The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 234: A small storm under the wings of a butterfly (Part 1)

For too many people, sleepless tonight! However, Zhang Yang slept quite peacefully. Whatever happened, Zhang Yang almost never paid attention to it. Anyway, things were already like that, and no matter what happened, it was better to relax. "I Dedication" was just after Zhang Yang took off his clothes and lay in bed for a while, and the hackers posted the latest announcement on that website.

This time it was very humble, and it was not aimed at, not even mentioned, but the French political axe aimed at, very straightforwardly apologized for this matter, and then euphemistically to the battle between just and The resulting loss apologized to all the French people, and finally expressed their willingness to compensate for the matter. Then the French Children’s Fund Welfare Institute received a remittance from an unknown organization, and the amount of the remittance was a full 100 million US dollars. .

To tell the truth, this action has saved a lot of their reputation. After all, everyone has said that they are willing to be responsible. Instead, it is the guy who caused a lot of trouble and disappeared. However, although it paid a price of 100 million US dollars for this, but the effect has been very small. After all, with the scene of the French president, most people's minds are different.

This is also when Zhang Yang went to bed. If Zhang Yang was there, he wouldn’t be able to get excited. I’m afraid he would scold as a **** and set up the arch. Isn’t this a virtue with the French president? However, other hackers who are still watching are startled. The first is the financial strength shown by this mysterious hacker, a full 100 million US dollars. This is not whoever can say that it can be taken out, at least 90% of the world The 9:99 hacker certainly couldn't get the money.

The second is that these hackers only learned from the announcements that the anomalies that just appeared on those portals suddenly were not hacked, but only caused by the struggle between this mysterious hacker and? Unexpectedly, the two groups of people were still attacking each other while they hacked the official website of the French Information and Cyber ​​Security Bureau.

When many hackers look at each other, more are awesome! After all, such a technology is simply impossible for them, but two people did it alive. The thinking of these hackers is still the same, but the thinking of Blackhawks and their people is different.

The announcement issued by Zhang Yang just now may not be studied by ordinary hackers, but the Blackhawks are not stupid. Some of the information disclosed in the announcement has already attracted the attention of some intelligence agencies in various countries. That is mysterious. The hacker is probably not a person, but a tight organization! If it is a person, such as this kind of powerful but well-defined surname, it is obvious that there is a hacker with a thread to follow. Even if the strength is strong, the intelligence agencies of various countries do not rate the threat well.

Hackers like this have not appeared in the history. These hackers bluntly said that in fact, they do not have too high requirements for power and the like. These people are just suppressed by the life in reality for too long. They want to be on the Internet. It's just a matter of destroying the order, but they won't cause much harm, although it will cause some chaos in the order, or cause some losses. But overall, these losses are negligible compared to the maximum damage they can cause.

But a strict organization is different. There are many hacking organizations, but most of the hacking organizations are some scattered groups and the like. This newly emerged organization is very mysterious. There are few people in the world. Knowing their existence, if it wasn’t for quarreling with these couples, and for arguing with the organization from the very beginning, even these intelligence agencies didn’t know.

So after the announcement came out, the intelligence agencies of all countries almost assigned the same task, that is, to investigate this mysterious organization and their origin, regardless of the results of the investigation, but once these national machines are activated, then It will definitely have an impact.

The accumulation of so many human and material resources is quite terrifying. The reason why Zhang Yang said this thing is to attract the attention of these intelligence agencies and let them investigate, even if it will not be investigated in a short time, but As long as these intelligence agencies start to work hard, they will surely be more careful.

In this way, the roots may be hidden, but there will be another result, that is, they will definitely investigate, because all this is caused, including from the beginning to the end, it is the first When an assassin virus killing appeared, it was released. If all of you want to investigate, then you must find it here.

As long as they start, Zhang Yang has a chance. As for himself, Zhang Yang does not worry about being discovered by them. At least for now, even if Zhang Yang is tracked by them, he can't beat it, but he still runs. If it's a big deal, just change the vest and start from the beginning. What's so great, they are not gods anyway, and it's impossible to find Zhang Yang's real identity directly.

The morning sun quickly shone through Zhang Yang's face along the glass. After only three or four hours of sleep, Zhang Yang still opened his eyes. In the past few days, he woke up early every morning, and Zhang Yang had grown into a habit. Washing his face and brushing his teeth quickly, Zhang Yang put on his clothes, and then took out his leggings to start running. While running, Zhang Yang took out his pda and sent a message to Ke Qing before using the pda to go to the website. Zhang Yang wanted to see yesterday’s result.

At this time in Europe, it was already early in the morning. Zhang Yang found several famous media websites and easily found what happened last night. Zhang Yang immediately looked around as he ran around the court. When he saw the last announcement issued by the hackers, and the huge anonymous money received by the French Children's Fund reported by this media, Zhang Yang couldn't help but yell: "I rely on it!"

mlgb, isn't this naked display? Show off your money? Zhang Yang was depressed, nnd, I think I made a lot of 10 million dollars, I worked hard, Nima, actually donated 100 million, donate it, don't you have to compare it with Laozi! by!

If the group of animals is in front of Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang will definitely rush up and press this group of **** directly to the ground to burst their chrysanthemums! But this can only be considered. If one day I let you find you, I will definitely sell you to Thailand.

