The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 121: Chen Qun is quite prepared for food and equipment


Drink all night, all night long, until dawn.

The generals who were light in alcohol were so drunk that they lost consciousness. Xun Zhen ordered Dian Wei to bring guards to take them to the backyard to rest. Most of the generals who were well-drinked were already drunk, talking with big tongues and walking crooked. Xie, Xun Zhen also ordered Dian Wei to help them to the backyard to rest.

Because of their heavy responsibilities, Xu Zhong, Xun Cheng and others did not drink much wine during the banquet. Su Ze, Chen Dao and others were officers on duty in each battalion today, and did not drink much. However, these people did not stay. They said goodbye to Xun Zhen, returned to their camps, and sat guarding the army.

Xun Zhen drank a lot, but he was okay, but he was also quite drunk. When he returned to the back house, Chen Zhi asked Tang Er to boil him a hangover soup. After taking a shower with cold water again, the feeling of drinking was gone by eight points, and I suddenly felt refreshed.

Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xun Yu, and Chen Qun shouldered various preparation responsibilities for the invasion of Xiapi, so they didn't drink too much. While Xun Zhen was taking a bath, they also drank some hangover soup and washed their hands. After a while, they gathered in the study in the back house and waited for Xun Zhen.

Chen Qun pushed the window open, and the cold air rushed in. Several people who were sleepy at first also immediately woke up.

Xi Zhicai paced to the door, opened the thick cotton curtain, looked outside, and saw Dian Wei and his guards still helping or carrying drunk officers in, laughing. Gu Xunyou, the three of them, said, "The military heart is available, and the morale is very good."

After drinking wine all night, Xun You didn't feel sleepy, but his temples were a little sore. He kneaded with his hands while picking up Xi Zhicai's voice, and said, "Since the monarchs have raised their army, they have won many battles, it is normal The victorious army, after arguing against Dong Gongcheng, regained Luoyang, the spirits of the army's soldiers are high, and they returned to Guangling to rest for the past few months.

Xun Yu felt a little cold, and when he saw a blanket on the seat behind the case, he brought it over and covered it on his knees. When he sat down, Xun You just finished speaking, so he said: "Although the military heart is available, you should be cautious in taking down Xiapi this time."

Xun You nodded and said, "This is natural."

There were not only the four of them who accompanied Xun Zhen to the banquet last night, but Cheng Jia and others also went, but after the banquet, some of Cheng Jia and others were very drunk and were taken to the room to rest, and some were still there today. On official business, they have already left. Only Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xun Yu, and Chen Qun stayed because they were either Xun Zhen's military mastermind, understood the government affairs of Guangling, or were in charge of military finances. down.

It seems that Xun Zhen is "selfish" in employing people, and Xi Zhicai, the four most influential people under Xun Zhen's account, are either his old friends in Yingchuan, or family members, or marriage clansmen. , there is no "outsider", but first, it is common to use "countrymen" and "tribal people" to hold power. Second, Xi Zhicai and other four people are indeed talented, Xi Zhicai and Xun You are two people. Needless to say, he has both high talents and deep experience. Although Xun Yu is a newcomer, his qualifications are not enough, but in such a short period of time, he has already put all the political and agricultural matters in Guangling up and down. To make it clear, many of the administrative orders issued by Xun Zhen recently were actually drafted by him, and Chen Qun, the youngest and junior, has since entrusted him with the military's financial affairs. , He also managed it in an orderly, fair and clear manner, so the generals of the army and the staff of the government had no objection to this.

Xun You answered Xun Yu, and then turned to Chen Qun: "Sir, the prince asked you to store grain and equipment a few days ago, how are you preparing?"

Chen Qun replied: "Fortunately, Handan and Pu Erjun, the group did not leave the camp, and there was enough food and equipment."

Handan is Handan Rong; Pu is Puhu.

In order to boost morale, Xun Zhen appointed a group of officers above the school captain on a large scale. Handan Rong, because of his past qualifications and merits, was listed as the superintendent of grain supervision. At that time, his main tasks were two. One is to collect food, the other is to escort. Now that he is back in Guangling, he no longer needs to go to battle in person and **** food and grass. However, because Xun Zhen understands his temperament and knows that he is a vigorous and resolute person, he does not change his title. , and handed over all the collection of grain and fodder from the counties according to the order to him.

——There are two sources of food for Xunzhen’s army today, one is the former farmland, and the other is expropriated from various counties, because the scope of the previous farmland was not too large, and although the scope of the farmland has been greatly expanded this time, it is still too early to harvest. Therefore, at present, it mainly depends on the counties.

Pu Hu was a man of many talents. He could control water and refine smelting. There was a copper mountain in Guangling, and a smelting field built by Xun Zhen. Wei Guang and others were responsible for it. Now Xun Zhen has handed over the matter to him. He is in charge.

