The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 120: In the daytime, the tigers and wolves fight for the battle, and the nightly feas


Xun Cheng, Le Jin, Zhao Yun, Liu Deng, Chen Dao, Chen Bao and other generals came in succession, as did Xia Houlan and other officers in charge of military law and court review. Jiang was reassigned to the Tuntian Army. The birds and other generals also came. Of all the generals who were called, Xu Zhong was the last to arrive. When he arrived, Xun Zhen had not waited in front of the mansion, but had joined Xun Cheng, Le Jin, Liu Bei and others. They are all sitting in the hall. Copy the URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d∮,

Dian Wei came in and reported, "General Xu is here."

——In the early years, Xun Zhen changed his name to Xu Zhong because of murder, and called him "Jiang Xian". The last time the court granted amnesty, Xun Zhen took the opportunity to report his name, and now he has changed it back. His original surname, because the name "Zhong" is not enough for "the hall of elegance", so he simply still uses the name "Xian".

Xu Zhong has always been the most important general under Xun Zhen. Although Xun Cheng and Le Jin are on a par with him today, in terms of prestige in the army, Xun and Le are still inferior to him, such as Chen Dao and Chen Dao. Bao and others, some of them belonged to his old department, and some are still under his command. Even if they never obeyed his orders in his camp, some of them had been under his restraint during the war. Therefore, when Xu Zhong arrived, he went up to the Xun Zhen, going down to Xun Cheng, Le Jin, and then to Zhao Yun, Liu Deng, Chen Dao, Chen Bao, etc., all the officers present stood up.

Xu Zhong was originally taciturn, and for many years he was in charge of the army, and he became more and more serious. , how dare you ask the lord to get up."

"I know that your military affairs are complicated, and it's normal for you to come late.... Get up and sit."

Xu Zhong really had a lot of military affairs, and Xun Zhen spent his energy mainly on agriculture, politics, food, and foreign affairs these days. It was really a last resort that Zhong came late today.

Xu Zhong's seat is at the top on the right, and there is only one person after Xi Zhi, who is still above Xun You, Xun Cheng, Xun Yu and other Xun Yu. From this, it is enough to see his position in Xun Zhen's army and Xun Zhen's attitude towards him. letter weight.

Xu Zhongwen ordered to get up, went to the banquet, waited for Xun Zhen to sit down, and then invited Xi Zhicai, Zhu Xun and others to sit down, and then he sat down with him.

Seeing him sit down, Zhao Yun and the others also fell back to the seat one after another.

There were dozens of seats in the lobby, Xun Zhen looked away, there were no empty seats, and there were already people on the seats, which means that everyone who should come has come. , went straight to the topic, and said: "I have summoned all the ministers, why are you here? I don't need to tell you, you should have counted them as well?"

Gao Su, who was in the middle and lower positions, raised his head loudly, opened his mouth, and said in response, "I dare to ask the lord, but is it for the sake of entering Xiapi?"

The word "lord" is not an official term. As the name suggests, there is a word for "lord", which is actually a word that emphasizes personal affiliation. Among the people under Xun Zhen's account, Le Jin was in Xun Zhen because he did not follow him for a long time. By his side, in order to show his loyalty to Xun Zhen, he was the first to use this term to address Xun Zhen. After he started, the generals and officers in Xun Zhen's army, especially those old people from Xixiang, some also This term was used to address Xun Zhen, but this title was mainly limited to the military, and in the civil service system, such as the newly cast Zhang Hong, the original Luan Gu, Qin Song, etc., most of them still used the name "Ming Gong ” or “General Ming” to honor Xunzhen, except for a few people such as Cheng Jia and Xuankang, very few followed suit, and they also used “lord” to honor Xunzhen.

Gao Su has always been carefree, beautiful in clothes, and has a flamboyant personality. Most of the generals who have been summoned this time are the same as Xu Zhong and Xun Cheng. They don't wear heavy clothes. They only wear armor and swords. , like Liu Bei, it is rare to wear a fur coat, but Gao Su is even more extravagant. He is the only one without armor. He is dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a belt in his waist, and even the socks he wears are high-quality silk. The clothes were made with incense, and when he sat there, the fragrance could drift to Xun Zhen's seat.

After the vigorous development of the former Han Dynasty and the emphasis on literature and respect for Confucianism in the previous dynasty, the aesthetics of today's nobles and scholars began to turn to feminine.

Incense is popular, and some are also powdered. Xun Zhen has long been accustomed to this. There are many officials and staff in his house who incense incense, but most of them are scribes, and even if incense is used, most of them are incense. It will not be very strong, such as Xun Yu, he likes to incense on his clothes since he was a child, but it is a light fragrance. After people smell it, they will only feel relaxed and happy. There are incense in generals, especially in the officers who are not high-born. There is almost no one, only Gao Su is the only one, and the fragrance of Gao Su is very strong, and it smells like a hundred gardens.

Sitting next to Gao Su are brothers Gao Jia and Gao Bing. The two of them are also old people from Xixiang. They are familiar with Gao Su, and because the three have the same surname, they are on good terms now. Gao Sushi just stood up to speak, and it was inevitable that the clothes would fluctuate, and the fragrance would come out more intensely. Gao Jia had a straight temper, and immediately turned his face to the other side, slapped his nose twice with his hand, and said, "Old Gao, Even if you go to Xiapi, you can't go."

Gao Su asked, "Why can't I go?"

"As far as your smell is, you are scattered ten miles in the wind, and before the soldiers arrive, they are smelled by Zhe Rong. The art of warfare says that "the soldiers are expensive and fast."

The generals in the hall burst into laughter.

Gao Su's face turned pale in a hurry, and she scolded: "I don't know a basket of big characters, but I know the art of war? If you have that skill, change your name first!"

