The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 127: 3 Battle of Fudong County (12)

Update time: 2013-03-25


Huangfu Song took Puyang at night, and Bu Ji and Li Xiang fled with more than 2,000 people. The Yellow River was a few miles north of Puyang. When Xun Zhen asked Huangfu Song to fight, they had just passed the Qin Pavilion. Qin Pavilion belongs to Fan County, and it is recorded in "Spring and Autumn • Thirty-one Years of Zhuanggong": "Building a platform in Qin", this "Qin" is today's Qin Pavilion. It has been nearly 800 years since Duke Zhuang of Lu was thirty-one years old. Bu Ji came from a farming family and did not know books, so he did not know that there was a platform built by the Zhuang Gong here hundreds of years ago. It has been a day and a night since the city was destroyed. After he and Li Xiang escaped from the city, they did not rest at all because they were afraid of being overtaken by the Han soldiers. When they escaped here, he was riding a horse, but he was able to persevere. Many of them were foot soldiers, and they couldn't hold it any longer, so they had to take a break here. After a day and a night without a sleep or a meal, the Yellow Turban soldiers were exhausted, hungry and sleepy, and many fell asleep. Bu Ji didn't feel sleepy, and he and Li Xiang drove their horses to the bank of the Yellow River while asking people to count their heads. Qin Ting was on the edge of the Yellow River, only a mile or two away.


The Yellow River is surging, rolling eastward. Bu Ji and Li Xiang were riding on the river bank, looking at the high sky and wide river in the distance, the water vapor permeated the face, the sound of the river's turbulent rushing and rushing was like rolling thunder, and the river was rushing like a dragon, mighty, day and night. I don't see its head, I don't know where it came from, I don't see its tail, I don't know where it's going, and I suddenly feel the insignificance of human beings.


Since ancient times, the Yellow River has often suffered from floods, and only Dongjun County experienced many floods during the Han and Han Dynasties. In the third year of Yuanguang, the former Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, "the river water is decisive in Puyang, the sixteenth Pan County, and 100,000 soldiers are dispatched to save the river." Because of ordering officials to manage the river, Emperor Wu first used Ji'an and Zheng Dynasty, but failed, and then used Jiren. , Guo Chang, it took many years to succeed, but it only kept the Yellow River flooded for more than 80 years. In the fourth year of Emperor Cheng’s founding, the river broke again, the Guantao and the Jindi of Dongjun, and the flood “flooded Yan, Henan, and entered the plains, Qiancheng, Jinan, and irrigated the four counties and thirty-two counties, with more than 150,000 water dwellings. In a short while, the depth was three feet, and there were 40,000 official pavilions and houses destroyed.” In the reign of Emperor Ming of this dynasty, Emperor Ming used Wang Jing, a native of Lelang County (now in the west of Pyongyang), to manage the river. He sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers. It took a year, cost more than 10 billion yuan, and repaired the embankment for more than a thousand miles. After the flooding of the Yellow River, from then on until the Three Kingdoms, there were very few cases of the Yellow River bursting its banks. The embankment built by Wang Jing was very strong. The embankment has followed the name of the past, and is still called "Golden Embankment", which means "solid as a golden soup", and it is made of large stones.


Bu Ji looked to the left and right, and saw that the river was vast and did not see its head and tail, and then looked to the opposite bank, because it was too far away, so he could not see clearly, and I saw that the long and continuous bank could not see the front and back, and it was sandwiched with this bank in the south. The river faced each other, like two strong fences, trapping the horned dragon-like water firmly in it. He looked at it for a long time, and his heart was up and down.


Li Xiang and Bu Ji are both natives of this county, and they are used to seeing this Yellow River for a long time. He is young and born of a chivalrous man. He is not a believer of Taiping Dao. He does not understand Bu Ji's mentality at this time. He was only full of depression and fear of defeat. Seeing that Bu Ji had been silent for a long time, he thought that Bu Ji was worrying about food and thinking about ways to cross the river. When the two thousand people fled at night, they had no time to bring anything with them. Baggage, the soldiers basically did not bring food.