—— This smelting field in Xunzhen is mainly divided into two parts, one is for smelting agricultural tools, daily utensils, and secretly making money. This one uses copper, and the other is for making weapons, which also uses copper. , but most of them still use iron and steel. As for the source of iron, some were bought from Mi Zhu, and some were bought from Pengcheng. Pengcheng produced iron, but Pengcheng did not fully cooperate with Xunzhen's demand for iron, but he also maintained a continuous supply. That is why, although Pengcheng refused to fully turn to Xunzhen, he used Xunzhen to compete. Tao Qian wanted to protect his own position, but Xun Zhen was still able to tolerate and accommodate him again and again.

"What about the money?"

"There are Tibetan Gong Cao, Yuan Zhuzhu, and Qin Shangji to help, and the money is quite sufficient."

Although Chen Qun's qualifications are low, he is well-known in the family. His grandfather, Chen Hao, was famous all over the world. When he passed away a few years ago, there were more than 30,000 scholars and disciples who came from all over the world to pay tribute to the funeral. He has such a family voice. In addition, he is Xun Zhen's in-law, and he is not arrogant and arrogant. Not only is he talented, but he is also humble, so all personnel are willing to actively cooperate with him to complete the task.

Xi Zhicai said with a smile at this time: "Not only is the minister of wealth, but also wealth. The monarch makes you control the army's wealth and food, just to get people to use it."

While speaking, Xi Zhicai saw Xun Yu's face dignified and sitting on the seat in danger, so he smiled and said, "There are no outsiders in the room, if, why do you have to be so restrained... I see that your face is dark, but you are thinking of entering the army in Xiapi. What's going on? How are the agricultural and political affairs in the counties now?"

Xun Yu said: "Everything is good in the county, farmers and government. Even if the army is raised today, there will definitely be no chaos. ... Zhicai, I am not worried about this."

"That is?"

"Although compared to Tao Gongzu, both in terms of people's hearts and morale, the lords and lords have the upper hand, but the key to this battle is still Taishan soldiers and Pengcheng."

In the previous discussion, Xun Yu and others believed that Xun Zhen was superior in many aspects of military and political affairs, and proposed to solve the three deficiencies of "few soldiers, limited land, and insufficient food" proposed by Xun Zhen. One of the local solutions is to try to win over Zang Ba, so that he will at least not do his best for Tao Qian, and at the same time to persuade Prime Minister Peng Cheng, so that he can at least send troops to the prefecture, so as to put pressure on Tao Qian.

Xi Zhicai nodded and said, "Indeed."

Xun Yu said: "Now that it has been decided to enter Xiapi in February of next year, it is time for the Taishan soldiers and Pengcheng to send more people."

Xun You said: "These two places are related to the overall situation. This time, whoever is sent to be a lobbyist needs to be carefully selected."

Xi Zhicai asked, "Who do you think is the best to send?"

Xun You had a long-standing question about who should go to see Zang Ba, and replied, "Cheng Junchang has been to Langya and has seen Zang Ba, so it would be best if he was the master this time."

Xi Zhicai asked, "Where is Pengcheng?"

Xun You was a little hesitant about who to see Prime Minister Pengcheng. He said, "Xuande has been to Pengcheng, but this time..."

"Xuande is taciturn and less talkative, does it seem difficult to assume this position?"

"That's what I'm thinking about."

Chen Qun interjected and asked, "How is Qin Shang's plan?"

"Qin Biaoya Gao Shi, if he goes to see the state scholar, he is the best candidate, but unfortunately he is not powerful enough, but it is difficult to say Pengcheng."

Through contact with Peng Chengxiang, Xun You thinks that he is a cunning person who does not value credit. To this kind of person, only words and Ya can't talk about it. At critical moments, it may be necessary to be a little overbearing. Qin Song has only Ya. No overbearing, obviously not.

Chen Qun scratched his head and said, "Then who should be the best?"

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside the door, everyone saw that it was Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen saw that Xi Zhicai was standing at the door with a curtain, and said with a smile, "Isn't it cold?" Xi Zhicai stepped aside and invited him in. When Xun Zhen entered the room, she felt the cold wind blowing across her body, she saw the window wide open, she laughed again, and said, "No wonder Zhicai didn't feel cold when he was standing at the door."

Chen Qun was busy to close the window.

Xun Zhen stopped him and said, "Let's drive, it's a little windy, human spirit, what are you talking about?"

Chen Qun replied: "Discuss the candidates for envoys to Langya and Pengcheng."

"Is there an agreement?"

Chen Qun looked at Xun You, and Xun You replied, "I thought Junchang could go to Langya."

"Where's Pengcheng?"

"Xuande is taciturn and looks like Shaowei, and he seems uncomfortable."

"Zhicai, Ruo, can the two of you have a recommendation?"

Xun Yu said: "I have a person who is both talented in martial arts, talented and meticulous. If he is sent, he will not disgrace the emperor's life, but this person is a little younger, and I am afraid that the emperor and the prince will not appoint him." :

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