Gao Jia and Gao Bing, the names of his two brothers are the same as Xu Zhong. They are common names in the countryside. If they are replaced by later generations, they are tall and high school. They only describe the age and the size of their teeth. They are just code names that can be called without culture. connotation.

——Why does Zhiruo Gaojia know some tactics, this is the credit of Xun Zhen in recent years.

When Xun Zhen was in Yingchuan in his early years, in order to facilitate military training, he wrote a book of "wars" similar to military drills of later generations, and taught Gao Jia, Gao Bing and others to read and write. Xun Cheng and others worked together to enrich and improve this book. Every officer in the army at or above the intermediate level has one copy, and they are taught by specialized instructors. Although these old people from Xixiang came from the countryside, but now they have both practical experience and military theoretical foundation.

There are very few geniuses in the world, and there are not many stupid ones, and most of them are middle-aged talents.

Including Xun Zhen himself, he considered himself a Chinese talent.

The reason why he can achieve today's achievements is that he has knowledge from previous lives and is clearer about the development process of the current era than the "authorities". Contact with the "ruling class" of the gentry is closer to politics. Through the contact with the clan and the scholars from all over the country, the horizons have been broadened, the horizons have been improved, and the general situation of the world has been known. In order to be cheap, of course, there is another aspect, which is related to character. Xun Zhen has always believed in two sentences, "character determines destiny" and "attitude determines everything". A good character and a positive attitude are the key to great things. two indispensable factors.

Apart from character and attitude, what can determine a person's achievements is "knowledge" and "vision".

Although Xun Zhen's old people from Xixiang came from the countryside, they have followed Xun Zhen to fight in the north and south, and they have seen a lot of things. With the improvement, things gather together, people are divided into groups, and the level of people who come into contact with them has been improved, and their own level will naturally be improved unconsciously. , In terms of "vision", they have no major problems now, and if they improve their "knowledge", Xun Zhen firmly believes that there will definitely be a group of them who will be famous in history.

Unlike Gao Jia, Gao Bing is not an outspoken person. He usually doesn't talk much, but once he is provoked, he will speak fiercely. At this time, I heard Gao Su laugh at his brother's bad name. He didn't get angry, but he couldn't help but pick up his mouth and said, "Although my brothers' names are A and C, they won't dance because they are promoted to captain by the Lord's grace."

This is the day when Gao Su was promoted to captain by Xun Zhen, Gao Su was so excited that he almost danced on the spot. This incident spread throughout the army, and the officers and soldiers at the bottom did not dare to comment. Those who are unfamiliar with Gao Su don’t talk much, so as to avoid unnecessary contradictions, but among the old people in Xixiang, such as Gao Jia and Gao C, whenever they mention this, they will make fun of Gao Su.

However, Gao Su didn't think it was a "shameful" thing at all. Hearing Gao Bing mention this, he was rather proud and looked at the Gao brothers and said, "I have to be the captain of the school now, what about the two of your brothers? I still can’t be!” After speaking, he got up and left the table, bowed down to the hall, and said to Xun Zhen in a loud voice, “I have always done my best, but the master won’t give up, but I was promoted to captain. Whenever I think about this, I often Grateful."

Seeing that Gao Su was not ashamed, but proud, and even took the opportunity to stand up to pay his respects to Xie Xunzhen, Gao Bing was also speechless, and he and his brother Gao Jia glanced at each other, and the two stopped talking angrily.

Everyone in the hall laughed again, and Xun Zhen couldn't help laughing, and said to Gao Su: "What a slap in the face of a colonel! Your words are good, I am summoning you to wait for the completion of this time, just to send troops to Xiapi, waiting for the battle. Once it's opened, if you can make another contribution, Zhonglang can also show it!"

Gao Su was overjoyed, bowed his head and said loudly, "Zerong Shuzi has seized Xiapi by force, he should have taken it long ago, and Wenqian will take office! I must live up to the lord's high esteem, this response to Xiapi will definitely be a Zhonglang general. !"

Xun Zhen asked him to get up and sit back, looking at the group of tigers and wolves in the hall, and said, "The few words I just said were not just for Zixiu, you all know our military law, and rewards and punishments are only clear. I will not hesitate to reward those who have made contributions, why not 'general' and 'school'!"

These generals, the Marquis of Qu Jun, and the Sima in the hall are soldiers, and they are eager to fight and seek fame. Therefore, they have long been looking forward to Xun Zhen's entry into Xiapi and fighting for Hearing the words from Xun Zhen's mouth, "We are going to attack Xiapi," everyone was excited, got up from the table, and all came to the hall. "Only the order of the public is obedient!" Some said again: "I am willing to serve the Lord!" Some said again: "Dare to be the vanguard of Ming Gong!" If you are fine, you will be able to pacify the general!" Some said again: "Please give your lord's order, and you can send troops now!"

For a while, there was a commotion in the hall.

Xu Zhong and Xun Cheng stood up, turned around, restrained their subordinates, and told them not to talk too much.

The hall slowly fell silent.

Seeing that the army was ready, morale was strong, and she was in a happy mood, Xun Zhen laughed and said, "The dispatch of troops is not urgent at the moment. I'm summoning Qing to come here, firstly, for this matter, to give everyone a briefing, and secondly, it is already At the end of the year, the New Year's Day is approaching. Since returning to Guangling, I have not seen many people in the Qing Dynasty and have been talking for a long time. I take this opportunity to invite you to a banquet... Xiahoulan!"

Xiahoulan, who was standing in the hall with everyone, got up and replied, "Yes."

"Tonight's banquet, when you use military law to drink wine, you will be a sommelier, and you will never return when you are drunk!"

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