The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 223: The first battle (below)

Chapter 223 The First Battle (Part 2)

Chapter 223 The First Battle (Part 2)

Computer viruses are not humans, so the virus bombs thrown out by Zhang Yang or this opponent not only infect both parties, they are also on the battlefield of servers of major companies, so these viruses will naturally spread along the network, but Both parties chose a powerful virus, but did not choose some viruses with strong infection, but the damage was not good, or they could not cause interference to their opponents.

This is easy to cause accidental injuries. In fact, as far as the server of the company controlled by Zhang Yang is concerned, the server of this company is a leased server. Due to the attack of this unknown opponent, in addition to the 200th within the control of Zhang Yang Chapter 23 Early Battle (Part 2) This part of the server is temporarily under the protection of infected insects, and other servers that are also placed in a computer room are unlucky.

Various viruses rushed into these servers directly from the internal network. Because Zhang Yang used infective bugs, but his opponent did not know that Zhang Yang used a firewall, so he chose to distribute computer viruses and Trojan horses that interfered with Zhang Yang. These are some viruses that have a strong ability to penetrate firewalls and anti-virus software, and these servers immediately fell out of luck. Countless server systems were directly attacked by these viruses and then crashed.

Although Zhang Yang and this person have no idea, the unlucky websites of these companies will naturally affect some netizens. Unlike hacking, the websites of these companies will soon be unable to open, and as Zhang Yang and this person are fighting As time goes on, the bō and its scope of this kind of yu bō will become larger and larger. Even some ordinary netizens, those who are browsing these websites will be affected by Chiyu, and then suffer.

And countless hackers who were attracted by this incident immediately discovered these anomalies. Naturally, these websites cannot be shut down for no reason. Then there is only one possibility. Then the early battle of Chapter 223 (below) is When it comes to hacking, after all, there are many hackers in various countries gathered in France, especially in Europe and the United States. This time period is just prime time. The number of online people is very high. There are so many birds in the so-called forest. There are many hackers. Some idle hackers go to these sites.

But the intrusion is the intrusion. Those who are invaded, these hackers will always leave something, their own name, or other, like this, they will be terminated for no reason, and there is no sign or any hacker announcement is a bit strange. Too.

A piercing alarm sounded from the sound, Zhang Yang quickly switched the screen to check, his brow wrinkled at once, it was the feedback information of the ghost virus, the ghost virus has failed to track, and The ghost virus was only found after tracking the other two.

You know, the improved ghost virus and even the nubi hackers have not been discovered, and four people were found by Zhang Yang Shun Teng mō melon, but at this moment they were easily found by this person.

But getting two i's is enough, you can't always be beaten yourself. Quickly pulling out several previously devastating viruses, and entering the two opponent's i, Zhang Yang directly lived these two viruses.

Zhang Yang's attack in front of him stopped immediately. I don't know if it was the ghost virus that made the opponent startled. Anyway, the person shrank back. Moreover, the viruses placed by Zhang Yang did not resist each other at all, and allowed the two viruses to invade the two websites, and then directly destroyed the databases of the two websites.

After the destruction, Zhang Yang only briefly searched. This search doesn't matter. Zhang Yang was a bit crying and laughing, but this guy was ruthless enough. These two websites are the servers of two companies in the middle of the top five websites in France. Zhang Yang directly killed the servers of these two companies, especially the malicious viruses that spread out immediately infected many ordinary users.

Many hackers even found that some websites were killed inexplicably, and they were all concerned about these websites. With the two websites being killed, many hackers' computers were attacked by malicious viruses thrown by Zhang Yang. There are hundreds of computer viruses and various Trojans in Zhang Yang’s computer. Many of these viruses and Trojans were written by Zhang Yang in his last life. Others were written out of inspiration in this life. Anyone who is quite a hacker in the field of computer viruses or a technician must have hundreds of virus databases.

These virus databases are not huge, but they are absolutely classic, and most of these Zhang Yang are written by themselves. These viruses do not have to be as powerful as infecting insects, as long as they have enough new ideas in certain aspects. It seems that there is a good saying. It is human imagination that promotes human development, and human development is still human imagination!