Xiao Yang was a little depressed, and Zhang Yang ignored the news directly. He didn’t have the spare money to donate money. Besides, even if Zhang Yang did, Zhang Yang would not donate to that country, saying that Zhang Yang was angry, or that Zhang Yang Nationalists, whatever they want to rate, Zhang Yang has not forgotten about the companies like Carrefour in France and the reception of [*] elements by the French president.

Lao Mei is not so disgusting in doing things. A European country surnamed a big country, the problem is not a real big country. It can only be said that it is a pseudo-power, and it is the first in the world. He is second in the world. Indeed, this country is enough. . Therefore, Zhang Yang has no good feelings for this country.

Therefore, even if there is money, Zhang Yang will run his own charity to help those who need help, and will not help anyone casually, nor will he put the money in the hands of inexplicable people. But then again, there is still no money, we can pretend to have money.

With a "bang", Zhang Yang, who was thinking about it, suddenly felt that there was another shadow in front of him, but when he responded, Zhang Yang was too late to dodge. With a sudden pain, Zhang Yang fell directly to the ground. "Puffing", a girl laughed from behind Zhang Yang, rubbing his chest and forehead, Zhang Yang only smiled bitterly and found that he was running here while watching the news with his teeth gnashing his teeth. A small tree in the woods.

Fortunately, this tree was just planted last year. It is very thin, and it is relatively soft and fragile, so even if it hits, it does not hurt too much. If it is a big tree, I am afraid that the publicity will be broken. "Brother, are you okay?" A familiar boy's voice wore behind him.

"It's okay." Zhang Yang replied, then raised his head and looked in the direction of the source of the sound. Zhang Yang was a little surprised. His feelings were still familiar.

"Haha, you and my brother, I think this figure is a bit familiar, but you are too strong, what are you doing? Running can knock down the tree?" The person is not someone else, it is Wu Bo, but in Not far away, a few girls who got up early in the morning and ran to Zhang Yang giggled.

"Uh, I just didn't pay attention when I sent a message on my mobile phone, but why did you go this morning?" Zhang Yang looked at Wu Bo's shape and was a little speechless. The hair is messy and the clothes are wrinkled everywhere. I don't know how long I haven't washed them. There is still a dark circle around the eyes, just like a panda. I know that I can stay up all night. I also carry a plastic bag in my hand. There are several buns in the plastic bag. This shape is indistinguishable from the migrant workers.

"Haha, it's okay. I just came back from the outside. I want to go around here and think about my software. I participated in the National Computer Contest. Isn't this an exam today? I've come here, but the software I'm preparing for If it is not finished, it is estimated that it can't catch up." Wu Bo laughed twice and shook his head regretfully.

"Oh, I remember what you said last time, you are doing animation, special effects, etc. Right, I still remember you said, you seem to want to make a special effects software, right?" Zhang Yangmeng remembered, At the last meal, Wu Bo and his girlfriend seemed to have talked about Wu Bo's major and what he was doing. He also said that Wu Bo owed a lot of money for this.

"Yeah, isn't this not finished yet?" Wu Bo took a bite of the bun and said with some depression.

"Can you tell me the theory of your software?" Zhang Yang moved slightly. From the information revealed by the two last time, it seems that Wu Bo's theory is very similar to the software written by Zhang Yang? The difference is that Zhang Yang's software is built on a fairly high level, and is basically close to completion. The reason for the slow progress now is because there is not so much server resources, but the software itself has no problems.

"Yes, no problem." Wu Bo nodded happily. Although Wu Bo may not know that Zhang Yang had saved his life, Wu Bo's person was more cheerful and real. He didn't have so much attention. Seeing Zhang Yang asked, Without hesitation, he directly talked about the ideas and principles of his software, even the programming process and progress.

After listening, Zhang Yang was a bit dumb. Is this tmd a butterfly effect? Wu Boying died early in his life, so no one knows to what extent Wu Bo’s software has reached, maybe there are, but with the death of Wu Bo, these things also disappeared directly, and Zhang Yang remembers that Wu Bo’s At the funeral, it seemed that what kind of software had been burned, it was the wish of Wu Bo University.

But Wu Bo hasn’t died in this and the progress of this software has also been developing. More importantly, Wu Bo’s ideas are almost the same as Zhang Yang’s theory. Zhang Yang didn’t think of it at that time because He didn't remember the software he hadn't completed in his previous life.

"I don't know what you have done so far, but I have a similar software here, and I have basically finished writing, you come with me." After returning to God, Zhang Yang directly pulled Wu Bo Ran to his dormitory.

"Really?" Wu Bo froze for a moment, then asked eagerly.

"Of course it is true. When you wrote it, did you ever think that if this software is actually written, the computer resources encountered are quite huge." The two said while running, Zhang Yang said.

"Well, I thought about this problem, but it can be optimized. In fact, although the special effects are made by the computer, if you want to achieve the same special effects as the real environment, it is best to combine it with the real environment and directly integrate The pixels of the real environment are decomposed and then matched at the pixel level, but as long as it is at the pixel level, some things can be reused." Wu Bo answered quickly.

(To be continued) (..) (the strongest hacker)

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