The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 126: 3 Battle of Fudong County (11)

w) Use this mountain fire to burn the thieves and soldiers, even if there are millions of thieves, why worry? "Huangfu Song stroked his beard and smiled:" Runan thief said: \'The Han army has two tigers, and Sun and Xun have two Sima\'. Qing followed me to fight in the three counties, and his merit was always the top of the three armies. Today, he conquered Dingdong County, and Qing’s merit was the first. First, he took Weixiang, and then Baima. How humble is Qing. "Tell Xun Zhen to get up, smile at him and say, "Come on, Zhenzhi, I will introduce a famous person from Dongjun. "

There was a person sitting beside Huangfu Song's couch. He was about sixty years old, his hair and beard were all white, and he was very old.

Huangfu Song introduced: "This is the prince of Yan County." Yan County is the westernmost county of Dong County, Linchenliu County, in the northwest of Baima County. Compared with Runan and Yingchuan, Dongjun has fewer counties and less cultural heritage. Therefore, there are not many famous people, and there are also few famous clansmen. Yanxian Wang is one of them. Xun Zhen thought in his mind, "The Prince of Yan County?" Looking at the old man in his sixties, he thought, "The Wang family is the crown family of Yan County, and there are two most famous people in the family, one is Wang Cong, and the other is the Wang family. Wang Huan's parent, Wang Huan, is the son of Wang Cong. Judging by the age of this old man, he must be Wang Cong." He bowed and said, "Boy Xunzhen, see the prince." The old man hurriedly called him up and smiled. Said: "I just heard the general say: Xunjun joined the army to fight, and he was often the first to attack and conquer. Said: 'The future generations are formidable'." Xiao smiled and said to Huangfu Song, "When I see Xunjun today, I am ashamed of my old age and incompetence." Huangfu Song smiled slightly and asked Xunzhen to sit down at the table. After a few conversations, the old man was indeed the King Cong of Yan County.

Among the gentry, many are equally famous as fathers and sons, as well as brothers, such as Xunzhen's Yue family, Chen Yu and his two sons Chen Ji and Chen Chen are equally famous as the prefectures and are called "Three Kings", and Xunzhen's family is another example. Here, the eight brothers Xun Shuang are called "Eight Dragons". One reason why this happens is because of the "monopoly of knowledge". Most of the gentry pass on Confucianism from generation to generation, from father to son, from son to son, from generation to generation, which is called "family learning", and has such an excellent congenital condition. , Even Chinese people can get a good education. Compared with those who have no "family education", they are naturally more likely to have talents. The other is because of the "monopoly of public opinion". They praise each other, you praise my children, I praise your children. The combination of the two led to the phenomenon that there were many fathers, sons and brothers in the gentry.

The same is true of this Yan County Wang family, Wang Cong and his son Wang Huan are also famous in the county. Wang also served as an official when he was young. He started as a county official. He was the highest commander of a large county, an official of Qianshi, and then transferred to three counties. Later, seeing that there was no hope of promotion, he resigned from office and returned home to concentrate on teaching his son. His success in teaching his son is very good. Wang Huan is less than forty this year, and he has already grown from blue to blue. First, relying on his father's shadow, he became an official in the county when he was in his twenties. He was appointed as the county's top planner, and he performed filial piety and integrity. He went to Beijing for five years to "govern the plan". The superior plan was to report the local economic situation and the basic situation of fiscal revenue and expenditure to the DPRK and China, and to provide the basis for the state's preparation of financial budgets. Staying in the court and worshipping as "Lang", once a Langguan, the worth is very different, and among the many Langguan, "Xiaolian Lang", that is, the one who is worshipped as Lang from Xiaolian, is even more of them. For example, it is like the champion of the later generations, Tanhualang, who soon became the magistrate of the county. He is indeed a talent, and he has made remarkable achievements in his tenure. He was promoted to the prefect of a small county in Jingzhou the year before. Qianshi's high-ranking official. —— Jumping to the Dragon Gate by entering the capital is a common thing in the Han Dynasty, and it can be regarded as a good way to get promoted. He has been in Beijing for several years, but he has never been able to be favored by the government.

Xun Zhen came to find Huangfu Song, not specifically to flatter, but to have something to do. After talking with Wang Cong and Huangfu Song for a while, Wang Cong saw that he seemed to have something in his heart and was very sensible, and smiled: "Today Puyang and Baima are Next, Bu Ji has not yet been captured and slaughtered, so I won't bother you much. General, Xun Jun, take your leave." After Bu Ji raised his army, Wang Cong gathered hundreds of his clansmen, guests, and disciples to keep his home in the countryside. The manor's dock wall, although not enough to establish merits, but also to keep the Wang family. When Xunzhen brought Han soldiers into the county, he heard about it, but because Huangfu Song had not arrived at the time, he did not come, and after hearing that Huangfu Song had brought tens of thousands of elite soldiers, he immediately brought his own personal information. The soldiers, that is, the hundreds of guests from the clan, originally wanted to take the opportunity to make some contributions, but they didn't expect Huangfu Song to win so quickly, so they came a step late. Huangfu Song was very clear about his intention of coming, and immediately smiled: "Since the prince is here, there is no need to rush to leave. The public name is Chongdong County, if you want, you can stay in the army and wait for the pacification of the east. After the county, you have to use the reputation of the public to appease the people."

