In terms of basic cultivation, Kakashi’s judgment was not wrong, Naruto was indeed more experienced than him.

Even if Kakashi personally came to teach the basics of cultivation, it would not necessarily be better than Yuu, not to mention that Yuu already knew the original direction of Sasuke and Sakura’s development, and according to the arrangement of the gourd drawing scoop, he would never let the two of them go astray.

The development of ninjas is nothing more than the three development directions of ninja illusion, and if you add the ability of the special blood succession limit realm owner, then it is four development directions.

Naruto used his own situation as an example to illustrate that he is the most common ninja type ninja, using physical and ninjutsu as the main means of attack, and the illusion is not good at offensive illusion except for self-dispelling illusion.

Naruto seemed to feel that his eloquence was inferior to Yuu, and after talking about his situation, he suddenly handed over his body to Yuu, and in an instant, the two people achieved a change in body control.

“…… Back to business, Sasuke! ”

Naruto’s sudden change in tone made Sasuke subconsciously notice that Naruto in front of him seemed to have changed, but he quickly focused on what Naruto said.

“Your Chakra is a lot among your peers, of course, my situation is a special case, you don’t need to compare with me more than Chakra!”

Sasuke’s face was as dark as the bottom of the pot when he heard this, but when he thought of Naruto’s exaggerated number of shadow doppelgangers, he consciously did not make trouble for himself and chose to nod.

As Yuu said, Naruto’s Chakra is a talent that everyone cannot envy.

“What you are best at should be ninjutsu, and physical art can only be said to be a kind of compensation for ninjutsu… I’ve been working on a new project recently, related to your family’s abilities! ”

There is naturally only one kind of research that Yu is talking about – the study of the evolution of the chakra eye into the eye of reincarnation.

In theory, Sasuke’s way to become stronger is very simple – evolve the Sharingan, as long as he can open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he can even become a quasi-ninja-level master within a month, and if he makes up for Chakra’s shortcomings together, it is not difficult to become a shadow-level master with the power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

And Yuu has been able to clone the water-stopping kaleidoscope chakra eye in batches, and with the plug-and-play feature of the chakra eye, give Sasuke a finger, maybe he will be able to immediately play the effect of the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

The bloodline of the Uchiha family is good, and even there are shortcuts to improve strength, compared to Sakura’s growth is relatively tortuous.

Sakura’s Chakra is far less powerful than Naruto, and it is also not comparable to Sasuke, and can only be regarded as a medium standard among ordinary people, which dooms her to have little potential for growth in ninjutsu, and Sakura’s own qualifications for illusion have not reached an outstanding level.

Sakura has only one specialty – excellent Chakra control, which is the basis for becoming a medical ninja, and in the original book, Sakura was able to become the woman behind Nizhu in the later stage, precisely because she was on the right path of growth from the beginning and worshiped a famous teacher like Tsunade.

As a cultivation suggestion, Yuu suggested that Sakura and Sasuke start their cultivation by climbing trees and treading water, Chakra’s control is the foundation of everything, and when practiced, it will be beneficial to other cultivations.

As for the specialties of the two, Sakura can get recommendations from Kakashi in her free time to learn the basics of medical ninjutsu with medical ninjas at Konoha Hospital and develop in the direction of medical ninjas.

And Sasuke can ask Kakashi for ninjutsu, Kakashi uses many ninjutsu of the chakra copy that he can’t use himself, but it doesn’t mean that Sasuke can’t use it, Sasuke has the attributes of fire and thunder two nature changes, and is fully able to master Eun’s good fire ninjutsu and thunder ninjutsu.

Yuu pulls Sasuke into the evolution experiment of the Sharingan, only because he has encountered a bottleneck in the evolution of the Sharingan, and now urgently needs the help of the descendants of the Uchiha clan.

At night, Sasuke, who was supposed to rest, did not sleep, but waited for Naruto to appear in a secret gathering place under the already better Nanga Shrine.

“Yo, Sasuke… It’s quite early, do you have a good rest? ”

Yu, who appeared under the shrine, waved his right hand to greet Sasuke, who was waiting impatiently, but Sasuke didn’t have the slightest smile, and his face was just a wariness that felt strange to Naruto.

“Who are you? Naruto, why did you know the secret of my Uchiha clan! ”

The secret gathering place under the Nanga Shrine, this is a secret that only the Uchiha clan knows, and Sasuke also learned this secret from Itachi’s mouth on the day Itachi slaughtered the entire clan, if it was Naruto Uzumaki, it would be impossible to know.

“Hmm… I really can’t be considered Naruto, you can call me – Yuu, Naruto’s brother, you can also think of me as another soul/personality, whatever you think! I know many secrets, not only the secrets under Nanga Shrine, but also the secrets of your brother Itachi, the secrets of your family, and… More stuff! ”

The body of Naruto, who was manipulated by Yu, came step by step to the stone stele under the Nanga Shrine, this stone stele was given a special secret, only by using the order of writing wheel eye – kaleidoscope writing wheel eye – reincarnation eye, can you really know the “truth” recorded in the stone stele, of course, the content has been blackened and altered, and it has long lost its original meaning.

“…… The Uchiha clan, because of its withdrawn personality, does not get along well with other families in the village, and the chakra eye is often in an emotional extreme situation, which leads to the ninja of the Uchiha clan experiencing great joy and tragedy, it is more difficult to get along with, and after the incident where the nine-tailed demon fox almost destroyed the village 12 years ago, the situation of the Uchiha clan was extremely bad! ”

Yuu, this is planning to play a showdown with Sasuke.

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