The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 739: Melee 1 Regiment

Outside the "artificial heaven", the Water 0 of the Rear and the Harlequin had a fierce confrontation.

The spiritual outfit "Ascalon" flashes different lights alternately, changing into various modes to launch a fierce attack.

In this regard, the clown responded calmly, relying on his sturdy puppet body to parry with quite bold movements.

In the eyes of onlookers, the battle scene is not good-it's just that the clown is being beaten unilaterally, and occasionally one or two counterattacks are easily resolved by the opponent.

But what made Water 0 in the back feel anxious was that seeing the Archangel Gabriel not far in front, he was held tightly by a puppet, unable to advance an inch.

Moreover, affected by the "artificial heaven", he was completely unable to obtain the blessing of "divine power". Instead, because of the gap between the two personalities, his magic power continued to flow to Archangel Gabriel.

Before becoming the "God's Right Seat", Water 0 of the Back was proud of his strong magical power, but that was only compared with humans.

If compared with the Archangel, his magical power is just a drop in the ocean.

— If you drag it on like this, you will definitely be drained, right?

Water 0 in the back became more and more restless.

At the same time, he also noticed that Ling Xingye was approaching rapidly.

——We must break the blockade of that field as soon as possible and release the "power of God"!

Water 0 in the back was thinking calmly, hesitating whether to start his own domain "Gita Sanctuary".

But the battle situation did not wait until the moment he made a decision.

Suddenly, a lightsaber appeared in the sky without warning, as if to separate the entire sky, extending from the distant sky to the other end of the starry sky.

The lightsaber—or in other words, a slash formed by a condensed glow fell down like a curtain hanging from the sky, hitting the "artificial heaven".

Even the two angels who were fighting were startled by this blow, and looked up in the direction of the slash.

"Fire from the right." Water 0 from the back recognized this blow, only that man could make such an exaggerated attack.

The "artificial heaven" is as immovable as a mountain, but as a key node supporting this field, the Misaka sisters are affected.

The Fire of the Right's attack didn't target any Misaka sister, but it was just the aftermath, and it had enough power.

A large area of ​​nearby trees and rocks was swept away by the turbulence, and Misaka sister who was hiding behind was affected.

Although it was only a short ten seconds, a large number of Misaka sisters suddenly "disconnected", causing turmoil in the "artificial heaven".

There was no need for the fire on the right to make up for the second blow. Archangel Gabriel, who accurately grasped the opportunity, erupted in an instant, severely injuring Fengzhan. Fuse, and took advantage of the situation to tear open the "artificial heaven".

At the same time, Water 0 outside the rear also grasped the key, setting off a flood and rushing towards the forest that just passed.

More Misaka sisters were affected, exacerbating the shaking of the "artificial heaven".

Ling Xingye was not familiar with the mysteries involved, and by the time he got worried and wanted to stop it, it was already too late.

There was a "click" in everyone's ears, like a crack in the ice.

Immediately afterwards, the "artificial heaven" that was still indestructible just now shattered like a glass bottle.

For a time the stars were shining brightly. Archangel Gabriel returns to the space between heaven and earth. It's as if the king is in the world, surrounded by stars in the sky, surrounded by stars.

Feng Zhan. The fuse did not disappear because of the collapse of the "artificial heaven". She flew up to the sky to confront the Archangel Gabriel while repairing her damaged body.

He didn't back down because of injuries and the strength of the opponent.

She saw that Ling Xingye had come here, and since that was the case, the battle would not be so scary anymore.


Feng Zhan. Fuse lightly clenched his fists to cheer himself up—I have lived in Ling Xingye's "home" for so long, so I should give something back.

The only thing to do now is to fight, because it seems that Ling Xingye's enemy is also on the opposite side.

As the Archangel Gabriel regained his freedom, the water behind 0 was once again blessed with the "Power of God".

The spiritual outfit "Ascalon" poured with the power of an angel doubled its power, knocking away the clown who was entangled around him with just one blow,

Water 0 in the back was refreshed, ignored the two angels in the sky, and seized the opportunity to attack Ling Xingye.

The strong angel power overflowed from the body surface, floating in the air visibly to the naked eye, like a layer of flames burning quietly. It looks mysterious and powerful.

Ling Xingye felt very tricky, he was not good at dealing with magician-type enemies, especially the top experts among them.

"Will a purely physical attack be effective?" Ling Xingye evaluated the flames produced by the excessive magic power, "It doesn't feel good to break through."

Just as he was planning to use some method to test it first, an unexpected situation happened.

The Archangel Gabriel above his head did not attack Feng Zhan. Fuse, but first blasted a beam of light towards the water zero behind him.

Everyone on the scene was stunned, and Zhishui 0 in the back didn't expect it, and ran away in panic.

Fortunately, he also possessed the angel spell, and the power of the archangel Gabriel came from the same source, so he did not suffer too much damage.

—Those who stole my power, be punished!

All feel the will of Archangel Gabriel.

Water 0 in the back dodged the blow, looked at the sky with a complicated expression, and was suddenly speechless.

"Forget it, just don't need it."

After all, he voluntarily gave up using the angel spell.

Since the last duel with Ling Xingye was defeated, the water in the rear actually lost the ability to continue using angel spells.

But just now, it was only because of the sudden appearance of "God's Power" that he activated the angel technique he had mastered.

For Water 0 in the back, it is of course better to be able to use the "Power of God", which can defeat Ling Xingye more easily.

However, not relying on "divine power" is not a problem either. He has the confidence and strength to defeat Ling Xingye.

Seeing this scene, Archangel Gabriel didn't intend to continue attacking, and turned to look at Fengzhan. Fuse on the opposite side.

Ling Xingye took the opportunity to attack Zhishui 0 in the rear.

The two battlefields were intertwined, and there were four people including the angel, but they were divided into three camps, and they fought in a mess.

Fortunately, the two angels are fighting in the air separated from the two on the ground, and will not interfere with each other for the time being.

But with Feng Zhan. Fuse's defeat, Archangel Gabriel had the opportunity to draw his hand to deal with the two people on the ground.

I don't know if it was controlled and influenced by the fire on the right, the Archangel Gabriel who came near the ground did not attack the water 0 in the back, but fought Ling Xingye with him.

Ling Xingye's pressure increased sharply, even with the help of the clown, he couldn't beat the opponent's combination.

At this time, another figure descended from the sky.

"Xing... Xingye, I'll help you!" Feng Zhan Fuse said.

"Thank you, but are you okay?" Ling Xingye asked back.

The image of the girl in front of me is really not good. Almost half of her body has been damaged to varying degrees, and she is recovering in an orderly manner.

"Ah, I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Feng Zhan Fuse said hastily.

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