The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 218: Liu Chengyin (Part 1)

Chapter 218 Liu Chengyin (Part 1)

Chapter 218 Liu Chengyin (Part 1)

After speaking, Zhang Yang pulled Fang Shaoyun away and walked outside. "You wait." Fang Shaoyun quickly grabbed Zhang Yang, and then continued to ask: "If you are really nothing with Tan Yudie, then why Li Yuxuan said that if you did something bad today, you would definitely not dare to go back to school, I'm afraid to see Li Keqing, must I go back to the dormitory?"

"What?" Zhang Yang's voice sharply increased by an octave. I went there. Is Li Yuxuan a demon jīng? Can you guess? Damn, although the reason why I came back is not because Li Yuxuan said, but people guessed the result. Zhang Yang almost bit his tongue. As soon as Zhang Yang’s voice fell in Chapter 218, Liu Chengyin (top), he heard a sound in his room, and then Li Yuxuan quickly pulled Li Keqing out of the room.

"Ke Qing, look, he sees, is he back? I'm right." Li Yuxuan said Li Keqing quickly and seriously while pulling Li Keqing out.

"Okay, okay, don't think about Yu Xuan, Zhang Yang is not that kind of person." Li Keqing couldn't help crying, but also gave Zhang Yang a helpless eye.

"You just indulge him, you just, I'm afraid there will be a place where you regret in the future, the man will change if he has money." Li Yuxuan's face was depressed.

"I said, can you not be as bad as I think? There are still good men in the world. You can't kill all men in a single way? Isn't your father the same as you said?" Zhang Yang Depressed.

"Yes!" Li Yuxuan snorted directly and threw out two words. Zhang Yang is speechless now, what else can he say? Li Yuxuan directly classified his own son as a bad man. What else can he say.

"Okay, okay, I know, you don't have to make trouble." Liu Chengyin (Part I) Ke Qing of Chapter 218 of Li said with a smile.

Li Yuxuan was obviously depressed too. Li Keqing's attitude made her powerful and useless. Although in the eyes of others, Li Yuxuan meant that the emperor was not in a hurry, but Zhang Yang could understand her. Although Zhang Yang did not understand the situation of Li Yuxuan's family, his previous life also seemed to have seen on the forum that Li Yuxuan had a stepmother, and She is not much older than her. It is estimated that this is why Li Yuxuan classifies all her old men as bad men.

"Well, I will completely ignore it in the future, but today I would like to thank you for this matter. Will you please eat? Will you come?" Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"You haven't eaten yet?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment. Although he didn't eat it, he didn't have time to eat it because he wanted to come back to see what the material copied from m's hand was. It's almost 10 o'clock at 11 o'clock in the evening. They haven't eaten yet.

"No, she came back in the afternoon and kept holding me in your room. I just called my mother and asked if you did not go back." Li Keqing explained helplessly.

"Uh, forget it. I invite you to eat. I want to eat somewhere. Let's go." Zhang Yang hesitated for a while, and it's still tonight. It's not too late to come back to see him later. Let's go out for dinner first. Zhang Yang is a little hungry himself .

"Also, although Xingyangye took a lot of advantage today because of you, but speaking of it, you did not say that you agreed to invite us to dinner last time. I will eat you today." Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes and said fiercely. . Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders. As long as you can eat 80 million yuan in one meal, Zhang Yang has no opinion.

The four people came out of the dormitory. Anyway, Li Yuxuan had a car. As for the school, it was generally not open at night, but when the car was driven, the security guard of the school opened it with one eye closed. In case they offend some young boys, they don’t want to be quit from school. Speaking of which, Dawei is really hard to do.

"Oh, by the way, Jinghai Group is a mineral enterprise. You Xingyang Industry is an industry company. What projects do you have to cooperate with?" Zhang Yang asked the afternoon questions.

"Tan Yudie didn't tell you?" Li Yuxuan gave Zhang Yang a strange look.

"I was pulled over by her, and I didn't ask at all." Zhang Yang shook his head.

After looking up and down at Zhang Yang, Li Yuxuan said, "It's about a new kind of research. The Jinghai Group's stalls are very large, but the minerals these days are not easy to do, and countries around the world have begun to shrink their strategies. Minerals, more and more mineral resources are included in the strategic materials, so the Jinghai Group is completely eating the old foundation, they are now developing towards diversification, our laboratory is developing a new but our financial resources are not enough , Jinghai Group didn't know how to get the news, and then came up."

