The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 281: fireworks display

By the river next to the park, a long scenic trail has been decorated as a lively summer festival scene. There is still some time before the fireworks display at 8 pm, but the place is already quite popular.

Two figures suddenly appeared at the entrance of the walkway out of thin air. Although the appearance was very abrupt, it was not unbelievable in this academy city.

Those who came were Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko.

"Catch up, catch up." Misaka Mikoto looked at the bustling crowd in front of her, and breathed a sigh of relief. It was already very late when they escaped to avoid the dormitory supervisor's last dormitory check.

"Big sister is too nervous, with my ability, it's impossible to be late."

Because they were going to watch the fireworks, the two girls dressed up and put on bathrobes.

The yukata on Misaka Mikoto is mainly light green, with pink and light blue spots dotted on the fabric, which looks childish while being cute.

Misaka Mikoto favored this yukata mainly because of its color—like Guta, it was a lovely green.

Shirai Kuroko's yukata is also like her usual style—regardless of objective factors such as age and figure, obsessed with "mature sexy"—it is a violet, elegant and luxurious clothing.

"This way! Misaka-san, this way!" A voice called from not far away.

From the energetic voice, one could tell it was Saten Ruiko.

Following the prestige, I saw that she, Chuchun Shili, and the new friend Chunshang Jinyi, who had just met in the past few days, were greeting them in front of a small mask selling stall.

Misaka Mikoto also waved back and ran over at the same time.

"My lord, be more reserved!" Shirai Heizi quickly followed.

Because she was wearing a yukata and sandals, it was not suitable for running, and only Misaka Mikoto could run over without any scruples.

Soon, the two sides converge.

Uiharu Shiri and Harukami Jinyi are also wearing yukatas. The two of them are completely cute, and no one will doubt that they are elementary school students.

As for Saten Saten, she was wearing a crisp white dress, which looked a bit out of place.

"Hey, I didn't expect everyone to be so serious..." Saten Ruiko scratched his head and said, "I haven't dated any boys, so I thought it's fine to be ordinary..."

Girls want to please themselves, girls will put on yukata to the festival regardless of the hard work and troubles, and they often show their beautiful side on purpose—Reniko Saten thinks so.

Because everyone is a girl and they are already good friends, so she feels that there is no need to be so solemn.

But I didn't expect other people's interest to be so high.

Misaka Mikoto was strongly persuaded by Shirai Kuroko to change into a yukata, while Uiharu Shiri decided to dress up and travel together because she had a new friend in excitement. Only she came out in her everyday clothes.

"Misaka-san, Shirai-san, you escaped too." Hitomi Shiranui came over with two bags of takoyaki.

While saying hello, Hitomi Shiranui distributed snacks to everyone.

"Senior Shiranui is so beautiful today!" Misaka Mikoto blurted out.

Hitomi Shiranui also changed into a yukata, garnet red. The color is pure and somewhat gorgeous, but on the contrary, it can better bring out her tall and slender figure and elegant temperament.

Even the girls who are girls are also amazed by it.

"It seems that senior Ling Xingye will come too." Saten Leizi nodded and said.

"Of course," Hitomi Shiranui said with a smile, "Xingye will not miss this kind of occasion."

"Oh, what about Senior Xingye?" Saten Renko looked around.

"He's performing a puppet show over there." Hitomi Shiranui pointed to the very lively scene on the other side.

Misaka Mikoto and the others looked in the direction of their fingers, but they could only see a dense crowd of figures.

"I won't miss it... Is it because of this reason?" The girls were speechless.

"After the fireworks show starts, I should be free." Hitomi Shiranui nodded and looked over there expectantly.

Ling Xingye finished all her summer homework during the few days she was recuperating in the hospital, and by the way, she also tutored fellow patient Touma Kamijou.

After being discharged from the hospital, Ling Xingye was busy with repairing sprites and street performances.

Because Misaka 10001's identity was exposed, he was immediately accepted by Tokiwadai Middle School, and then moved into the dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School.

Hitomi Shiranui also returned to live in the school dormitory because of the strong request of the school and Mr. Sachiko.

Ling Xingye also returned to living alone. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the "puppet business".

In other words, playing a crazy show to remedy his financial deficit.

You know, in the recent series of intensive battles, Ling Xingye had prepared his own dry food to participate in the battle. Theoretically, Academy City is "unaware" of this.

Not asking him for compensation for the damage to the building is already in the face of "Bai Yin", so there is no need to expect to award him the "Brave and Good Citizen" bonus.

On the other hand, the "Silver" puppet master can actually receive financial subsidies and rewards from the organization. But now Ling Xingye is not an official "Silver" member, so he is completely in a state of zero income, and can only rely on street performances to make money.

"He really likes puppet shows." Shirai Heizi said.

"Would you like to take a look?" Misaka Mikoto suggested.

"Wait a minute, sister Misaka hasn't arrived yet!" Saten Ruiko said suddenly, "Isn't she coming with you?"

"Because my sister lives in the dormitory of the Academy House!" Mentioning this, Shirai Kuroko complained, "Although my sister and I have worked hard to fight for it, the school still insists on breaking us up and assigning my sister to another dormitory. !"

"Hey~" Saten Ruiko said regretfully I thought the sisters would live together. "

"This... is also the price, right?" Misaka Mikoto laughed dryly and passed on vaguely.

She knew very well that Misaka 10001 was arranged to live in the Academy House because of Shokuhou Misaki, but that guy also pulled Misaka 10001 into her "clique".

It seems that using this method is equivalent to overwhelming Misaka Mikoto.

But in this way, Misaka 10001 can be better protected, so Misaka Mikoto has no objection.

"Sister, it should be here soon." Misaka Mikoto took out her phone and checked the time.

"Sister, it should be more difficult to escape, right?" Shirai Heizi said, "We should go pick her up."

"Don't worry, she's already here!" Hitomi Shiranui pointed across the road.

They turned their heads and saw that Misaka 10001 arrived at the venue under the **** of five tall and burly "bodyguards".

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