The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 259: What is Niubi (Part 2)

Chapter 259 What is Niu bī (Part 2)

   Chapter 259 What is a cow bī (Part 2)

   "It's my alarm." Zou Xiang stood up directly from the sofa and shouted quickly. Zhang Yang's eyes have been turning around on the faces of several people. When Zou Xiang stood up and said this sentence, Zhang Yang noticed sensitively that Zhao Hong's already serious face relaxed a little, thinking a little. , Zhang Yang scolded, this old fox.

   Anyway, if someone jumps out, it certainly works better than him. It seems that Zhao Hong is the most fraudulent one. "What's going on here?" The policeman who led the team was about forty years old and very skinny. It seemed tǐngjīng did it. After hearing Zou Xiang's words, the middle-aged policeman's gaze turned around Pan Wenlong. Pan Wenlong looked the worst in the whole room.

   There are still blood on his face. Although the wound on the forehead is no longer bleeding, it seems to be serious. One side of the face is swollen with blue and purple, just like an eggplant. However, although it looks terrifying, the injury is not serious at all. There is only a wound on the forehead. Even if hemostasis is useless, he stops bleeding. As for his face, he asked for it, no wonder others.

Seeing that there was no objection from the people in the house, even Zhang Yang did not object. Zou Xiang directly told the situation at that time. After finishing the speech, Zou Xiang asked, "Comrade police, is this a deliberate injury?" Zhong The policeman looked at Zou Xiang with some surprise, and answered non-questionably: "Are you an s teacher?"

   "Yes." Although Zou Xiang did not know why the police asked this, he answered honestly. Instead, others heard what the policeman meant. Intentional injury and fighting are totally different in quality. If intentional injury is more serious, then it is subject to criminal responsibility.

Obviously, this middle-aged policeman has some unclear circumstances. It stands to reason that if these two people are both students of s major and he is also a teacher of s major, then it is impossible for his students to commit crimes. . After the surprise, the middle-aged policeman probably guessed that the injured student probably had a tuǐ with these teachers, which is very important. After all, it can be seen from the clothes of the two.

  Although Zhang Yang is rich now, he has never bought any clothes, and he still bought them before. Naturally, he cannot compare with Pan Wenlong.

   "This depends on the course of the incident." The middle-aged policeman did not follow Zou Xiang's words, think about it, and then spoke seriously.

   "Well, I don't think the two of you have a big deal. Just mediation, just look at it. How do you think?" After that, the middle-aged police added another sentence. I used to watch TV, and I said that the police were bad guys, but now it seems that there are good guys in the police.

"No, you have to arrest him. I came to report him. I am the son of Baiying Security Manager. The system security of the Agricultural Bank of China is in cooperation with our company. Just a few days ago, several major domestic banks were affected at the same time. When the virus invaded, ICBC's losses were more than one billion, and I am now sure that he is the author of the financial virus." Pan Wenlong jumped up from the sofa with a bit of indecision.

A shocking light flashed across the faces of the four policemen, and the face of the leading middle-aged policeman immediately became extremely serious, and the whole person instantly opened his face and put his hands on his waist without leaving any traces. Watching Zhang Yang asked, "Is it true?"

   "He is the boss of Baiying Security, and I'm a friend of Matrix Security CEO. Our company thinks this is Baiying Security's self-theft!" Zhang Yang sneered and directly retorted.

   "You fart!" Pan Wenlong said with a trace of panic on his face and snapped.

   "Both of you will go back to the police station with me. We will investigate the matter for the professionals and give you a generation." The middle-aged policeman hesitated before speaking.

   "Okay! I'll go back with you, but Zhang Yang, just wait, haha, after I get out of the police station, I have to play with your nv guys." Pan Wenlong said with a smug smile.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes. Zhang Yang’s position was not far from Pan Wenlong. Although the policemen were standing in the middle of Zhang Yang and Pan Wenlong, the three parties formed a triangle. When Zou Xiang stood up and complained to the police, he was just in the way. Policeman and Pan Wenlong.

