The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 119: Guo Fengxiao Dongyang said the first


Although there are many ministers and advisors under Xun Zhen's account, such as Chen Qun, Guo Jia, Xu Zhuo, they are a little younger, have less experience, and have less experience in military warfare, such as Cheng Jia, Xuankang, Li Bo, Cen Rong, Chen Yi, Luan Gu, Handan Rong, Zhi, Qin Song, etc., are either good at foreign affairs, or good at law, or long in speech, or have already changed administrative affairs, or specialize in military logistics In other respects, as for the specific military strategy, it is not his strength. Another example is Zhang Hong. Although this gentleman has the ability to strategize, he has not been in Xunzhen for a long time. After all, his intimacy still needs to be improved. People like Xi Zhicai can generally speak freely and without any scruples. Therefore, Xun Zhen's military conspirators are still mainly Xi Zhicai and Xun You, but Xun Yu has been added. Copy the URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

Therefore, when Xi Zhicai, Xun You, and Xun Yu agreed, and worked together to assist Xun Zhen in setting the time and strategy for taking Xu, the matter was officially put on the agenda.

Before that, "Xun Zhen will fight against Tao Qian sooner or later", not only Xu Zhong, Xun Cheng, Le Jin and other senior generals of the army knew, but also Chen Bao, Ping, Zhao Yun and other senior generals. Clearly, it's just that, before this, this matter has not been put on the table, it's just that everyone understands it.

Now, through discussions with Xi Zhicai and others, Xun Zhen has officially decided on this matter, and set the time for "the battle between Xu and Xu" to be in February next year, in other words, that is to say, at most two months later , to fight with Tao Qian, and to enter Xiapi.

Immediately, the entire military and political system in Guangling was in high tension because of this incident.

On the day after discussing the matter with Xi Zhicai and others, Xun Zhen secretly issued two summoning orders in succession, one was to summon Xuankang and others from various counties to come to the county government to discuss matters, and the other was to summon the military "academy" Officers at or above the level of "wei" also went to the county government to discuss matters, and some officers of the "Sima" level who actually served as supervisors and staff officers in each battalion also received summoning orders.

These two summoning orders included Xun Zhen's capable ministers and generals.

Needless to say, Xun Zhen wanted to personally give them an order to prepare for the war, and at the same time, at the meeting, he wanted to analyze the current state of the world and the position of "Guangling" in the whole world, so as to give them Explain clearly "Why do you want to compete with Tao Qian for Xuzhou?" - Although it is the duty of a soldier to persuade and obey orders, if you can explain clearly the reason and purpose of the war, so that the generals and schools can know "why to fight", then obviously It will be very beneficial to the preparations for war and the future combat process.

These two summoning orders were issued in secret. Xuankang, Xu Zhong and other officials and generals also arrived and entered the government in batches. It was the end of the year, and the New Year's Day was approaching. On the surface, this was just Xun. On the occasion of resigning the old and ushering in the new year, Zhen "invited the ministers". Therefore, Tao Qian's hidden line in Guangling was not clear about the actual purpose of Xun Zhen's summoning of the ministers, and was completely kept in the dark.

Xuankang and others were distributed in various counties. First, they were far and near. Second, they had agricultural and political matters to be dealt with. They could not rush to the prefecture as soon as they received an order. Therefore, Xun Zhen set a relatively short meeting time for them. lean back.

Xu Zhong and other military officials mostly led their troops to be stationed near Guangling County, and the road to the prefecture was close, and even those who led the troops stationed in Guangling counties or borders, the military orders were like a mountain, and Xun Zhen ordered them together. Immediately put aside the task at hand, light riding, and follow the starry night. Therefore, the meeting of Xu Zhong and other generals is several days earlier than the meeting of the ministers.

Although Xun Zhen's current status is not what it used to be, on the one hand, due to the influence of his previous life, he does not think that he is more noble than soldiers and farmers, and on the other hand, it is also intentional, so here Xu Zhong and other old people are here. In front of the generals, he still has no pretense as since, when the appointed day of the meeting arrives, he personally goes to the gate to welcome the generals.

It snowed a few days ago, and the snow was not big. Today, the snow has melted.

Xun Zhen did not wear armor or official clothes, but wore a black robe, with no crown on her head, wrapped in a black sash, with a sword hanging from her waist. Surrounded by him, he stood at the gate of the mansion and greeted people with a smile.

The generals, the first to arrive was not Xu Zhong, nor Xun Cheng or Le Jin, but Liu Bei.

Liu Bei, wearing armor on the inside, light fur on the outside, a horse and a sword, came together with Guan Yu.

Seeing that Xun Zhen was greeted at the gate of the mansion from a distance, Liu Bei hurriedly greeted Guan Yu, jumped off the horse together, and threw the mount to the entourage.

Xun Zhen stepped forward to support him, looked at him a few times, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for ten days, Xuande is very energetic!" She looked at Guan Yu again and smiled, "Why haven't you seen him for more than a month? , Yun Chang has grown stronger again!"