Therefore, it is not useless to write a virus that does not seem to be powerful. It is a way to expand your imagination. You are not afraid that you can’t do it, you’re afraid that you can’t think of it. As long as you dare to think, you may not make it. , But if you dare not think about it, it will never be realized!

And the malicious virus that Zhang Yang just attacked these two i is a computer virus that is extremely powerful to penetrate the firewall and its damage is also very powerful, but it has almost no concealment at all, and an essay anti-virus software can be Scanned, but the scan may not be able to kill, because this virus is the first anti-virus software.

After installing antivirus software or firewall in today's world, some system files will be associated. If you have experienced children's shoes, you will know that when the antivirus software or firewall in your computer is damaged by a computer virus, it loses its files. A large one may cause the system to lose key files, which may lead to system crash.

"My God. How come there are so many viruses, did I enter the poison den." Numerous hackers uttered similar screams in front of the computer. In fact, the bad luck because of the fight between Zhang Yang and this unknown hacker It's not the number, at least dozens of hackers or simply their own computers suffered.

Randomly looking for the official website of a media, Zhang Yang took a look at the media's latest report on the matter. When he saw the TV speech released by the French Prime Minister, Zhang Yang was speechless. He who had seen shamelessly had never seen such shamelessness. I looked at the official website of the Information and Network Security Bureau, and it happened that the nubi hackers had just released the information. Without thinking about it, they directly hacked the website again, and then reissued an announcement.

"The strength is good, everyone is a tie, welcome next time. I know you may not have done your best. I also know that you are definitely not French. Maybe you are not alone, but a very large organization.

As for the person who just delivered a televised speech, I would not comment on your speech. What is the cause of this incident? The official website of the Ministry of Public Security of another country was invaded to control your fart? There is a saying in China, when you call it a standing arch, where did everything go, and in the end you become the most sympathetic. by! It's too late, brother is tired, I don't have time to play with you, I went to bed, bye. "

After leaving this announcement, Zhang Yang simply cleaned the traces and shut down to sleep. Zhang Yang’s irresponsible rumors don’t know how many people have broken his glasses. Although everyone knows the gd madman, but after crying the ghosts and the gods all the way, he just slept so simply, no I know how many people are in front of the computer, burst into tears.

Brother, you are smart, come and go, and go directly to sleep, but we have to work overtime because of your toss, who are we tired to accompany? Zhang Yang has lost his mind, but what he didn’t know is that his announcement made the direct exercise of the French Prime Minister’s previous hard exercise in vain. To be honest, although the gd is very abominable, at least In the eyes of French people, this is the case, but foreigners look at issues differently than at home. Foreigners are all concerned about free residence, so their issues are relatively less emotional in their minds.

So although I think gd is abhorrent, I still admire gd's technology and what. So when the announcement of gd came out, many people who had just been fooled began to reflect on the meaning of the announcement of gd. Although most people don’t know how this thing started, but this is not yet understood. Opportunity? The major media will not miss this opportunity.

The cause and effect of this incident soon appeared on the major official websites of major media ~ ~ and even some newspapers have begun to inform their printing houses to print tomorrow's newspapers. After thoroughly understanding the causes and consequences of this incident, these people's anger was completely ignited. Now, these people have chosen to ignore the things on the Internet. They are even more angry that their emotions have been misled.

When this happened, some people became tragic. The French Prime Minister looked at gd's announcement and almost smashed everything on the table. In the face of his secretary and staff, Zhang Yang scolded him to death. But Zhang Yang didn't respond at this moment, he didn't even sneeze, and he simply took off his clothes and went to bed.

I have to get up early tomorrow, which is estimated to be three or four hours of sleep. Zhang Yang does not want to give up halfway, and there are exams to take tomorrow.

"This beast." For Black Hawk, although he doesn't know the state of the French Prime Minister's House at the moment, he can guess it. It can be seen only by the angry messages from many French people on the homepage of the French official website. How bad the mood will be for the French prime minister at this moment. A! ! ! ;




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