The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 219: Liu Chengyin (middle)

Chapter 219 Liu Chengyin (Part 2)

Chapter 219 Liu Chengyin (Part 2)

Do not take advantage of cheap, Wang Ba eggs! Now that someone has come together, Zhang Yang is naturally welcome. However, Li Yuxuan was also cruel enough to drive people directly to the most expensive hotel in the city. This hotel has only one floor, but it occupies a very large area. Even if it is relatively far away from the city center and on the riverside with relatively good scenery, such a huge place can't be won without hundreds of millions.

But if you have been here, you will know what it means to be wealthy. There are many people who come here to eat every day, but the price of eating here can be said without exaggeration, such as Liu Chengyin (middle) fruit luxury in Chapter 219 One thing, you can buy a house in a domestic second-tier city for a meal. After getting off the bus, Zhang Yang couldn't help but whispered to Li Yuxuan: "You're so cruel."

Fang Shaoyun and Li Keqing haven't really been here. I don't know the consumption here. Fang Shaoyun also joked: "Zhang Yang, don't be angry. You have earned so much money. You haven't invited me to dinner yet. I want to kill you today. pause."

Li Keqing also smiled and did not speak. For such a long time, Li Yuqing or Tan Yudie has been around by Li Keqing. These two people are the kind of nv children who do not lack money at home, so Li Keqing has seen more. Get used to it. But she herself hasn't changed much. She still pays attention to the meal, not reluctant to eat, but how much she has to eat before eating, and it's never costly.

I rarely buy clothes that cost more than a hundred dollars. Many clothes were bought in high school. I didn't see much of them when I came to the city.

To this whole restaurant is a huge ecological park, the parking places outside are shaded by trees, and go inside, and the eating places are all wrapped in a transparent insulation shed, and the second one is inside. Chapter 19 Liu Chengyin (middle) is full of high-cost plants from all parts of the country. If you don’t know, you think it is a huge botanical garden, not a place to eat.

The maintenance cost of these plants is an astronomical number every month, and basically every table in the huge venue is a separate place, which can be seen from far away, but the middle is clever Separated by transparent soundproof glass, the cost of these glasses is also quite expensive. Its location is specially designed. If the guests do not look carefully, they can't see that there is glass here.

It’s still a long way from the big, and immediately a waiter greeted you. When you come here, you will definitely know what it means to be at home. There are no other entertainment facilities here, just a restaurant, but it is a specialty in this industry. It is far more than those comprehensive hotels.

"Hello, Mr. iǎ, please ask a few of them." Sister Yingbin asked politely.

"Four, bring a little bit, a quiet place." Li Yuxuan nodded slightly and said.

"Okay, please come with me." After that, he made a gesture of asking, and then walked sideways with them in a sideways manner.

"The environment here is really good." Fang Shaoyun couldn't help but sighed inside. "I didn't expect there is such a place in the steel jungle of the city."

"Well, the food here is still delicious, but I haven't been here a few times." Li Yuxuan said with a smile.

Is it possible? And the most important thing you didn’t say, the price here is definitely more than everyone imagines. Zhang Yang added helplessly. Even for a family like Li Yuxuan, who would not eat hundreds of thousands of meals a day? Anyone who is bullying must be poor.

Soon, four people sat down on a jīng table. The table was not big, and the four sat just right. There were not many people eating late at this time. After the four people sat down, the waiter quickly walked over and asked respectfully, "What do you want to drink?"

"Just tea." Everyone has eaten a few times and is not picky about what they drink. Anyway, every time they go to a restaurant, they drink tea. "Okay, please wait a few." The waiter nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Open mouth corners can't help but ōu, tea here is definitely the most expensive, much more expensive than any coffee, the coffee here is absolutely authentic blue mountain coffee, and those outside cafes are playing blue mountain coffee The name is different from other coffees.

