The Storm God

Chapter 146 World Destroyer Tungsten Rod! (Please subscribe!)

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The sound of gasping for air filled the audience.

The entire conference room of the summit could almost hear the sound of a needle falling, and the silence was terrifying. All the leaders of the countries were staring at the picture on the big screen, all stunned and speechless!


These guys are all crazy!

That's a city with tens of millions of people! Even if you say sink, it sinks!

And the terrifying and destructive power that spread wildly, the entire Japanese mainland was blown into two pieces. If this stick goes down, at least hundreds of millions of people will die!

What insanity is this!

Although the leaders of various countries were injected with nanoworm solution to facilitate control, they agreed to launch all nuclear weapons to self-destruct. But other aspects are not under any control. It can be said that the current national leaders are still their original selves, with their own consciousness and three views. The only difference is that their life and death and actions cannot be controlled by themselves.

Seeing that Destro and others are so frenzied at this moment, all the leaders of the country, including the "President" of the United States, are all horrified!

At first they thought it was a trick of the enemy.


With repeated confirmations from his subordinates and others, Tokyo in Japan was indeed sunk, and the Japanese island was indeed blown into two pieces, and everyone immediately despaired.

They suddenly realized that they seemed to be caught in a terrifying conspiracy.

Even the leaders of China, who were familiar with Tokyo's sinking plan for a long time, were shocked and horrified at this moment. These people are so cruel! If they set their minds on China, who can stop them? However, this idea was quickly thrown out of his mind. Since the other party was willing to reveal the plan to him, there should be no malice.

Especially the Sword Immortal Project later, it will benefit Huaxia a lot. Although the method is a bit cruel, but for the future of Huaxia, everything is worth it! !

At this time, the "President" of the United States took the lead in raising doubts.

"What exactly do you want?"

The rest of the country's leaders also turned their angry gazes to Destro and Rex, with an expression of wanting to pull out their bones.

Destro raised his chin arrogantly, and proudly said: "We want everything!"

Rex interfaced: "The Cobra Revolution has begun. As long as I press the launch button, the Zeus satellite will start the automatic projection process. At that time, your country will become the second Tokyo to sink! It can be terminated, as long as you hand over the entire regime to me..."


outside world.

The whole of Japan is messed up.

Many people have seen the scene like the end of the world, and even experienced it personally!

The familiar city suddenly sank and turned into a sea. Tens of millions of people died in an instant! Panic, panic, and despair spread like a plague in an instant!

Because of the "Godzilla" incident, people in other countries in the world, which have attracted international attention, also quickly learned of the terrorist attack on the sinking of Tokyo through news, Internet and other channels, and they were shocked.

For a moment, the whole world was shocked.

The theory of the end of the world, also under the ulterior motives of "some people", began to take the opportunity to spread wantonly!

Although many people don't believe in any bullshit doomsday, the sinking of Tokyo was really shocking, and it did cause a huge sensation and influence all over the world!

At this moment, the communication satellite of the Cobra organization invaded all the network media of the eight countries participating in the world summit, and used the sinking of Tokyo as the most favorable proof of the terrible power of the Zeus satellite. Then began to threaten all countries in the world, handing over all the regimes and everything, and whoever did not hand over, let him become the second sinking Tokyo!

At this moment, the panic-stricken people suddenly became even more confused.

Fear and despair are everywhere.

Among those who believed that the end of the world was coming, some guys with psychological problems immediately began to vent their anger crazily, and crimes can be seen everywhere!

Especially the eight countries whose internet media has been invaded by Cobra, it is even more chaotic!

The Zeus weapon is really scary!

Let the continent sink and disappear in minutes, who is not afraid? Who doesn't despair? Who is not crazy? !

The situation has become a mess!

China's political system is very different from that of foreigners, and the citizens are also honest and kind-hearted people. I am so happy to hear that the little devil's Tokyo has been sunk by villains. Although they sympathized with those innocent people very much, the hatred in their hearts made them unable to restrain the secret joy from their souls.

But immediately after, the common people in Huaxia also began to panic.

Because the threat of cobra also includes Huaxia, that is to say, Huaxia's mainland territory also has the fate of being sunk by these villains!

Although Huaxia's high-level executives have received Bai Xiaofei's notice in advance, and have made n more defensive deployments and emergency public relations in advance, they have repeatedly emphasized that Huaxia has weapons that can stop and destroy Zeus, minimizing the impact of fear. But the scene is still a bit out of control.

There is no way, the population of Huaxia is really larger, more than one billion people, it is not something you can easily appease by just talking about it.

Fortunately, the common people in Huaxia are relatively well-educated and pure in nature, and they still trust the speeches of government departments. Unlike those foreigners, who are always lunatics, seeing that they can't survive, they immediately go crazy. Although there were indeed some not-so-good guys among them, they were quickly arrested by the local police.

In such an atmosphere, Cobra began to go berserk.

They forced the leaders of Huaxia to hand over power, otherwise they would let Beijing disappear. The leaders of Huaxia would rather die than obey, showing the iron bones of the Huaxia people to the fullest, and insisting that Huaxia is definitely not something they can provoke , Their bullshit Zeus weapons can't threaten Huaxia at all!

Then, in a rage, Cobra pressed the launch button, and the Zeus satellite immediately fired a tungsten rod towards Huaxia, preparing to make Beijing disappear.

"Oh my God!"

"Damn bastard! He actually threw tungsten sticks at us!"

"This is a dead end! But I don't regret it! Chairman xx has done a good job and will never compromise with the terrorists!"


The common people of Huaxia were terrified to the extreme.

At this moment, the Huaxia official made a timely statement: "Please don't despair and panic. We are a huge country in China, and we are by no means something that some young people can provoke. For the Cobra's Zeus weapon, our Huaxia has absolute force. Destroy it completely, please don't worry!"

It's a pity that not many people can listen to it, especially the ordinary people in the Beijing area. All their minds are drawn by the falling tungsten rod of destroying the world!

Boom boom boom!

When the tungsten rod entered the atmosphere, the extremely fast speed and friction covered it with a layer of raging flames, and it fell quickly like a meteor. The power is extremely terrifying!

At this moment, countless Chinese people were terrified by this terrifying scene.

Especially the target area of ​​the tungsten rod!

Many ordinary people in Beijing were so frightened that they fainted, and the rest of them were also terrified, full of despair, and only a very small number of people believed that Huaxia could solve all this!

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