The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 99: Meetings and rifts

   On October 20th, Hadar convened a meeting of the propeller head, production team leader and other management in the conference hall. This meeting was to understand the recent production and life situation and grasp the exposed problems and solve them.

   "General! We, Atang, have been responsible for leading the slaves to build the road from the city of Herut to the port. Things are going well, but the wooden carts are seriously damaged. Master Olaf's factory needs to produce more carts!"

   Yiluji, as the head of the oar, got up and said the problem after several other elders had finished talking about their work.

Hadar, Ulav, and Olaf were all listening and writing with a pen on the paper in front of them. After Yiluki finished speaking, Olaf looked up and said: "How much do you need? There are three carriages in the warehouse that were made before. You can use it first. We will continue production tomorrow, and we must not delay our road construction in the city of Groot!"

   If you want to get rich, build roads first. This is the slogan Olaf put forward in the 1990s when he was a child.

   Convenient transportation can promote the development of commerce and increase the population. The capitals of European countries are basically built near deep-water ports.

The eight rivers in the Tang Dynasty circled Chang'an, the Bianhe River and the Grand Canal in the Song Dynasty, Nanjing in Daming relied on the Yangtze River, and Beijing relied on Tianjin Wei and Beijing-Hangzhou water transport. To say that convenient transportation means productivity and control over the country.

   Since the completion of the city of Herut this spring and the end of spring ploughing, every week, a Viking from Atang led a thousand slaves to renovate the outer city and even the road to the stronghold and fortress under the city to take care of the world.

   First use tools to cut down trees, remove weeds and shrubs, then level the land, and finally use gravel and other materials to pave the road.

The landform of Wenlan has hills and cliffs, the elevation is obvious, there are many puddles, puddles and lakes, but because of the cold climate, there are few weeds and low shrubs, it will not be too troublesome for the Viking army to go on the road. It's easier to deal with.

   In less than half a year, the roads inside and outside the city of Groot have been paved with gravel. Currently, half of the road leading to the southern port has been built. According to the plan, repairs should be completed before the roads are closed due to heavy snow this year.

   The latest road construction was Yi Luji, and he raised the issue that Hadar and Olaf must be resolved as soon as possible, so as not to delay the completion of the last batch of siege this year.

   After Yi Luji finished speaking, several other paddle heads and production team leaders also got up and talked about other aspects of production and life. For example, when collecting food such as berries, grapes, hazelnuts, and pine nuts, the indigenous slaves stole them.

   Before Hadar spoke, Hagrid slapped the table and yelled at him, and then demanded that the overseer be given the right to discipline the slave workers on the spot.

Hadar nodded in agreement, and Heine also said: "The rations have just been distributed this year, plus the rewards and gifts after work. It is never a problem for the slaves to eat! Slaves who steal must be severely punished, and they will be given a whip if they find one. Punishment, even punishing them to go to the quarry for half a year!"

   In this meeting, most people spoke, and the problems exposed soon were resolved.

Heine got up and looked at the crowd. Just as he was about to announce the end of the meeting, Olaf suddenly remembered his newly promoted production captain Gilson. This is a young and loyal Inuit who was chosen by Pikku before he left Wenlan. He was given to Olaf as the production captain who managed the city’s participating Inuit.

Gilson had always been taciturn, but he was serious and responsible. Later, as the Vikings and indigenous slaves continued to go to various places on the island to hunt and bring back dozens of Inuit, Hadar gave Olaf a slave. Ralph also asked Gilson to manage these people.

  Because of his busy schedule recently, Olaf didn't bother much about the affairs of his two Atangs. They were usually managed by four Viking captains, and one of his slaves at Atang was supervised by the production captain Gilson.

   A few days ago, Gilson told Olaf that many slaves had been sick recently, and even several people in the city had died of illness.

  Although slaves die every year, even white slaves and Vikings also get sick and die. The only difference is the number. Leaders such as Hadar have not cared about it. Olaf takes this issue very seriously.

   The population of Herut City is increasing, and many diseases are infectious. If there are diseases, you have to pay attention.

   Olaf got up and emphasized the need to continue to promote masks this winter, so that everyone should wear masks to avoid spreading diseases, and at the same time quarantine people who are sick.

In order to save their lives, even though Olaf did not understand Chinese medicine, he allocated hundreds of pounds of medicinal materials such as Radix isatidis and honeysuckle in the warehouse, so that they could be boiled into soup for patients to take, and other people in the city could receive it every day. A cup of potion for prevention.

For Wenlan, who has only more than 10,000 people, population is the cornerstone of everything. Olaf had to do his best to protect Vikings, contracted white slaves and even indigenous slaves. Only with more and more people can Wenlan grow more and more. Come stronger and richer.

Olaf’s generosity made everyone full of praise for his kind deeds, and Hadar even patted Olaf on the shoulder and said: "Our family can become the lord of Vinland, Olaf has half of his achievements! He is our pride! "

   Although Olaf has the soul of an adult, he is still a little triumphant and happy to be praised by others, but everyone does not care, but the eldest son Ulav sitting on the other side of Hadar's face is a bit stiff.

  Ulav and Olaf have a deep relationship, just like Hadar and Hagrid of their fathers.

But Ulav is 22 years He has inherited the bold character inherited from the family, but as the eldest son and one of the founders of the Vinland colony, he is now covered by his father and younger brother Olaf. A little light, this made Ulav's mood a little depressed.

  Traditional Icelanders have never conspired and have the courage to face everything directly.

   After the meeting, Ulav found his father Hadar, told him his troubles directly, and then asked to leave the city of Hroot to stand on his own.

"Dad! I am 22 years old, and I will be 23 years old after this winter. You have been sailing out to rob and do business when you were my age, but I still live in the shadow of you and my brother. I think I can represent the Herut family to conquer the indigenous people and open up land on the other side of the continent!"

   Seeing that his father hadn't expressed his opinion, Ulav continued to request.

   Hadar had actually approved Ulav’s request in his heart, but he was worried that the departure of the eldest son would affect Olaf’s relationship and feelings with them, so he kept silent.

   At this time, Olaf also approached and found his father and elder brother, and even heard Uraf’s request.

As soon as Olaf’s thoughts turned, he understood why his eldest brother had to set up another door. He saw that his father’s preference for himself and his glory were too great, and he didn’t want to stay in Harut City to compete with his younger brother, so he went to develop it himself. world.

   At the same time, Ulav wanted to rely on his own hard work to achieve results and have his own team strength, in order to become a force that Vinland can not ignore in the future, so Hadar had to pass his position to him.

   Olaf even thought with a black belly, maybe by then Ulav would not be afraid of fighting by himself...

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