loved you because you were strong. You never take a short cut, and dying is a short cut. He would want you to live, and get him the vengeance he deserves, he would want you to grow stronger and make everyone who made you both suffer pay. He would want you to follow your heart, and the fact that after so long and even with all this tragedy, you could actually manage to feel something for someone. Look at David, you know he would definitely run back here to save you if I leave with him, he's that stupid. If he could, he wouldn't leave, so please let's go and find ways to tease and mock David now that he's paralyzed. We won't ever get another chance like this."

Lilith laughed a bit and cried too, it was funny, but she was still in pain. While David did not appreciate Minerva setting him up like that, he was ready to do anything so that Lilith would leave with them. They all had to be careful, and they all had to stick together. Ten years is not to Kate for a gentleman to seek revenge, and they would definitely get that revenge someday, Ahmevid will get what she deserves, and it will come soon enough.

"Okay let's go."

With one look at Ahmevid who looked like she really did not understand what was happening, or why everything got calm so calm quickly, Lilith got on Vidi's back and they ran down the street, with the hover bike following. As they left David turned to look at Ahmevid, his previously yellow left eye, now colored the deepest shade of blue glaring at the lizard, and promising it, A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH.

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