Huangfu Song was so considerate, Wang Cong had no reason to refuse, and happily agreed.

After sending Wang Cong out of the handsome account, Xun Zhen and Huangfu Song transferred them back to the account. Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Speaking of which, General Huangfu was born in the general family, but he was very kind to the scholars! What is especially rare is that he is now a high-ranking general in the left, holding tens of thousands of palms. The cavalry, fought in several counties, were invincible, attacked and killed hundreds of thousands of yellow turban soldiers, but still showed no arrogance and arrogance. When facing the gentry, he was still a 'lixian corporal'. This is the case with the nobility, even in front of the little nobility who are only famous in one county, it’s rare!”

Huangfu Song returned to the couch, motioned Xun Zhen to sit down as well, and said with a smile: "Zhenzhi, even after a fierce battle, your troops never rested. A few days ago, you even brought your subordinates to fight fiercely until midnight with the yellow scarf thieves who came to aid Baima. , from You to Hai, captured the thieves three flags in a row, beheaded hundreds of them, made the thief Han Li in the city dare not leave the city, and made thousands of aid thieves retreat five miles. With the nearly 10,000 thieves inside and outside the White Horse City, I can take down Puyang calmly. You have worked hard these days, didn't I tell you to rest in the camp? Why did you come to me again?" He The more I look at Xun Zhen, the more I like it.

He used Xun Zhen heavily at first. One was because Xun Zhen defended Yangzhai, forcing Bo Cai and others to have 100,000 soldiers and horses but could only retreat to the south of Yingchuan County, and the other was because of Xun Zhen's background, the Xun clan of Yingyin. The Xun family is different from the Yanxian Wang family. The Wang clan is only a noble clan in a county, and the Xun clan is a famous clan in the world. Although he didn't have much friendship with the Xun family, he would definitely take care of the Xun family's children. But slowly, his love for Xun Zhen has nothing to do with Xun Zhen's background. What he likes more is Xun Zhen's bravery, resourcefulness, modesty and obedience, just like when he was besieging Xihua. He sighed to the people around him: "In the future, there will be people who will seek thieves and settle the Han family, who is this guy?" Victims must be guarded by famous generals. He has great expectations for Xun Zhen's future.

Xun Zhen knelt on the seat, her waist was straight, her hands were on her knees, her eyes were slightly down, and she fell on Huangfu Song's chest, and said respectfully, "Prince Shicai said, 'Even though Puyang and the white horse are going down, I will still be there. Uncaptured and slaughtered'. General, Zhen is here for this."

Huangfu Song said, "Oh?"

Xun Zhen said: "Bu Ji is the commander of the Yellow Turban Canal in Dong County. If he is not captured, the Dong County will not be pacified. I tortured some of the young commanders among the captives, and Bu Ji was brought in many years ago. Zhang is one of Zhang Jiao's eldest disciples. He is quite famous in Dongjun. When he causes chaos, he climbs up and shouts, and he has tens of thousands of followers. If he didn't catch him early, once he escaped to the other side of the river, I'm afraid there will be a resurgence."

Huangfu Song nodded and said with a smile: "What? Are you here to invite Ying?" Xun Zhen left the seat and bowed down, saying, "Zhen asks the general's order to pursue Bu Ji." Huangfu Song said: "Since entering Dongjun, You have almost nothing without fighting, aren't your soldiers tired? Can you fight again?" Xun Zhen said, "'It is advisable to lead the remaining brave to chase the poor bandits.' Even the two counties of Puyang and Baima were rehabilitated, and tens of thousands of thieves in Dongjun were wiped out. Seeing that Dongjun was in sight, morale was boosted. Bu Ji could only bring a few thousand people, and he did not need to increase his troops. Destroyed, in three days at most, Zhen will definitely be able to capture him and bring him to the general's tent." If Sun Jian invited to fight, he would be impassioned, but Xun Zhen's tone was calm, but a little more firm than usual. This bit of firmness can also be seen as his self-confidence.

Huangfu Song said in his heart: "It's really a milk tiger from the Xun family!" He said, "Okay! If you have such confidence, how can I fail?"

Xun Zhen said that there was no need to increase troops, but Huangfu Song couldn't really give him no soldiers and horses, so he immediately dispatched 5,000 Sanhe knights to him, and he joined forces with his headquarters, a total of nearly 8,000 cavalry. After resting for another night in the camp, Xun Zhen led his troops out of the camp early in the morning. m

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