The production of Blue Mountain coffee is a little bit every year, and the amount imported into the country is even less. Even these large and high-end hotels are impossible to have, let alone those cafes. However, Blue Mountain Coffee is expensive, and it is definitely not as expensive as the tea here. The tea here is the top tea from various tea producing areas in China. The tea sold by those ordinary people cannot be bought by the rich.

A pot of tea here is much more expensive than a generation of coffee. Of course, Fang Shaoyun certainly doesn't know. When you come here, you have to ask you for dozens of dollars for drinking a cup of plain water. The water boiled by the plain water is pure mountain spring, real high-quality mineral water.

"Please see a few, this is the menu." Another waiter came over and handed four menus to four people respectfully. Zhang Yang already had preparations in his heart, so when he opened the menu, he only smiled bitterly in his heart, but his face was still calm.

"Puff...cough...cough...I depend on... isn't it?" Fang Shaoyun opened the menu and choked on the contents. The menus here are several copies, and the language of each menu is Not the same, there will not be a menu of Chinese and English co-written in other menus, and we will maintain the greatest respect for our guests.

"Just a bowl of porridge 1888? Are you sure that 18 Yuan Fang Shaoyun was almost choked to death by his saliva, although the environment here knows that eating here is expensive, but it will not be outrageous to this point? A bowl of porridge is close to 2,000 yuan. Money, where is this porridge? It's just gold.

Zhang Yang opened the menu and saw the kind of porridge Fang Shaoyun said, which is the most expensive one. But even if it is cheap, there are hundreds of yuan, and the money here is not money at all.

"Yuxuan...this..." Li Keqing was also terrified. After all, in this place, ordinary people can't stand the heart when they come. This is eating, which is simply eating money.

"Huh, didn't he say that I could pick the place casually? I picked it here. I want to work in vain. Can I eat my salary back with a meal?" Li Yuxuan gave Zhang Yang a glance, obviously she already understood Zhang Yang's ambition of the wolf son.

"As for your signature dishes here, please serve one each, and the rest should be in accordance with the specifications of us. The wine comes with a bottle of red wine, Lafite, and you look at the vintage. What do you two drink?" Seeing that Fang Shaoyun and Li Keqing were afraid to order, Li Yuxuan was also polite and spoke directly.

The quality of the waiters here is quite high, Fang Shaoyun's exaggerated performance, others are treated with a smile, and even his face has not changed, I don't know if it is similar.

"Can I drink beer?" Fang Shaoyun asked weakly.

"Sir, there are also beers. We have Belgian-made Trapp beer produced here every sky." The waiter next to me, iǎi, immediately explained with a smile. Although it was Zhang Yangu money, Fang Shaoyun still talked about it. He hadn’t heard of anything like Trapp, but when he heard the airlift, he knew that it was not cheap.

"Can I drink Tsingtao Beer?" Fang Shaoyun asked weakly again.

"Uh... yes!" The waiter was also choked by Fang Shaoyun, and the waiters here are absolutely beautiful nv level.

"Really? I thought you didn't have these bargains everywhere." Zhang Yang was also curious. He hadn't come here to eat, but he had heard of it, but he didn't expect that there are luxury restaurants everywhere. , Even these two dollars and a bottle of beer.

"Uh... sir, Tsingtao Brewery is the most expensive if you simply talk about the price. Tsingtao Brewery only sells 2 yuan outside the supermarket, we charge 180 here." The waiter paused, and the corner of the mouth was ōu. Some smiles could not help but explain to Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun.

by! Zhang Yang couldn't help rolling his eyes. Isn't this price higher than m? A gap of 90 times... Japanese. Fang Shaoyun's eyes immediately stared at the boss. Li Yuxuan and Li Keqing were amused by the expressions of Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun. Instead, they suppressed their surprise. Both of them covered their mouths and giggle.

"Let's drink Trapp." Zhang Yang said quickly. The big money is all gone. The money is still forgotten. As the waiter said, the price ratio of Tsingtao Beer is still the least cost-effective.