He said: "Bu Shuai, if you go further along the river for several dozen miles, you will find Dong'e. Although we are defeated, there are still thousands of people. When we reach the foot of Dong'e city, we will be able to conquer the city. There is a lot of grain in the city. Once we have the grain, we can collect some boats, and we can cross the river. Bu Shuai has troops and horses in each of the counties in the north of the county. There are four or five thousand people, and there are grains and crops, or not enough to fight Huangfu Song again, but it is enough to go to Jizhou in the west, or to Jibei and other prefectures in the east!"


He said, "When you get to the bottom of Dong'e City, you will be able to conquer the city if you swarm up." The reason for saying this is because Dong'e is not in the hands of the Dongjun Yellow Turbans. There are fifteen cities in Dongjun, and half of these fifteen counties are occupied by the Yellow Turbans in Dongjun. Only two or three cities have not been occupied by them. Dong'e is one of them. Dong Ah was able to be preserved, all because of the efforts of one person. This person is Cheng Li, a native of Dong'e County, whose courtesy name is Zhongde. Bu Ji raised his arms, and all the counties in Dong'e responded. The prince of Dong'e County was a believer of Taiping Dao, and he also gathered the crowd to rebel. Dong'erling escaped from the city. After burning down the warehouse, Wang Du found that there were almost no people in the county. He thought that the empty city was difficult to defend, because he took the rebel Yellow Turban believers out of the city and stopped outside the city to wait for him. Cheng Yu took the opportunity to persuade the surname Xue of the county's middle-ranking family to work together to retake Dong'e County, and defeated Wang Du, who had returned to try to retake the city. Dong'a is complete from this. Li Xiang also listened to Cheng Li's name, and knew that this man was more than eight feet tall, with beautiful beard and beard, and was a famous person in Dong'e, but he did not take him seriously.

Looking at the Yellow River, Bu Ji was disappointed in his heart. He raised his whip and pointed to the river bank on the opposite bank, and said, "The river comes from the sky, galloping like a dragon, but how can it be trapped and locked by this golden bank, and it can't achieve its ambition!" He seemed to say to himself It seemed like he was asking Li Xiang, and he said, "The great virtuous teacher said: 'The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand'. Lost? I lost Yingchuan first, then Runan, and I couldn't keep Dongjun. Why is that?"

Li Xiang was stunned for a while, then thought: "Does Bu Shuai want to cure my sins?" The root cause of Bu Ji's defeat was due to Li Xiang's plan. It was precisely because Li Xiang offered a plan of "dividing troops out of the city" that Huangfu Song had the opportunity to take advantage of them and defeated them all, and recovered Puyang and Baima in one go. He was uneasy in his heart, and looked at Bu Ji's face secretly, but saw that Bu Ji frowned, his expression was low, and he was full of worries. He thought: "It doesn't look like it's trying to cure me?" He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Huangfu Song was lucky for a while, so why should Bu Shuai worry? Bu Shuai doesn't always say to me, "The great virtuous teacher leads the army." One million, the dragon is in Jizhou, will it go south to take Luoyang in a few days? Although we are temporarily defeated, but as long as we defeat Dong'e, we can go to the great teacher! Until then, there will be magic soldiers to help, small What is the little Huangfu Song?"

Bu Ji shook his head and said, "I just can't figure it out."

"Can't figure out what?"

"I waited for Qianshou to work hard day and night, and I couldn't have a full meal, and there was no place to stand, and those wealthy families were rich and noble from generation to generation, and they drove me to wait like dogs and horses. Since this 'heaven' is so unfair, I should break it by myself. The great virtuous teacher also said, 'Yellow Heaven should stand'. Yingchuan and Runan both had 100,000 troops at the beginning of the war. My county had few people, but there were tens of thousands, and Huangfu Song only had tens of thousands of people, but how could they even have a battle company? Victory? Why do I wait for a losing streak? Could it be that the weather in the sky is not over yet?... No, the weather in the sky is definitely over! The great teacher will not be wrong. But why... ?"

