The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 183 - AN (Please Read)



Hey guys, author of TPoM here.

Sorry, but this is not a chapter. This is more of a quick announcement to let you guys know of what my current situation is.

Just earlier, a real emergency came up in rl. My mother had to be rushed to the hospital because she had difficulty breathing while asleep. Don't worry, she's okay now. Just received news that she's fine from one of my cousins who helped move her to the hospital.

I'm calm outside, but my mind is currently frazzled right now. Even now, as I type, my mind keeps going back to the weakened condition my mother looked like earlier.

So, I don't think I'll be able to update a chapter today or next week. Not until my mother comes home and is with us again to take care of her.

Please understand, even I'm still shocked by how things turned out today.

I remember how my mother was okay and talking to me earlier, then she was not the next few hours. Things like that just reminds you how quick things in life can change, whether you like it or not. It's also a real reminder that every moment with those you are close to must be cherished, regardless of whether they are family or friend.

I really want to update the next chapter now, but it's still not polished, at least not to the level of how I want it to be. I'm afraid the next chapter will have to wait. I don't know when I'll update it though, since I'll be taking care of my mother with my family once she comes back home.

At her age and condition, she needs utmost attention from my family and I.

Until then guys, stay safe and healthy, especially during this year.

Also, my prayers goes to those who are ill or affected by the Covid. It may sounds strange coming from someone you don't know, but I pray you all to become healthy and happy.

Thank you for reading. Until next time, guys.

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