The Most Generous Master Ever

Chapter 200: : 3 flowers gather on the top? The Supreme Palace is destroyed

Chapter 200: Three Flowers Gathering at the Top? The Supreme Palace is destroyed

Listening to the cheers like a tsunami, Ye Qiu's name was preached among millions of souls in Qinchuan.

Like a little dawn in their despair, it illuminates this world.

Ye Qiu frowned, he could feel a slight change in his own laws, a very subtle change.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment, and after sensing it carefully, it seemed... to a certain extent, his understanding of the law became a little deeper.

Three flowers blooming, with a vague power of merit, wandering in the sea of ​​​​fu.

After pondering for a long time, Ye Qiu finally understood something.

"So it is!"

Ye Qiu had previously heard that every time a great catastrophe came, a great fortune would appear.

The merits in Fang Cai's body were obtained by his sword beheading strange giants, resolving the danger of Qinchuan, and saving millions of souls.

Although this power is very weak now, Ye Qiu only needs to accumulate a little more, and then he can prove his virtue and break the emperor realm.

However, this way is not the way Ye Qiu imagined.

After a long test, Ye Qiu thought thoughtfully.

"Proving the Way of Merit and Virtue is not my way. If I follow this path, won't everything I do in front of me fall short?"

Now that he has reached the strength of the peak of the king, he is only one step away from entering the emperor realm.

But this step, which seems to be close at hand, is far away.

If there is no great fortune to add a body, Ye Qiu can only rely on personal understanding to understand the Dao, integrate himself, and prove the Dao with his own body.

Only by passing the test of Heaven and being recognized by Heaven and Earth, can one break through the Emperor Realm.

Otherwise, this close distance might be a distance that Ye Qiu could never reach in his entire life.

But now, this opportunity came very cleverly and was placed in front of Ye Qiu, but he hesitated.

Trapped in self-thinking.

In the end, is it to prove the Tao with one's body, to prove the Tao with the sword, or to prove the Tao with merit, and to ascend to the emperor's realm with great fortune?


With a soft moan, Ye Qiu seemed to understand something, and muttered to himself, "The catastrophe in this world, the arrival of great good fortune, and proving the Dao with merit is indeed a very simple thing."


"Proving the Dao with merit is not my way. If you really prove the Dao of the human world, it will be detrimental."

At the beginning, Ye Qiu's idea was to use the sword to prove the Dao, to use the body to prove the Dao, and to open the two at the same time.

This is his original idea, and the foundation has been laid in the early stage.

Now that there is another great creation of merit and virtue, I can't help but hesitate...

From the point of view of difficulty, meritoriousness is undoubtedly the easiest, but it is also the weakest.

So Ye Qiu was hesitant. Emperor Cheng's desire was indeed very attractive.

But in order to reach a higher realm and reach a higher realm in the future, Ye Qiu was ready to give up this power.

Just as he was about to disperse, suddenly... a group of red rays of light in his body slowly merged into a Dao flower.

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment.

"This... all three at the same time?"

Ye Qiu was stunned, suddenly remembered, there seem to be three Dao flowers in his body, right?

This third Taoist flower bloomed after Ye Qiu broke through the realm of being a king.

It is still blank now, and he has not yet comprehended, like a blank sheet of paper, Ye Qiu is not involved in any law field.

The first flower was opened for him to understand the way of swordsmanship, and the second flower was used to temper the body during body training, so the mystery of body training was mixed in it.

This third flower, which has just bloomed, has not yet led the way.

What Ye Qiu didn't expect was that this power of merit went directly into the third Daohua.

And the degree of fit is so high that it can be smoothly integrated without any guidance from him.

Not only that, this merit, innate luck in the body, also produced fusion, and some kind of fusion occurred.

Judging from the breath, the potential is greater. If you use merit to prove the Way, not only is it not weak, but it is stronger?

Originally, the merits and virtues of the Dao, and the cultivation of the world's righteousness, combined with the innate luck, representing the heavenly way, instantly became fierce and domineering.

The fusion of the two has undergone earth-shaking changes.

If it goes to the back, Ye Qiu will open two more paths, using his sword to prove the path, and using his body to prove the path, the three paths will be opened together, and the mystery of the three flowers gathering at the top will be achieved.


Thinking of this, Ye Qiu gasped for a moment. He couldn't imagine such a terrifying change.

If it is really successful, I am afraid that it is not comparable to the simple realm of the emperor, that is, the realm of heaven and man.

These three paths, if they are singled out, are invincible in the world, not to mention the three paths are opened together.

If this is not invincible, it is better to go home and raise pigs.

"Hehe... It turns out that I can still play like this, it's interesting..."

After figuring this out, Ye Qiu suddenly became excited, and the power of merit that he wanted to give up, also put away his resistance at this moment.

Indeed, as he thought, the three flowers gathered on the top, and the height reached was unimaginable.

However, it is very difficult to do this, hundreds of times more difficult than any other way of proving.