Bu Ji had never read a book and didn't understand the big truth. He only knew that the sky was very unfair. He only knew that the words of the great teacher were not wrong, but the reality gave him a heavy blow. Bo Cai and Peng Tuo were defeated one after another. He died, and now he is defeated and fled. The strong contrast between what he believed in and the cruel reality made him a little incoherent and fell into deep confusion.

He watched the Yellow River roll away like a horned dragon, but was forced to be locked between the banks. He looked at the sky again, the sky was like a dome, covering the four fields, silent. In a trance, the sky seems to be the incarnation of the Han family, the Yellow River is the incarnation of their Taiping Road, and this embankment is the Han soldiers brought by Huangfu Song.

The sky overwhelmed the earth, and the horned dragon was trapped in locks, unable to toss and turn around. This day, this dragon, this dyke. He suddenly thought of howling, only to feel a breath of air in his chest and abdomen. Under the sky, this qi became powerless. He struggled to draw out his saber and wanted to point it to the sky, but the sword seemed to have a critical weight, and he finally let go of his hand in vain, and the sharp sword fell under the horse. He rolled off his horse, knelt by the river, and headed toward Jizhou in the west, kowtow to the ground, weeping in pain, and shouting, "Great virtuous teacher, great virtuous teacher!"

Li Xiang was startled by Bu Ji's involuntary crying. Li Xiang was completely unaware of Bu Ji's complicated mentality. He looked at Bu Ji, who was kneeling on the ground, and said to himself, "Even if the battle is defeated, how can a man weep and cry?" What can't be lost, suddenly looked down on Buji, hesitated, but decided to dismount and help Buji.

Bu Ji knelt down to Jizhou, weeping and screaming. Tens of thousands of Dongjun disciples who followed him died on the battlefield, and tens of thousands of Dongjun Yellow Turban believers who were unwilling to be enslaved for generations were killed by Han soldiers. The blood of hundreds of thousands of disciples and believers who wanted to resist the injustice of the sky stained the land of Yingchuan, Runan, and Dongjun. Their grievances are not scattered. At this moment, hundreds of thousands of grievances and souls from Dongjun, Runan, Yingchuan, who are unwilling to die seem to be coiling around his head. This sky may not be exhausted, and this "peaceful world" may not come yet, but, "sooner or later we can build a yellow sky, and we can establish peace sooner or later"!

He originally had the heart to make meritorious, but now he no longer wants to be a founding marquis. He only thinks of hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban believers who died in battle, he only thinks of millions, Thousands of Qianshou people who were enslaved and driven by the rich and noble like him before. This yellow sky and this peace will be established sooner or later! Not this time, next time! Not next time, next time!

He strengthened his mentality, no longer powerless, no longer confused, no longer angry. Without waiting for Li Xiang to help him, he jumped up, bent over to pick up the sharp sword that had fallen under the horse, carefully wiped off the dirt on the sword, and put it back into the scabbard.

When he left the river, he looked back at the river, the embankment and the day. Why should the rich and the rich live on behalf of others, and why should the laborers live on behalf of others? Why are they indifferent to the grains, and the four bodies are not diligent, but they are able to make extravagant expenses and make a fortune from generation to generation? He thought to himself: "Yes, the great teacher is right. The sky will die sooner or later, and the yellow sky will rise sooner or later!" He whipped the horse and left the shore with the inexplicable Li Xiang.

There were originally more than 2,000 soldiers who escaped with him, but after counting, there are less than 2,000 people who are still with him. They grabbed some food from the township pavilion near Zhou, and everyone had a full meal and rested for an hour. Bu Ji took them to Dong'e. The next morning, he arrived outside the city of Dong'e. The city of Dong'e was thick and high, and Cheng Li was so wise that he couldn't conquer the city twice in a row. The scout came to report: "Xun thieves came in pursuit of ten thousand people on foot, and now they are less than twenty miles away from our troops."

There is a fortified city in front, and there are chasing soldiers behind. In order to avoid the disadvantage of the two-front battle, Bu Ji left Dong'e and retreated to Cangting, more than ten miles west of Dong'e.

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