After a pause, Zhang Yangmeng rushed to Pan Wenlong without waiting for the police to respond. Zhang Yang rushed to Pan Wenlong, but Pan Wenlong reacted this time, and subconsciously stretched his arm to block his own In front of him, it was estimated that Zhang Yang had just been scared by the slap.

But this time Zhang Yang was not ready to chōu slap him. After Pan Wenlong got up from the sofa, he was standing right next to the coffee table in front of the sofa. Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed Pan Wenlong's hair, and then pulled it from the side. Go down. With a loud noise, Pan Wenlong's head was directly pulled by Zhang Yang and slammed into the glass coffee table. A few centimeters thick glass coffee table was directly broken into several pieces. With the scream of Pan Wenlong, it was scattered directly. One place.

Zhang Yang’s movements were quick and ruthless. Even the few policemen only responded after Zhang Yang smashed Pan Wenlong on the ground. When the middle-aged policeman rushed to Zhang Yang and twisted Zhang Yang, Pan Wenlong had fallen to the ground Too. Looking at the blood stains on the coffee table, several policemen took a sigh of relief.

  To tell the truth, they have worked as a policeman for so many years, and have seen ruthless people, but they have never seen anyone who actually dared to commit murder in front of the policeman. Zhang Yang is the first one who has seen Niu Bī. He has never seen such Niu Bī.

   "Today I will put my words here, you can say whatever I want, but you can't say the oldest daughter-in-law, you can say it again." Zhang Yang said cruelly. He's out today, mlbgd, what happened to the police? It’s a big deal that I will throw out all the evidence in my hand, and I’ll have to kill you. It’s no big deal for Lao Tzu to work for Black Hawk, what can you do?

  Zhang Yang's deep voice even chilled in Zhao Hong sitting behind his desk. After Zhang Yang finished scolding, Zhao Hong quickly shouted: "What is Director Yan still standing? Hurry and call the school doctor, come on!"

"Oh oh." The Yan director next to him suddenly recovered, and ran quickly to another desk next to him, picked up the phone and dialed out quickly, and the other policemen quickly helped Pan Wenlong. Get up and help him check the wound. Although Zhang Yang was cruel enough, the glass on the side of the coffee table was broken, but because it was a very thick glass, it could not hurt people. The reason why Pan Wen faucet bleeds was because he knocked down the previous wound. Above, in fact, more is edema.

   "Boss, why don't you take it to the hospital, it looks serious." Another policeman checked it, then turned around and said aloud.

"No need!" The policeman's voice just fell, and the office's mén was shoved away, and several policemen came in from the outside, led by a policeman in his thirties, although he was also wearing a police uniform However, as soon as these policemen walked into the house, the air in their body was obviously different from the policemen who had just partitioned.

The middle-aged policeman who twisted Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment. When his eyes saw the ōng signs on the left ōng of these policemen, and the sirens on the right ōng, his eyes flashed with amazement, and then he quickly loosened Zhang Yang, then quickly walked over to salute the policeman in his thirties and asked, "Comrade, what is this?"

Zhang Yang also noticed that the policeman’s left ōng is not the city of h, but the word Guoan. The two sirens on the right of the policeman are both 00, which is the siren of the State Security Bureau of h city, because h city is a municipality directly under the Central Government , Although it is a bureau, it is equivalent to the department level of other provinces.

"Here we will deal with it." The policeman returned a salute, and then walked directly to Pan Wenlong, took a piece of paper from his briefcase and placed it in front of Pan Wenlong, said coldly: "Pan Wenlong, You are suspected of betraying state secrets, suspected of mobilizing social security, and endangering national security. Now the National Security Branch of H City takes you back to be reviewed." With the police, all the backs in the room could not help but emerge Cold sweat, including the same police.

   These three crimes are just one of them. You have to peel off the skin if you don’t die. Now you have been accused of three such crimes all at once, and the end is self-evident. Looking at the red seal on the piece of paper in front of him, Pan Wenlong was stupid, and it took a long time before he jumped up and shouted: "Are you all wrong? It's all done by him. How do you catch me?" ? He did it all."

