The Storm God

Chapter 147 Sword Immortal Project! (Please subscribe!)

The "spear of death" is getting closer!

Just when countless people closed their eyes in despair, unable to bear to see the appalling horror scene, an incomparably dazzling golden light suddenly flashed in the sky, so bright that it even covered up the flames of the "Death Spear" for a time go down! Then, then there is no then.

The violent roar disappeared!

When the common people of Huaxia opened their eyes in doubt, all the tungsten rods, flames and so on were gone.

There is only one thing in the sky!

That is a sword!

The body of the sword is huge, as wide as a door panel, and the whole body is shining with gold. It looks very retro, and it is covered with mysterious and complicated patterns! The most amazing thing is that it just floats in the sky out of thin air!

The most unbelievable thing is that there is still a person on this sword!

This person is immoral, with ancient clothes fluttering!

The compulsion is quite high!

I'm stupid!

what's the situation?

What about the tungsten rod? Why is it gone?

Who is that man in the sky? He can fly? Could it be the Sword Immortal?

Damn! I can't be blind, right? Or is it a hallucination caused by fear?

Obediently! That man is so handsome! Wearing an ancient costume, long hair fluttering, and flying with a sword? Oh My God! Could it be the legendary Sword Immortal? !

What kind of tungsten rods, terrorists, all of them were forgotten by the common people for a while.

At this moment, in their eyes, there is only that person in the sky!

Suspected to be the legendary "Sword Immortal"!

This person is naturally Bai Xiaofei!

Why all the hardships? Isn't it to collect the beliefs of thousands of people, gather the power of luck, and increase oneself!

As for how Bai Xiaofei killed the tungsten rod?


In fact, how can there be any tungsten rods!

Except for the tungsten rod that sank Tokyo, Japan, which was used for demonstration at the beginning, it was real, and the rest of the tungsten rods were all fake.

It's just a tungsten rod-shaped aircraft, and the pilot wearing the Ant-Man suit sits in the hollow part. When Bai Xiaofei pretends to fly into the sky to block it, they activate the anti-gravity device to slow down, and then instantly Shrunken down, and then taken away by Bai Xiaofei, it looks like the tungsten rod was destroyed and lost by the means of a fairy.

And the flying sword under Bai Xiaofei's feet also has something in it.

Although it looks like a sword, it is actually a supersonic aircraft. Its whole body is made of vibration gold, indestructible! It also depicts n more floating and accelerated magic patterns, and is also loaded with nanoworm technology, anti-gravity technology, Pym particle technology, plane space technology...etc, it can be regarded as a technological version of the flying sword.

All functions of this high-tech flying sword can be controlled by remote control. It can change size at will, fly, attack, use telekinetic powers to trigger supernatural attack power, enter the department as an airplane pilot...etc. It has many functions and is very powerful. , it is no exaggeration to say that there is no need for a real flying sword!

Bai Xiaofei has three flying swords like this, and it took him nearly half a year to design and build them for the purpose of implementing the Sword Immortal Project.

The so-called Sword Immortal Project is actually an elaborate scam!

It's like a big magic trick!

Others are doing it for money, fame, glory, and so on, and they have limited means; while Bai Xiaofei's tricks and layouts are far beyond anyone else's, so high that it has broken through the sky!

The purpose of Bai Xiaofei's effort and effort is to collect the power of will!

Although advanced technology can sell a lot of energy value, there will always be a day when it is sold out. Only the power of will and luck can be the long-term solution, and Bai Xiaofei has to plan ahead.

And the Sword Immortal Project is a bold attempt of his!

If you want to collect wish power, you must be a celebrity with enough influence to make people respect you, obey you, and believe in you. When the wish power reaches a certain level, a qualitative change will occur and evolve into luck.

So how can we quickly gain people's faith?

Save people in distress!

This was the first thought that came to Bai Xiaofei's mind. Saving one's life is definitely one of the purest wishes, and it is also the fastest way to gain someone's favor and respect!

Then, Bai Xiaofei took this as a starting point, thinking of the super catastrophe in the movie when the cobra destroyed London, and thought, if he could save the world from the fire and water under the circumstances that everyone was watching, he should be able to gain a lot. People's respect and belief, so as to obtain a lot of vows, right?