Li Yuxuan talked about things in general, Zhang Yang paused, but Zhang Yang didn’t know about it in his memory, but Xing Yangye did develop a new Zhang Yang after a few years. It is the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis and some similar diseases. Although it cannot be completely cured, in general, it is a relatively effective thing.

"Oh, that's right, but I still don't understand how you rushed to send money to the other party in the afternoon negotiations." Zhang Yang continued to ask.

"Nonsense, you are stupid, although the basic negotiations between us have no problem, but regarding the establishment of laboratories and new share allocation issues, although we Xingyangye cannot independently bear so many funding issues, but it can It is also good to allocate some shares." Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes.

Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know what you’re playing with. You’re too good. Who knows, generally speaking, everyone is embracing money, you are good, you are sending money out. But with such a large investment, you Are you sure that the new research will be successful?"

"How can there be a 100% profit in the mall, but there is no problem with the relevant theoretical knowledge. Now there are a lot of experiments and some high-end experimental equipment. These are the most expensive places. It is you, how come suddenly? I remember asking questions in this regard." Li Yuxuan gave Zhang Yang a strange look.

"Curious, I may not start a company myself, so I will ask." Zhang Yang shrugged.

"Start a company by yourself? What company do you want to start? Will you run a business?" Li Yuxuan asked in surprise. Even Fang Shaoyun and Li Keqing also looked at Zhang Yang. They all knew that Zhang Yang had money now, but they didn't know what company he wanted to start.

"I'm not going to run my own business. If I run a company, I will let Ke Qing be the president, and I will just sit at home and enjoy the blessing. I prefer to be a white face." Zhang Yang said it was justified.

"Puff..." Li Yuxuan was choked directly by his spit. When iǎiface can say such a natural statement, it is estimated that it is nothing more than a publicity.

"Zhang Yang, are you kidding me? I dare not. I haven't done anything like that. How could I be the president." Li Keqing shook his head quickly.

"Who says you can't do it, you haven't tried it. How do you know that it's a big deal to lose money, rest assured, your husband I have the ability to make money, and I will continue to make money for you." Zhang Yang said with a pat of iōng.

"Vag..." Li Yuxuan couldn't stand it. He quickly stretched out his hand between Zhang Yang and Li Keqing and said, "I said if you can stop being so nagging, or just say something serious, do you really want to start a company?"

"Maybe." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders. Even if he was starting a business, Zhang Yang would certainly be too lazy to manage it. If he didn't start a business, 80 million would seem to be a lot, but can it stand uā? If nothing else, just buy a house in the city, tens of thousands of square meters, 200 million square meters are nearly ten million.

And Zhang Yang also wants to have his own data center in the future. A large data center does not have hundreds of millions of dollars. Don’t even think about it. After all, people use other people, and they can’t control any more. You can’t use more resources than the other. Warning line, otherwise, people will surely find that it is better to use their own than anyone else.

"So what kind of company do you want to start if you want to start a business? Computer?" After all, Zhang Yang and Li Keqing are learning computers, and high-tech in the 21st century is definitely popular, such as ggle, which has just been listed this year. However, the market value of a company founded in 1998 is now close to those old giant companies, which is the advantage of high-tech companies.

"Of course, the investment of the computer company, and the results will be quick. As long as the technology keeps up, there will not be too many problems. At the beginning, it will be enough for a few million, and millions will be compensated casually. Help." Zhang Yang looked at Li Keqing seriously.

"Ah...but...I can't do it." Li Keqing was somewhat at a loss. Thinking about the numbers shocked her a few million, but not a few hundred. Even if it was a few hundred, she felt distressed. .

"Ke Qing, I will help you by that time. What are you afraid of? Next, but Zhang Yang, can you let Ke Qing work for you in vain?" Li Yuxuan raised his eyebrows and hummed.

"Of course not The company's shares are all placed under the name of Ke Qing." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

Li Yuxuan immediately gave Zhang Yang a surprised look, as if he had known Zhang Yang for the first time. Although it was said to be millions, since it was a business, everyone must want to do it well. Zhang Yang put all his shares in Li Keqing’s name. Now, the two are still just male nv friends. When they get married, they both have divorce, let alone male nv friends.

"I don't see it. You have a little conscience. If you can really do it, I will help Keqing in this company." Li Yuxuan said seriously.

"That's what you said, I didn't pay you any wages." Zhang Yang blinked wackyly and said half-jokingly.

"Relax, I don't lack your salary." Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes. Zhang Yang's face is even more eccentric. He has already made this idea long ago. With the help of Li Yuxuan, Li Keqing will definitely adapt to this corner. Zhang Yang remembers Li Keqing's ideal, which is one step closer to achieving her ideal. A! ! ! ;




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