The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 738: confluence

With wings on its back, a halo above its head, and a mysterious halo shining all over its body.

From a distance, the two angels have a highly similar appearance.

But the temperaments of the two are completely different, just like oil and water.

Although he is in an unfavorable environment, he is a genuine archangel after all, and "The Power of God" Gabriel still shows a strong sense of presence and courage like a god.

In comparison, Feng Zhan. Fuse is much weaker. This time she seems to still retain the personality memory of "Feng Zhan Binghua", and there is a trace of cowardice and bewilderment hidden in the pupils behind the round glasses.

She who was summoned already knew what her mission was, so she was able to barely keep calm and face the enemy.

As a "scientific angel", all kinds of knowledge and abilities are recorded in her "brain", and her body can automatically make correct responses without her worrying.

Thanks to this setting, Wind Slash. Fuse can effectively deal with Archangel Gabriel's attack.

The two angels spread their wings and floated in the air ten meters above the ground, facing each other from afar.

They just silently collided with each other with their eyes, and there were no other actions other than that.

But the invisible confrontation has already started between the two sides.

In the space of less than 100 meters between the two, countless flashes, explosions, and even space cracks suddenly appeared.

After a tentative fight, the Archangel Gabriel suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and the stars cast starlight all over the sky, but was blocked by the "artificial heaven".

So He raised his wings, and countless white feathers fluttered down.

The next moment, like a hundred flowers blooming, hundreds of thousands of magic circles unfolded in the holy light at the same time.

Seeing this, Feng Zhan Fusi couldn't help but let out a small exclamation, but her movements were not slow at all.

The entire "artificial heaven" flashed blue light, echoing her gradually rising momentum.

The wings of the wind cut fuse extend to both sides, as if there is no end, and finally merge with the "artificial heaven".

It's not a magic circle, but it has the same complex geometric figures that instantly cover the entire sky.

Two forces that look very similar but are completely different in essence appear at the same time, compete with each other, and erupt together.

A non-violent explosion covered the battlefield of the Angel War.

Violent energy turbulence is flowing around in the "artificial heaven", ups and downs endlessly.

A pure white ball of light rushed out of the "artificial heaven" and fell to the ground outside the domain.

A few seconds later, the slightly embarrassed Kakine Teito came out of the ball of light.

His face was very ugly—isn't the battle of angels really a battle that he can intervene in?

He can accept that Accelerator is temporarily stronger than himself, but he cannot accept that another person surpasses him.

After all, he is No. 2 Kakine Teito.

The two angels who were fighting inside obviously didn't take him seriously, so they let him leave easily.

Kakine Teitoku glanced silently, then looked around, but found no trace of Accelerator or the final signal, so he turned and left.

After a while, Accelerator was seen rushing out of the "artificial heaven" holding the final signal.

Unlike Kakine Teito, even if there is no way to defeat the Archangel, it is more than enough to protect himself and the final signal.

So even if the power of the two angels collided head-on, Accelerator had no fear and chose to watch the battle in place.

But at this moment, the final signal suddenly fainted and had a high fever without warning.

So, Accelerator didn't care about other things, and rushed out with the girl in his arms. While cooling her down, she looked for the nearest hospital nearby.

Seeing Accelerator leaving the battlefield with the highest command tower, the extra individual who was the leader of the legion in the distance opened his mouth, but finally did not stop them.

She knew the reason for the sudden fainting of the final signal—in order to support the high-intensity battle of Feng Zhan Fusi, as the core of the Misaka network, she had to bear the overload of information. Even the "artificial heavens" require her computing power to maintain.

If the distance from the final signal is too far, it will inevitably affect the "artificial heaven" and the fuse of Fengzhan.

But she really didn't want to take the risk of stopping Accelerator who was already red-eyed; what's more, including all the members of the entire Misaka Legion under her, she didn't want to see the final signal continue to be hurt.

"But, what should we do next?" The outsider scratched his hair irritably, "Our idiot angel is no match at first sight!"

At this moment, Misaka-sister who was stationed in the forest on the west side sent an alarm.

"There is a high-speed object approaching...Correction, it's a human body, very fast! Report from Misaka 11003...Ah!"

Misaka 11003 suddenly let out an exclamation.

"It's 'hero'! Misaka 11003 recognized the person behind."

Her report immediately caused waves in the Misaka network, and even Misaka 10001 in Academy City also responded.

In the context of the Misaka sisters, the so-called "hero" only represents one person—Ling Xingye.

Water 0 in the back and Ling Xingye moved towards the location of the "artificial heaven" one after the other.

After discovering the Misaka sisters ambushing nearby, Mizuno Zero ignored them, and just rushed towards the area where Archangel Gabriel "missed" wholeheartedly.

Ling Xingye also noticed Sister Misaka and the others, but now is not the time to stop and say hello.

The speed of Water 0 in the back was very fast, Ling Xingye "flyed" in the air with the help of the silk thread and the phase fulcrum, but he couldn't catch up with his gliding on the ground.

Even long-range attacks were resolved by him one by one, and he refused to stop to fight hard even at the expense of injury.

And I found the figures of the Misaka sisters...

Combining this information, Ling Xingye has roughly guessed what happened.

Sure enough, after passing through the forest and arriving on a new plain, Ling Xingye saw the battle of angels going on in the distance.

"Is that the angel transformed by Feng Zhan Binghua?" Ling Xingye recognized one of the familiar figures and felt the existence of the "field".

"No wonder the aura of the archangel suddenly disappeared just now, so it turned out to be trapped here."

After figuring out the cause and effect, Ling Xingye naturally couldn't let the rear water 0 meet the archangel Gabriel.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to move in space...

Suddenly a black shadow passed from the corner of his eyes.

The clown turned into an unloaded cannonball and "fired" forward.

The sound of the high-speed rotation of the gears on its chest can be heard...

Only in terms of effect is no less than "teleportation".

At a distance of one kilometer from the "artificial heaven", Harlequin caught up with Water 0 behind.

"I've caught you!" Ling Xingye secretly let out a sigh of relief, and rushed over a little faster.

Water 0 in the back doesn't want to waste time here, he wants to join Archangel Gabriel as soon as possible, and get the "Power of God" again.

With such a ready-made angel providing power, defeating Ling Xingye will be effortless!

However, the puppet that appeared in front of him was still relentlessly blocking him.

The clown wearing the monkey king face looked extremely annoying in the eyes of the water 0 behind.

The spiritual outfit "Ascalon" emits blue light.

"Get out of the way, clown!"

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