The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 100: Set up another door

The tradition of the Vikings is that the eldest son inherits the family business, and the second and third sons have to stand on their own. However, the father or the elder brother who inherits the family business should help them get married and start a business, that is, they spend money to help them marry a wife and give them a boat They go to rob and do business, so that they have fulfilled their duties.

   However, this situation is not static. For the eldest son who is disabled or ill, or the second son is very capable, the second son will inherit the family property, and then they will support the elder brother, or help the elder brother's children get married and start a career.

   Later, the Vikings had a fixed life in Iceland and turned into agricultural Icelanders. Their beliefs have also changed, but the rules for inheritance of family heritage and the inheritance of the position of the head of the family have not changed.

Ulav is now actively asking for another establishment. In fact, he expressed his unwillingness to compete with his younger brother Olaf for the right of inheritance, and his intention to cede the existing family property to Olaf. Then he himself now uses his father’s support to open up a vast new world. The territory and resources of Ulav reflect Ulav’s emphasis on family affection and his confidence in his own abilities, but most of them are young and ambitious Ulav’s desire for the vast continent.

At the same time, the deepest thing is that Ulav discovered that he can only inherit his father's position in the future only by cultivating his subordinates, because the current performance shows that his father is interested in Olaf, and at the same time he has no land and manpower in his hands. The future I definitely can't compete with my dear second brother.

If Ulav is supported by his father and backed by Vinland’s resource population, then he will be able to lay down the New World while his father is still alive. He belongs to the family in name but actually belongs to his own kingdom, just like the Kingdom of Scotland and Wales. The status of the duchy to the Kingdom of England.

   In the future, he will also have the strength to compete for the position of the Patriarch.

Ten thousand steps back, even if they can’t compete, as long as Ulav’s heirs are endless, his own territory can be inherited and ruled by his descendants in the future, but nominally he must obey his father Hadar and future family heirs, and belong to the entire Hadar. Part of the family territory.

Ulav doesn’t value reputation very much. What he cares about is his own power. What he cares about is the land ten or even a hundred times as much as Wenlan in the west of Wenlan. If he can take the opportunity to have this reason to conquer and occupy his own land, that’s absolutely Is currently the best choice.

   Olaf saw ambition and high spirits in Ulav’s eyes and face, and guessed what his brother was thinking, so he stepped forward to help his brother persuade his father.

   "Dad! Brother! I think we should be a member of our own family in the mainland who is leading and responsible for conquering the indigenous people. My brother is not young anymore!"

It seems that Olaf’s attitude impressed Hadar. He nodded and said, "Uraf, you really want to go. Then, follow the food delivery ship to the Basque City in a few days. You and Hudik will replace it and manage it on behalf of our family. Good Labrador! The territories you lay down will be handed over to you in the future! If you have any requirements, you can just mention it..."

   Hearing Hadar's statement, Ulav laughed and Olaf felt relieved, and then the father and son walked home with a smile.

Icelanders are influenced by their ancestors and respect their promises. They are not polite to refuse what they deserve. They generally don’t fight for what they shouldn’t get. Although they have always valued land and family property, they pay more attention to their own efforts. Therefore, those who are in difficulties and their relatives and friends defected, they would give away land and wealth to settle them, and it was rare for brothers to compete for family wealth.

Now Ulav took the initiative to set up another door, and Hadar, who had long been willing to pass Vinland to Olaf, was relieved. Olaf looked at his brother with admiration, thinking that he had realized that he wanted to fight for the position of Patriarch in the future There are other reasons. Taking advantage of the present opportunity to master a power and land, and have the opportunity to increase power and expand the land, it is a very necessary thing.

Olaf was originally unwilling to compete with his brother, thinking that he would be older and go out to establish another business in a few years. Now Ulav has this idea to make Olaf more convinced and wary of his brother. After all, Wenlan is only ten. Ten thousand square kilometers, the American continent has tens of millions of square kilometers...

   It is better to start your own creation than to fight... Ulav's heart and courage determine that he is also an outstanding person.

  Ulav has rich colonial experience and is in his early twenties. He is in the best state of hard work, energy and physical strength. He is willing to take the initiative to expand the territory for the family. That is a good candidate.

