The Lost Fruits

Chapter 26 - MARCH!!!

For Agrabah's army, Just a few seconds ago, the desert was on fire. The next second, it disappeared like air. No fire to be seen, no army attacking them. And all of that is because of a single shirtless man in front of them. He stood in the hot sun basking in his achievement, killing thousands without moving more than an arm. It is true he is on their side, can't help but fear him. Monsters come in different shapes and forms. Though, they wouldn't dare to call him as such, not after what they saw.

Hassan dismounted from his horse and walked between his men "Get a grip on yourself!!" he shouted. "WE HAVE WON!!!" he announced reminding them of what just happened. Then all of them realized. A war cry of thousand of soldiers resounded in the empty desert.

"VICTORY!!!" they shouted. The fear Ace's engraved in them was no more. He is with them, why fear him?

Hassan went to Ace who was walking with slow pace after taking out his sword from the ground at the slowly maddening Jarr

"Lord Ace!" Hassan called as he walked beside him. Then his nose picked up the stench of burned flesh, he couldn't help but close his nose.

"Hahaha! I thought you'd be used to it!" Ace chuckled.

"I am...but not this much," Hassan replied. Soon they reached Jarr who was kneeling on the floor, his eyes are red from anger and hatred.

"YOU!!" he shouted seeing Ace. He launched at him with his sword, only to be punched with lightning speed on the ground. Ace crouched and grabbed his head " knew about come?" Remembering the conversation he had with him earlier, he noticed that Jarr knew him. Jarr was trembling from pain, his helmet tightened on his head and he couldn't breathe properly.

"Speak..." Ace commanded. Hassan was just standing on the side, not daring to step in between them. He is far smarter than that.

Jarr's eyes couldn't concentrate but he still spoke: "I-I don't know are...talking about." His jaw was in pain, words were coming with difficulty. Ace frowned and sighed.

"Even in pain...yes, your kind sometimes comes with loyalty." Ace smiled and looked at the sky "...But, I wonder how strong is your will?" As soon as those words left his mouth, the sky darkened. Darkness started falling, even though it was the sun was at its honest and peak in the sky. Thunder started forming in the sky, rumbling with hunger ready to strike down. Hassan looked up and his mouth closed and opened like a fish. The army was no exception. But unlike Jarr, this was not directed at them.

Jarr peed himself, tears and snout fell down from his face. His body went clod as if his soul was coming out. Looking at Ace's eyes, he saw death, Ace's eyes were glowing red glaring at Jarr's soul.

" do you know me, and why?" No more asking or requesting. Just pure command.

"T-The King...King Jahil... he ordered me to kill a man with your description...I don't know why he...he ordered me..." Jarr was crying, he spoke without his will, his words were filled with d.e.s.i.r.e for mercy.

Immediately after he spoke, the darkness disappeared and the raging storm faded. Ace returned to his smiling self and dropped Jarr on the ground letting him catch his breath and calm his heart.

"What now?" Ace looked at Hassan who was in a daze.

"AH?!" Snaping out from his shock, Hassan shook his head and took a deep breath "First, please, can you stop with those grand skills. My men can't handle this. The Magus power is still new to them, this might affect them in their coming days. It is not every day that we witness this. Magic is a known thing, but not very common." He said. He fears that if Ace went on like this, his army might just run away or fall dead from shock.

Ace tilted his head "Okay..." he said. It's not that big of a deal to him, he thought that maybe they are somehow familiar with this level.

"Thank you..."Hassan smiled and bowed to Lord Ace. "Coming to your question..." Hassan held his sword and waved it at his army. Getting his signal, the commanders started giving commands, the army moved and marched Toward Ace and Hassan "Now, it's our turn to invade. We will push into their territory, claim every town or city in our way until we reach the capital where we will lay a siege...We will end the war and avenge our sister kingdom Badr." Hassan cliched his fist remembering all the time they were suffering. Now it is time to return the favor.

"Badr?" Ace asked, he never heard of that kingdom.

Hassan smiled sadly "Badr...A beautiful kingdom...It is the homeland of our Queen, Queen Jenna. Agrabah and Badr were always close together, supporting each other. We loved the Queen, and we loved Badr, as they did...But...Both were killed and destroyed." Hassan looked behind them. In the horizon, in a faraway city, there lays the reason for their misfortune and tragedy. One greedy king who wanted what he doesn't deserve.

"So, the Queen was killed...?" Ace had already known about this. It was a surprise to him, not every day you see a queen so loved by her people that they mourn her death for years. And not every day you see two kingdoms so peaceful that they walk arm in arm.

"Yes. She was killed in the palace...Badr investigated alongside Agrabah and they tracked everything back to Jahilon. It was the start of the war. Badr suffered first without any warning, fell down in a month...We couldn't even help them. The most tragic event in history happened under our noses. Thousands, maybe millions of innocent were killed. No one survived from Badr, not even the children." Hate and anger were apparent in Hassan's voice.

Ace put his hand on his shoulder and calmed him "Well...we are about to avenge them...aren't we?"

The army reached them. They halted waiting for orders. Hassan grabbed his horse after it was brought to him by his squire "Tie that man up, lock him to the back of my horse with a rope...we will drag him on our way...WE MARCH TO THE ENEMY!!!" Hassan shouted. Ace got his horse and jumped on it.

The army shouted after Hassan "TO THE ENEMY!!!" repeatedly. Then the cloud of dust started raising again, indicating that a great army is marching.

From Ace's lamp necklace, Genie's light chuckle came out "What are you laughing at?" Ace asked quietly.

"Nah! I am not laughing at anything...I am just being entertained!" he said, "Humans never cease to amaze you, do they?"

Ace looked in front of him, marching with the army "You have no idea..." he muttered with a smile.


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