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei designed the Sword Immortal Project!

Whether it is the Tokyo Alien Project or the Zeus Project, the purpose of their existence is only to pave the way and build momentum for the Sword Immortal Project. The core of their purpose is to artificially create gods!

By saving the common people in the world, he will achieve Bai Xiaofei's god-like prestige, and thus gain many wishes!

Bai Xiaofei's original intention at the beginning was that China was not included in the plan. He didn't want the people of his country to be intimidated. But after thinking about it, other countries have been threatened, but China has been spared. Isn't this too unreasonable? And...why did Huaxia's Sword Immortal appear out of nowhere to save people from other countries? There must be a reasonable explanation, right?

After much deliberation, Bai Xiaofei finally felt that it was necessary to take advantage of Huaxia's side. Although doing so was somewhat wicked, the benefits that Huaxia would gain afterwards would be immeasurable. For the greater good, this deal is a bargain!

Whether it is worthwhile or not, and whether these benefits are necessary, Bai Xiaofei is still not qualified to take the attention of the common people of Huaxia, so Bai Xiaofei notified the leaders of Huaxia of his series of plans, and handed over the decision-making power to them. To decide whether to do this business or not.

Do it, naturally everyone is happy, hello, hello, hello everyone!

It’s okay if you don’t do it, let’s think of other tricks at worst, the Sword Immortal plan doesn’t work, there are God’s plans, angel plans, Allah’s plans... Isn’t it just pretending to be the savior, simple, anyway, there is a cobra to blame, Bai Xiaofei wants to be famous , There are so many ways, nothing more than a lack of a lot of willingness from China.

Everyone already knows the outcome of the matter, Huaxia agreed to the deal, what else can Bai Xiaofei say? Execute according to the plan!

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei succeeded!

When the space shuttle reminded Bai Xiaofei that he had obtained hundreds of thousands of wish power, he was so excited that he almost jumped up from the flying sword.

"Very good! It's not in vain. I racked my brains to design this Sword Immortal Project. Next, there are still seven countries going to pretend to be aggressive. Oh, no, it is to save the common people! It will be a lot of money at that time The income from wish power will eventually be Japan. When all the incidents subside, my name, Bai Xiaofei, will spread among the countries of the world. At that time, the power of wish will be like a spring, and the source will continue to flow! Haha, Cool!"

Thinking of the excitement, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help laughing, but fortunately he was at a high altitude, and most people couldn't see his expression, otherwise he would definitely go crazy.

After laughing, Bai Xiaofei started to work, and saw him pointing towards the sky in a majestic manner, and a destructive light lit up.

After pretending, Bai Xiaofei quickly and secretly activated the self-destruct procedure of the Zeus satellite.


The Zeus satellite far away in outer space exploded.

To be honest, the Zeus satellite is a good thing. Although it is a pity that it blew itself up, it is worth the money to be able to harvest a lot of luck.

"The crisis has been eliminated, and this deity will go and destroy those villains who dare to threaten my Huaxia!"

Bai Xiaofei, who had finished pretending to be forced in Huaxia and was anxious to go elsewhere to absorb his wish power, said coquettishly to the common people in Huaxia below, then imitated the appearance in the TV series, made a sword formula, and disappeared. In fact, it was Bai Xiaofei who controlled the flying sword remotely, opened the inner space of the sword body, and quickly entered the cab inside.

The rest is simple, Bai Xiaofei drives the technological flying sword, turns on supersonic flight, transforms into a golden light, and flies away without a trace in the blink of an eye.

It's a long story, but everything happened in a short moment.

It's like the real Yujian flew away, very bluffing!

As soon as the Sword Immortal left, the common people in Huaxia immediately boiled over, discussing in full swing as if a pot had exploded.

Those who had not closed their eyes before and witnessed the scene of Bai Xiaofei "casting a spell" to destroy the tungsten rod began to tremble, and started bragging mode, talking about what Bai Xiaofei said...

Huaxia officials have also started public relations, declaring that "Sword Immortal" is China's strongest armed force and so on.

For a moment, the world was in an uproar and shock!


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