   When he returned home, Hadar told the news that Ulav was going to the other continent. Both Katlin and Gailny were very worried and reluctant to leave, but Half was very excited and clamored to go together.

  Katrin knows very well that the descendants of the Vikings must dare to fight hard and cook without speaking.

  Ulav and Olaf held their younger brother Half and told him that he could only go out to fight when he became an adult.

  Half, who was almost nine years old, picked up his weapon-a throwing axe that hadn't been sharpened, and yelled that he was an adult.

   Ulav was annoyed when he heard it, and hit his brother three meters away with a fist. The axe clinked to the ground, and Half got up and sat aside honestly.

   Olaf and Gellney chuckled. In this family, Olaf has been very mature and intelligent since he was a child, so he has always been very special.

But Half is an energetic picking bag. Generally, only Olaf and Hadar three iron fists can make Half quiet. It is also from the age of four or five that Olaf beats him all day. This naughty brother made Half so obedient in front of Olaf.

But Ulav, who left Iceland before Half was born, has rarely seen his two younger siblings for many years. When he was reunited in Wenlan, he cherished family affection and cared for his younger siblings. Therefore, Half did not The eldest brother who was afraid of himself didn't get honest until he got a punch today.

The barren land and the severe cold environment have created the habit of treating people warmly and attaching importance to family and friendship, but also because there are not too many ways of pastime, Icelandic children, regardless of their relatives, love to listen to elders explaining Sakya poems and poems. Ancient mythology.

At the same time, it’s also because of the admiration of the ancestors’ bravery. When every Icelander was young, he was either fighting or on the way to fight. So it is not clear whether it is the genetic inheritance of the ancestors or the influence of the human environment that made Icelanders combative Character and strong physique.


   After a while, Katrin and a young Inuit girl slave came in with food, and the family sat down to eat.

   Vikings do not have the habit of eating and not talking. Hadar told some stories about when he was just an adult and then went out on a boat to looting, and at the same time tried to make Ulav work hard.

After talking, Olaf asked: "Father! I heard that you have arranged ships to go to Basque City and Plymouth City and Nuuk, Greenland to deliver food. The seas of Greenland will freeze in winter. Can you make it?"

   Hadar swallowed the sausage in his mouth, and said, "Tomorrow, Valitu, Shilt, and Solrak will sail. Greenland's sea closure should be next month. No accident, everything is in time!"

   Olaf misses Pikku a little, because he has always regarded Pikku as a friend.

As usual, Wenlan will cool down at the end of next month or even in the middle of next month. By that time, he will not be able to go out for two months. Olaf also wants to travel to Greenland before being locked up at and can be with Pikku. Talk about it, look at what he saw and heard, and understand the real situation of colonizing Greenland. In case Pikku encounters any difficulties in colonizing Greenland, he can help him solve it face-to-face.

   After all, the captain who transported the supplies had no friendship with Pikku, and he might not be willing to solve Pikku's difficulties.

   "Dad, I want to go to Greenland on the boat tomorrow." Olaf looked at his father and said his thoughts.

  Katrin frowned, but Hadar nodded and said, "Okay! Bring more hands and guns, so you can protect yourself in case of danger!"

Icelanders treat adult children as they let them work hard. If they can earn a family property outside the manor, all the property that their parents die in the future will eventually be discounted and then fall into the hands of the children. Therefore, now Icelanders treat wealth to the children. In many aspects, such as going out and fighting, the views are very similar to those of the ancient Vikings.

Although Olaf is not biologically adult, his height and body shape is no less than that of an adult Icelandic, even taller than many short adults. If he is taller than a native slave, he can surpass Olaf until there are few. .

Olaf’s height, physical strength and mentality are about the same as adults, even more than most indigenous slaves and ordinary white-skinned adults. Hadar has always respected Olaf’s ideas, and he thought about his request to go to Greenland After a while, I naturally agreed.

Katlin's frown is not like a mother in the Far East who is reluctant to bear children. She just feels that there is nothing to see in a barren and cold place like Greenland, but since her husband agreed, Olaf has always had ideas, and she will not persuade her husband. When I changed my mind with my son, I acquiesced in it.

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