The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 182 - Like The Titanic



Charles had to admit.

Ever since the battle that occurred in the Spider's Island, he had been itching to get some real action.

Granted, the spars he had with his master and fellow retainers had been enough to satisfy his thirst for true combat, but nothing beats when two warriors go at each other's throats and giving it all they got to win the fight. It was the sort of itch that a warrior of his caliber would experience every once in a while when he becomes too complacent.

The sort of thrill that a knuckleheaded knight, who likes to do awesome things, would feel at times, despite his approval of a peaceful life.

Fortunately, the one that he found himself involved with just feels like that.

How it got to this point though?

Well, it would be after half an hour when his master entered the abandoned warehouse.

With Arash on the lookout above the warehouse, positioning himself at the highest point of the building to get a clear view of the area, Astolfo and Charles were left on their lonesome outside, doing several rounds patrolling the territory. Astolfo had no issues with this duty, of course.

But Charles, on the other hand, felt a bit dissatisfied by it.

The former king had no issues with his master's order.

No, his duty as a servant and retainer to his master would come first and foremost, even before his own feelings.

What he is not fine with was the lack of results in finding that sc.u.m, Prelati, and his ilk.

He might have reassured his master and fellow aides of his thoughts and feeling regarding the events that occurred in the Spider's territory, but Charles, like the rest of his fellow retainers, can't help but feel that the fight would have gone better if he had been more active and vigilant during the battle.

Yes, there had been a few things that placed them at a disadvantage position, but Charles can't help but think that it could have gone better at his end.

So now, after that near disastrous event, the King of Paladins felt eager to make up for his mistakes.

Instincts ringing, the former king dodge the small set of daggers that were thrown in his way, courtesy of the cloaked figure in black.

In one smooth motion, Charles turned on his heel as he moved his body to the side, evading the small but sharp projectiles at the last second, then immediately advancing towards the opponent after he had moved successfully past their attacks.

The cheeky knight's brow twitched in annoyance when the enemy simply moved away, managing to gain a bit of distance between them despite his quick advance.





Unperturbed by his response, the cloaked figure wasted no time to launch another set of uniquely-made knives in his way.

Sensing no time to dodge like before, Charles used his sword to parry the knives that would have hit him fully as he moved forward, trying to gain as much distance as possible to initiate the enemy into a close combat encounter that would surely be in his favor.

Having been present to his master's short lectures regarding various servant classes and their common similarities in the past, the former king was able to recognize what kind of being he was up against.

From the feel of their presence, the graceful way they moved, and their choice of weaponry and tactics, it was easy to see that his current opponent was an Assassin class servant.

The graceful manner and ease they exuded as they moved in and out of his attack range were enough telling of their true class as a servant.

But, the true question is whether they are a rogue type or already bind to a contract?

And more importantly, whether if they have any relation to Prelati and/or his ilk, indirectly or otherwise?

After all, why the hell would an assassin class servant venture into a territory guarded by a few Heroic Spirits?

Servants of the aforementioned class were not the sort to simply enter an enemy territory without reason. No, such a course of action was normally induced by a great reason that they cannot help but follow through, despite the dangers. Yes, it was either that, or the servant in question was feeling stupidly brave for some reason.


Shaking his head, the cheeky knight frowned as he focused himself back into the fight.

With a wordless wave of his left hand, the three swords (simple ethereal copies of the one held in his right hand) began their quick descent from above, rushing down above the back of his opponent.

However, at the last second, before the weapons had honed in to their target by two meters, the cloaked figure suddenly jumped, performing a graceful backflip borne out of instinct and experience, narrowly avoiding the sharp edges of the prana-made blades by a hair's breadth. Although, some of the tips made contact with the enemy's clothes, cutting small tears through their black cloak.

Other than that, the intruder managed to safely escape his surprise attack, much to Charles's surprise and disappointment.


Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g his tongue in slight frustration, Charles rushed forward to engage the enemy into a close combat encounter once more.

Then, just as he did so, a small part of him – the one that had been strictly trained by his young master – quietly started to wonder if the enemy had a different motive in mind, one that was different from the others he had initially assumed were the case.

Perhaps they intend to act as bait and lure him away from the others?

It would make sense since the enemy seemed to be guiding him deeper into the small forested area that surrounded the warehouse.

With this thought in mind, Charles tried to lock blades against the enemy, if not to get close and ask them a question.

But he was interrupted as someone made an entrance nearby, appearing from behind the bushes and jumping over them.

It was none other than Astolfo, one of his trusted friends and lifetime comrades.

"Heeeeey Charles! In a pickle?! I'll help you out!" The pink haired knight shouted with a grin as he ran to his direction.

The fond grin that first appeared on his face was slowly replaced by trepidation as his eyes laid sight on a unique-looking hunting horn that Astolfo had quickly materialized around himself.


Charles tried, but it was too late.

In slow motion, Astolfo lifted the horn to his lips, took a deep breath and blew on it.


The sound that emerged from the horn became akin to a powerful roar of a dragon's, slamming the two combatants within range with the force of an explosion of sound.

'La Black Luna', one of Astolfo's Noble Phantasms.

It was a hunting horn granted to Astolfo by the good witch Logistilla of Avalon to drive away a large flock of Harpies. Considered the most extreme of his Noble Phantasms, the thing would produce a magical sound similar in nature to the roar of a dragon, the cry of a giant bird, and the neighing of a divine horse, slamming targets within range with the force of an explosion of sound.

Normally, it is kept in a small size that can be hung from the belt on his hip, but would increase in size to encircle his entire body upon its activation.

Unfortunately, while his high magic resistance kept him from being affected by the horn's power, Charles was still stunned by the sound and then promptly blown away by the force of it, wholly unprepared.

"AHHH?!" The cheeky knight cried out in surprise and shock.

As he was blown backwards, his mind could not help but reflect back to the time Astolfo had introduced himself to their master.

And it was quite the introduction…

'So, you're my master? Yohoo! Yohoo! I'm Astolfo, the Rider! Leave it to me! I'm as dependable as the Titanic!'

Charles remembered the neutral expression that his master wore on that day.

Back then, the cheeky knight had laughed it off, but now, as he recalled that certain memory.

One thought flittered through his mind.

'Titanic indeed…'



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