Liu Bei was thirsty for fame, he could not sit still, and he could not be idle either. When he was begging Dong Zhi, Xun Zhenbiao was appointed as the captain of Yongnu. After returning to Guangling from Xunzhen, he knew that sooner or later Xunzhen would "take Xiapi for pleasure". , so I asked Ying twice to be stationed in Dongyang. Dongyang County is in the west of Guangling County, and is adjacent to Xiapi. Once Xunzhen uses his troops to Xiapi, he will definitely pass through this place. By then, if Liu Bei can station in this county and be familiar with the surrounding terrain, he will definitely be of great use. Dongyang originally had troops stationed under Chen Bao and his subordinates. As early as when Xun Zhen sent troops to attack Dong, Chen Bao was stationed here by Xun Zhen, to suppress the border of the county and prevent foreign invasion. It is reasonable to say that Chen Bao has already If they were stationed here, if there is no special reason, they should not be replaced. However, after Liu Bei's repeated pleas, Xun Zhen had no choice but to let him recall Chen Bao, and instead use Liu Bei to lead his headquarters in Dongyang.

Liu Bei got what he wanted and happily went to Dongyang, which was more than a month ago.

However, although Liu Bei went to Dongyang, he was not resident in the county. Ten days ago, he returned to Guangling and sent Xun Zhen some of the output of Xiapi County and Chen Zhi and Tang Erzhu. Everyone also gave some gifts in the name of "Xiapi specialty".

On the other hand, Guan Yu has never left the barracks since he arrived in Xiapi. This is the first time he has returned to Guangling County in Yue Yulai.

Liu Bei turned his face to look at Guan Yu, turned his head, smiled and replied to Xun Zhen, "It's not that Yun Changyi is majestic, but it's really cold and the padded coat is too thick."

Xun Zhen laughed, looked at the servants brought by Liu Bei and Guan Yu, and asked Liu Bei, "Didn't Xianhe and Fengxiao come?"

Xianhe, that is, Jian Yong, Liu Bei's mastermind; Fengxiao, Guo Jialiao.

When Xun Zhen sent Liu Bei to be stationed in Dongyang, in order to train his talents, he gave Guo Jia the position of "military commander" and sent him along with him. Xu Zhuo was also with Guo Jia at the time and was also arrested. Appointed a military commander, and was sent out to Xun Cheng's army.

Liu Bei looked around and saw that there were no outsiders nearby, so he said in a low voice, "Fengxiao had a relationship with a tycoon in Xiapi County a few days ago, and was saying that he helped Duke Ming take down Pi, so he couldn't come with me. Xianhe He also stayed in Dongyang to assist him."

"Oh? A tyrant in Xiapi County?"

"Exactly, his name is Que Xuan, a well-known tyrant in the south of Xiapi County. Feng Xiaowen said that the people of Xiapi who passed by in Dongyang County said, 'Que Xuan Dao is a Taoist, and he is very angry with the Buddha', so he was moved, and sent The emissary sneaked into Xiapi and got connected with Que Xuan."

Xun Zhen looked at Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xun Yu, and Chen Qun and laughed, "I have heard of Que Xuan's name, I thought I would send someone to see him after the New Year's Day, but I didn't expect it. Fengxiao only went to Dongyang for more than a month, so I got this thing done first, okay, okay!"

Guo Jia studied in Xun's private school for several years. At that time, Xun You was by Xun Zhen's side and was not at home. Xun Yu was at home, so he knew Guo Jia very well, and he had been praising Guo Jia in front of Xun Zhen before. Hearing Xun Zhen's words at this time, he replied with a smile, "Fengxiao is the dragon and phoenix of my county. In terms of talent alone, he is ten times better than me."

Xun Zhen shook her head and smiled, "That's too modest to say!"

Liu Bei interfaced in a timely manner and said with a smile: "Minggong Township is full of talented people, and there are many outstanding scholars. If you talk about dragons and phoenixes, there is more than just one person who is filial! I don't talk about others, just the gentlemen present, why not dragons and phoenixes."

Xi Zhicai and others are all from Yingchuan County, and they have the credit of Xunzhen, and they have their own talents, so Liu Bei's words are not flattering.

Xi Zhicai saw that Liu Bei only praised himself and others, but did not mention Xun Zhen, so he mocked Liu Bei and asked, "Why do you only talk about 'the lords present' and not the lords of the government? We are all dragons and phoenixes, how about the lords ?"

Liu Bei put away his smile and replied solemnly: "The dragon and the phoenix, soaring in the nine heavens, can still be seen, such as the ruler of the government, not comparable to the dragon and the phoenix, I can't know."

Xun Zhen smiled again, seeing that both Liu Bei and Guan Yu were wearing armor, because she said to them both, "It's cold, and the armor is cold. I'm calling you here today, not for official business, but for a private banquet. You can take off your armor." Summoned to the left and right, ordered Liu Bei and Guan Yu to the school room on the side of the mansion, and let them both go to armour.

Liu and Guan took off their inner armor, and suddenly felt their bodies relaxed, their furs were close to their bodies, and their bodies were warm. After leaving the school, the two of them did not enter the palace, but stood behind Xun Zhen and followed Xun Zhen to greet them. Generals. For mobile please visit:

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