It was very challenging, but Ye Qiu was not afraid because he had a cheater.

" hang is so capricious."

I couldn't help but complain, and suddenly...there was a sudden sensation in the northern heaven and earth.


A thunder pierced through the sky and broke the silence of the night. Ye Qiu regained his senses and stared into the distance.

Standing a million miles away, I can vaguely feel that there is a very powerful and strange creature in that void.

"What direction is that?"

This sensation attracted the attention of countless people, and everyone looked at the source of the sound.

Someone exclaimed: "That's the direction of the Supreme Palace. Could it be that... the Supreme Palace was breached?"


As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of heated discussion at the scene. Looking up at the sky, the haze swept across the sky was very thick.

The sky where the Supreme Palace is located is full of fire and fog.

Everyone immediately reacted, and it must be the last barrier of the Supreme Palace that can cause this kind of destructive power, and it was broken.

Looking at the wreckage and wasteland, with smoke and dust everywhere, someone sighed: "Oh, what a pity! Once the gate of the Supreme Palace was broken, I don't know how many people died."

As soon as this remark came out, it quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of many people.

"Hmph, his supreme palace deserves it! As soon as the riots in the no-man's land started, they announced that they had closed the mountain gate and chose to protect themselves, ignoring the world and all beings."

"The mountain gate is broken now, let's see who can save them now."

"Who will lend a helping hand to those who have been abandoned by them?"

Many people are disgusted by the behavior of the Supreme Palace. Originally in the Eastern Wasteland, the Supreme Palace has always been very prestigious and respected by the world.

However, this series of things happened, and the practice of the Supreme Palace has broken the hearts of countless people.

A great sacred place that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years has now become a shameless existence in people's hearts, which is disgusting.

Obviously, most of the people present were very contemptuous of the various practices of the Supreme Palace, and seeing them suffer now is also a schadenfreude.


Someone puzzled: "It's strange, isn't the Supreme Palace already closed the mountain gate, why is it the first place to fall?"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the discussion of countless people.

"Yes! It stands to reason that the Supreme Palace has opened the hidden magic circle, and should not be discovered by those fierce beasts."

"But now, the major holy places are still safe and sound, but the Supreme Palace was the first to be breached... This is indeed a bit strange."

"Could it be that there is a problem inside the Supreme Palace?"

Listening to the discussion below, Ye Qiu understood something, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly, revealing a strange smile.

"Interesting, like Li? Lao Mo..."

If there is a problem inside the Supreme Hall, then this problem can only appear in Mo Yi.

This old boy has worked hard enough for revenge, he has been hiding himself, and has never shown any thought of wanting revenge.

Even an old fox like Qingmiao couldn't see anything wrong with him, and thought it was his own brainwashing that made him willingly devote himself to the sect.

Who would have thought that he has been forbearing, just waiting for such an opportunity.

At this time, millions of miles away, above the barren mountains and mountains, as the guarded gate was broken, the Supreme Palace was instantly trampled by millions of beasts, and the Holy Land was instantly destroyed.

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking all this, Qing Miao vomited blood, watching the Holy Land was destroyed in his hands, blood attacking his heart.



Lu Yan next to him was shocked. Now that the mountain gate has been broken, the battle has begun, and the Supreme Palace is at stake.

That old guy, Gu Jianchang, slipped away with his precious apprentice a second before the mountain gate was broken.

Only Qingmiao couldn't bear the inheritance to be destroyed, and defended the mountain gate. Now that he has also fallen, who else can the Supreme Palace rely on?


Just listening to a deafening sound from the sea of ​​​​fire, a giant beast rushed over.

Lu Yan's face suddenly turned pale, but fortunately, an elder shot in time and rescued him.

But he was also seriously injured, dragging his heavy body and pushing Lu Yan out of the sea of ​​​​fire.

Lu Yan growled and shouted, "Elder Li."

Only to hear that Elder Li turned around and gave him a desperate look, blocking the big murderer.

Roaring and shouting: "Leave the green hills, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, don't mind me, take the elder out of here."

"Keep the last fire of my Supreme Palace, and he will make a comeback in the future!"

Elder Li generously went to death, and after saying the last sentence took the wreckage and rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire.

Looking at Elder Li, who had been buried in the sea of ​​flames, Lu Yan clenched his fists and threw a fist into the air, crying and angry in his heart.

Today, most of the elders and disciples of the Supreme Hall are entangled by those fierce beasts, and a small number of those who are greedy for life and fear of death have already planned to retreat and run ahead of time when the sect is about to be breached.

The best representative of them is Gu Jianchang and his little apprentice.


Roaring and roaring, Lu Yan rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire with his master on his back.

He bears the hopes of the Supreme Hall, tens of thousands of disciples, and elders, and he must not die.

As long as he is still alive, he can still rebuild the Holy Land and preserve the inheritance in the future.

Under the cover of everyone, Lu Yan successfully got rid of the siege, rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, and went straight to the east.

There, is the direction of Qin Chuan.

(End of this chapter)

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