I woke up startled.

Wasn’t he clamoring to find the security just to get me out of the way? What are you looking for me for?

Is this old secretary someone who will come and go at his call?!

Indeed, it is.

I wiped my saliva, and soon squatted down beside the president’s seat. “President, what can I do for you?”

The President’s eyelids drooped slightly, and he slowly traced the line of his profile with his index finger, “Woman, is the way I sleep very charming?”

My eyes unconsciously follow the route of the president’s fingertips. It’s good to be the main character. It’s so beautifully written by the author. The jaw lines are really clear…

Ah? No, what am I talking about?

The president lifted his eyelids and looked down at me slightly. His eyes were full of unspeakable gloom. “Were you addicted to my sleeping face and willing to stay with me for so long?”

The president’s imagination was so rich that I couldn’t help laughing.

The president pulled out a slight imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth. “Sure enough. I found out later, you were shy, and you started talking nonsense?”

I shook my head violently. “No, I really want to say that.”

The President raised the corner of his mouth and glanced at my face with insightful eyes, “Really? Oh, then why are you looking at me so obsessively?”

I brought out the theory I made up just now, “That’s really not obsession, I I’m just afraid that you will need anything during the rest.”

The President snorted coldly, “Oh, a duplicitous woman.”

I scratched the back of my head helplessly.

What to do? It’s hard to communicate with the boss

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