The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 280: girl assaulter

On August 20, two weeks had passed since the "big riot".

Under the control of public opinion in Academy City, the long chaotic battle about the 17th school district has been forgotten by people.

The only thing left is the ever-popular "Vampire Legend" - which is said to have become one of the "Seven Mysteries" of Academy City.

With the technical strength of Academy City, a large area of ​​the 17th school district that was almost abandoned after the war was rebuilt and repaired in a short period of time. For those who are not familiar with this place, it is impossible to find that it was destroyed not long ago. .

Because three paladins of the Roman Orthodox Church were captured alive on the "battlefield" that day, Academy City took the opportunity to extort a sum of compensation to repair the damaged buildings.

As for the other culprits, they were not held accountable for various reasons.

Fortunately, Ling Xingye and Misaka Miqin did not bear an astronomical amount of compensation.

Now they have all returned to their normal summer vacation life. Except for those who witnessed the incident, no one knows what they have experienced not long ago.

All is at peace...

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

The sound of light breathing rhythmically sounded from the path of the park, accompanied by the sound of equally regular steps.

It seems that someone is running at night in this remote and uninhabited park.

—if you exclude the further footsteps and yelling that followed...

The park is located in a remote place, and even many of the landscape lights in the park have been turned off.

So it's really not a place to visit at night, especially for a girl.

But at this time, it was a girl of junior high school age, running in the dark tree-lined path.

Behind her, there are a dozen delinquent boys chasing after her.

The unscrupulous teenagers held metal bats, switchblades and other weapons in their hands, and they all shouted excitedly, as if they were crazy.

"Stop! Don't run!"

They shouted like this, but the girl in front didn't pay any attention at all.

The girl being chased was wearing the uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School, her shoulder-length brown hair and a pair of same brown pupils could be recognized under the moonlight.

This highly recognizable face can make people recognize her identity at a glance—the ace of Tokiwadai Middle School, a level 5 superpower, "Railgun" Misaka Mikoto!

Among the seven superpowers in Academy City, Misaka Mikoto was the one with the highest exposure and the most public identity.

Coupled with the "that incident" not long ago, it further increased Misaka Mikoto's popularity.

Even after a deliberate cover-up, some clues revealed are still easy for people to guess—the fact that Misaka Mikoto made a big fight.

After all, the abnormal flat ground thunder that day could not be concealed at all.

So, such troubles also follow...

challenge, or simply want to knock her down as a demonstration.

The latter is a recent trend that has grown in popularity among groups of armed incompetents.

Because her identity is public and the easiest to find, Misaka Mikoto has become their best target.

"If you keep chasing like this, Misaka will be very troubled. Misaka said to herself, but she doesn't expect these people to hear it."

That's right, the girl being chased is not the "Railgun" Misaka Mikoto, but her younger sister Misaka 10001.

Because it is a "sister" relationship, people have often been mistaken recently.

"Should Misaka continue to wear night vision goggles? Misaka asked in confusion."

"Stop! You bastard!" The delinquent boy behind him was almost out of breath.

—It seems that we can only find a way to solve these troubles.

Misaka 10001 slowed down, thinking in his heart that if my sister was an adult, how would I deal with the current problem?

"As expected, let's defeat the enemy cleanly! Misaka makes the final decision."

Misaka 10001 took out the coin from his pocket, thought about it and put it back.

It’s one thing to teach these bad boys a lesson, but you can’t really kill them—although Misaka 10001’s "electromagnetic gun" is not as good as your sister, it also has a muzzle velocity above Mach 1, which is more than enough to deal with human targets.

...let's use electric shock.

A flash of lightning flashed from Misaka 10001's bangs.

"Be careful! She's going to use her abilities!" the unscrupulous teenagers yelled.

"All ready..."

Under Misaka 10001's puzzled eyes, the unscrupulous boys also stopped and kept a certain distance from her.

Then, they took out their phones together.

Hearing only a strange buzzing sound, Misaka 10001 felt dizzy, and the electric shock that was brewing collapsed in an instant.

Decrease in ability!

Misaka 10001 immediately thought of the device that the master mentioned before, which can interfere with the ability of the capable person to activate the ability.

The ability cannot be used!

Misaka 10001's eyes became serious, but he didn't feel afraid because of it.

As the clone's younger sister, she is currently stronger than her older sister, Misaka Mikoto.

That is pure fighting ability.

Through the systematic learning of the learning device, Misaka Mikoto has mastered multiple fighting skills including Sanda, Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, boxing and so on. And they all have pretty good practicality.

Misaka 10001 is confident that he can fight ten against one without relying on ability—if the opponent doesn't have a weapon...

Seeing the bats and knives in the hands of the delinquent boys, Misaka 10001 frowned.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Just when Misaka 10001 was hesitating whether to take the risk of injuring himself in exchange for victory, suddenly there were several dazzling bright lights projected from behind.

Another group of people gathered around. Holding a bright flashlight in his hand, the bad boys couldn't open their eyes.

"Bastard! What kind of idiots dare to blame us for our good deeds!" The delinquent teenagers leaned forward cursing, ready to show them some color.

Unexpectedly, behind the lights, there are a group of even more vicious faces!

There were a total of five people who walked over, each of them had a hulking back and a swollen face, and they felt like hunks from college boxing or judo clubs.

However, the aura exuded by them made the unscrupulous teenagers seem to see the existence of "similar"...or "superior".

Not a delinquent juvenile playing tricks, but a real member of the Yakuza!

The strong man in the head can still see colorful tattoos on his exposed arms.

"Huh?" The strong man glared at reprimanded, "Bastard, which organization are you in! Who is the boss! I don't know if this site is booked by our Baifan team today!"

The unscrupulous teenagers kept silent one by one, quickly took back their weapons and hid them behind their backs.

After honestly being reprimanded, he ran away in despair.

"It's so strange. Even though you dare to attack my sister, you are afraid of those who are incompetent. Misaka can't understand their behavior pattern."

The strong man glanced at her: "It's because you capable people rely too much on your abilities, that's why you are targeted by those scum."

"The world is getting more and more chaotic recently," another hunk said, "After the riot of the 'Fantasy Hands' last time, there have been more of these low-level gangs."

"I still don't know the rules!" The third person added, "It's time for the boss to find a way to rectify it."

The strong man didn't continue this topic, but walked towards Misaka 10001: "Are you here to see the fireworks display? Come with us, it's not far ahead."

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