The reason why Sasuke is nicknamed Nijuko by Naruto fans is that he has become the object of use by others again and again in the original work, and has been deceived again and again.

To put it bluntly, Sasuke will be deceived again and again like a mallet, just because of the asymmetry of information between the two sides.

Yuu did not hide Sasuke’s intention from the beginning, he needed Sasuke to fully assist him, and both sides must be inseparable from sincerity.

“…… This is the case, the mysterious man has the kaleidoscope of the Uchiha clan’s chakra eyes, and manipulates the Nine Tails to cause major losses, and the Uchiha clan has become the object of suspicion of the wood industry because of its marginalization, in the process, your brother Itachi becomes a double agent and ends up standing on the force field of the village… I chose to protect the village and protect the young you! ”

The truth of everything came too suddenly, and the insistence on revenge for many years was instantly broken by the truth, which also made Sasuke excited and dazed?

It seems right that Itachi is right to protect him, and it seems right that the village annihilated Uchiha for the sake of peace for the entire village, so is it the Uchiha family that is wrong? Or the man who wrote the wheel eye 12 years ago?

“…… What you said is true? ”

Sasuke did not rashly believe Yuu’s words, and everything was premised on the fact that Yuu’s so-called truth was true.

You smiled slightly, pointing to the stone tablet that recorded the truth of the Sharingan and Mu Dun power, “The content on this stone tablet can verify my words, but the premise is that you have the power of the Sharingan, by the way… I have two plans for Sharingan, do you want to try them? ”

One of Yuu’s two options is naturally to use illusion to create great joy and sorrow to stimulate Sasuke’s own Sharingan to awaken, while the other is to directly transplant the pair of kaleidoscopic Sharingan eyes that belong to the water stop.

“…… This pair of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes was obtained from the hands of the Yin people of Tuanzang, and if transplanted to you, you can suddenly have the power of the kaleidoscope, but there are two problems! ”

“One may be repulsive, and the other is that you suddenly obtained the kaleidoscopic chakra eye, even if you have the blood of the Uchiha clan, but in the end it is a foreign power, and your Chakra may not be able to control the power in it.”

And even if there are restrictions on the transplanted kaleidoscope chakra eye, it is also a top chakra eye in the true sense, and any Uchiha family is afraid that it will not be able to refuse the temptation from the kaleidoscope chakra eye. Confuse.

“I, refuse! This borrowed power, I don’t need! ”

Sasuke’s answer satisfied Yuu, which was exactly what he wanted to hear.

Yu’s Sharingan evolution experiment currently stops at Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the optimization of [Crown] has indeed greatly reduced the side effects of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the shortcomings that would have been blind at every turn have been extended to 10 times the original under optimization, but this is still not the real eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

According to the original work, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is the owner of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, transplanting another pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, which is not a simple fusion of pupil power, but some kind of compensation between kaleidoscopes.

It’s just a kaleidoscope chakra eye that stops water, no matter how many pairs are copied out with [Soul Flame], it is the same eye, and it cannot be fused into an eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye, so Yucai needs a second pair of chakra eyes to evolve into a kaleidoscope chakra eye, and this object is Sasuke Uchiha.

“Illusion Narakumi no Jutsu!”

The same ninjutsu, performed from different hands, the effect naturally cannot be the same.

What’s more, all of Yu’s numbers are the product of optimization, and the effect is definitely 10 times stronger than the same kind of ninjutsu.

C-level illusion, after Yu’s optimization, the effect can even catch up with the spiritual attack of [Tsukiyo], pulling Sasuke’s consciousness back to the night he feared the most, the night of extermination.

Returning to his young state, Sasuke had no second recourse or even close his eyes except to watch his people being killed before his eyes again.

The pain was superimposed again and again, the familiar clansmen died tragically, the parents who were attached to them fell, and the powerless pain made Sasuke’s heart break again and again.

“No, no, no-”

“I don’t believe it, I – to find out the truth, ferrets, tell me – the truth!”

The tears had already dried up, and Sasuke’s eyes were no longer tears, but blood!

In the blood-red eyes, black gouyu appeared in the pupils.

The right eye is double hooked jade, the left eye is single hooked jade, this is the second time Sasuke opened his eyes, the last time was on the night of the extinction, but just opened his eyes and selectively forgot because of the pressure of the extermination, and now the reopening of his eyes made his chakra eyes go further.

“Good! But don’t move, your spirit has just been seriously drained, calm down! ”

Yuu’s hands shone with turquoise flames, and [Flame of Life] spread through Yuu’s hands on Sasuke’s body, and this green fire did not bring Sasuke the slightest damage, on the contrary, where it was burned by the flames, Sasuke still had a feeling of being spiritual.

The Spirit of Life could even replace the Holy Light Technique, but wherever it was burned, the life force would bloom there, and it was a good thing to use to restore Sasuke’s spirits.

“Sasuke… Next, I’ll take you one step further! ”

Kabbalah Tree of Life, Crown!

The ability to optimize can only be used once, Sasuke, who has just opened his eyes, his eyes are in a state of excitement, under the power of optimization, the left eye that was originally a single hook jade soon splits into a second hook jade, and the double hook jade in the right eye is also changing.

Double hook jade writing wheel eye!

Three hook jade writing wheel eyes!

The ordinary Uchiha clan can only reach a small point in their entire life, and with the help of Yuu’s power, Sasuke has crossed behind him in only 3 minutes.

The original three gouyu began to fuse in the pupils, further evolving from the state of gouyu, and just when it was about to turn into a kaleidoscope, the chakra eye that evolved to the extreme quickly began to degenerate into the state of three-gouge jade.

“Remember the feeling just now… When your chakra is enough, you will be able to naturally have your kaleidoscopic chakra eye… It’s just that those eyes are extremely draining and will be blind! ”

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