After ordering the food, everyone was relieved. Anyway, the price on the menu was shocking to everyone. "What do you want to do to publicize your company?" Li Yuxuan asked again when he got a cup of tea.

"Temporarily preparing to make a software for organizing the system." Zhang Yang thought for a while and said, in fact, the software he took out to participate in the computer contest can be used for operation, but the profit point is basically gone.

"Organization system?" Li Yuxuan frowned. Although four people knew the computer, they obviously didn't quite understand what Zhang Yang said.

Zhang Yang saw that everyone was a bit suspicious and then quickly said all the functions of his own software. "Really? You have already made it? Then use it for me first. I am most worried about tidying up the system. If it is like what you said, then the usage rate of this software may be quite high, but what are you going to do? If it charges, I am afraid there are not too many people who will buy it." Fang Shaoyun's eyes lit up and asked immediately.

"Provided for free, just like Microsoft, first cultivate the user's habits." Zhang Yangwei smiled, no matter what product, first popularity, and then when you launch a new product, they will pay attention to these new products, otherwise If you want to promote it, you will pay huge advertising costs.

Because there are not many people eating at this time, the meals will be served quickly. The food here is expensive, but absolutely delicious. The chefs here are super chefs, and the annual salary is probably not worse than those of professional managers.

Everyone was eating and chatting, and Zhang Yang was sitting opposite the side, which happened to be the aisle. When raising his head to grab dishes, Zhang Yang suddenly caught a somewhat familiar figure in the corner of his eyes. In order to provide the best environment to the greatest extent, each room was separated The soundproof glass is used so that you can see the scenery in the distance.

And Zhang Yang just saw the front of the man, Zhang Yang could not help but paused. There were a total of 4 people in the private room. Zhang Yang had a meal. Li Yuxuan immediately caught Zhang Yang's movements, followed Zhang Yang to raise his head and looked in the direction of his gaze. ? Not as beautiful as the two of us."

Zhang Yang smiled helplessly, he was right to see Yimei nv, but it was not because she was beautiful, but because Namei nv was a person whom Zhangyang "knows" and would never forget Zhang Yang. At that time, Zhang Yang was also a mystery of Warcraft. This beautiful nv is the future president of Jiucheng Group, Chen Xiaowei!

At first, because the Jiucheng Group did not open the Lich King, these players would go to the official website almost every day, and naturally they were very familiar with the president of the Jiucheng Group. At that time, many players never scolded Chen Xiaowei, especially after the authorization of Warcraft was obtained by NetEase, Chen Xiaowei was scolded to death.

As early as in 2008, Jiucheng knew that World of Warcraft's agency rights should be given to NetEase, but in 2009, just before switching to the jiā server, Jiucheng still opened a new service in World of Warcraft regardless of the player's interests, although it saved some of Jiucheng Loss, but this loss is passed on to the majority of players.

At that time, Zhang Yang did not scold the nv person less, but now from another perspective, simply speaking, Chen Xiaowei is still quite good as a professional At least her actions are for the company's consideration And, it is not necessarily Chen Xiaowei who made the decision.

Most importantly, if Zhang Yang wants Li Keqing to be the president or chairman, then he must have a professional manager to assist Li Keqing, and Chen Xiaowei is undoubtedly a good choice. At least there are few excellent managers in China. If you remember correctly, this nv person will be the executive president of next year. Since she has returned to China now, she is likely to have no work temporarily.

"I went out to say hello to her." After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Yang felt that he still wanted to say hello. At least he first asked for a business card. As for people's willingness to try, it was always right.

"Do you know?" Both Li Yuxuan and Li Keqing are a bit strange. Chen Xiaowei is very mature, and at a glance, she knows that she must be older than them, and she is not as beautiful as them. So, even Li Yuxuan didn't think about that.

"Recognize it." Zhang Yang dropped a sentence, and then went out from the other one. A! ! ! ;




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