"I'm sorry, our evidence shows that you are the suspect. Take him away." After the paper was recovered, the policeman tilted his head and opened it directly to the four strong policemen who were behind him. When he walked over, Pan Wenlong, who was paralyzed on the sofa, put up handcuffs and dragged him to the outside.

"Impossible, impossible! How could it be me, him, and he is right, you are wrong?" Pan Wenlong, who was dragged a few steps, violently recovered from this huge blow and immediately went crazy. Screamed, screaming, while trying to get rid of the two policemen who caught him and rushed to Zhang Yang.

   "Be honest." The policeman holding Pan Wenlong's right arm hit Pan Wenlong's stomach without hesitation. Pan Wenlong collapsed directly with a retching and painful hum. Without saying a word, the two policemen dragged him directly and walked outside.

  After the policemen went out, the leading policeman turned to Zhang Yang, and he quickly came over and smiled a little on his face. He smiled and said, "Are you classmate Zhang Yang?"

   "Eun is me." Zhang Yang nodded.

"Thank you for your report, and the leader of the Black Hawk asked me to thank you for this call. He said that if it were not for you, this time he was in trouble. The leader of the Black Hawk asked me to tell you to wait until he was busy. For the Beijing headquarters, I personally came to ask you for dinner and thank you, saying that he owes you a favor, and then you speak." The policeman said with a smile.

   "No thanks." Zhang Yang's face responded strangely. mlbgd, if you thank you, thank you, and you are still embarrassed to call in person and let others talk, but this time it's good, although Zhang Yang can't see Zhao Hong's face, but Zhang Yang You can see Zou Xiang's face. After the policeman said the words, Zou Xiang's face changed from red to white, and from white to pale, just like a dead father.

   "This is my business card. If you have any trouble in city h, just call me." The policeman quickly took out a business card and handed it to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang hesitated and took it over. Guo'an was equivalent to the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty. Having a relationship with these people was equivalent to a layer of insurance. Zhang Yang naturally didn't mind having such an insurance.

   "That's good, thank you." Zhang Yang took a look at his business card and said that the policeman was called Sun Gang.

Sun Gang nodded, and then saluted Zhang Yang directly. After seeing him salute, Zhang Yang raised his hand against the conditions. Zhang Yang realized what he had done just after he raised it, but he had already raised it. By the way, Zhang Yang can only finish this standard and neat military salute.


Sun Gang froze for a moment, looked at the face with a strange expression, and then nodded slightly, then turned and walked out of mé From the beginning to the end, Sun Gang did not make a first-class call with the principal. call.

  Sun Gang’s eccentric **** Zhang Yang naturally noticed it, but he could only say it with a bitter smile in his heart. In the past few days, more than just marching at Li Yingjie, he was trained to salute the army. Instructor Li said that military ceremonies represent the highest etiquette of soldiers, and Zhang Yangxue’s standard must be allowed. In these days, Zhang Yang has been respected no more than a thousand times, and Li Yangjie is not let go until he is satisfied.

Zhang Yang couldn’t see what was wrong with his salute, but Li Yingjie said that he was barely like a soldier, and then let him go, but Sun Gang was a national security police sequence, but because he was an action team, he just came out from the army. How long, so Sun Gang can naturally see how standard and simple Zhang Yang's military salute is.

   Even some ordinary military salutes are not as simple and standard as Zhang Yang’s, and military training cannot train this standard. But when you see it, you can see it. When Zhang Fei helped them, Zhang Yang already wanted to understand the consequences, so even if Sun Gang saw something, Zhang Yang didn't care.

   "Student Zhang Yang, can you tell me what's going on?" Zhao Hong's voice rang in the back, and Zhang Yang recovered.

  Uh, after hearing Zhao Hong's soft tone, Zhang Yang immediately understood that he was fine. Although Zhang Yang was full of contempt for Zhao Hong, strictly speaking, Zhao Hong was still biased towards him when he entered the room, and Zhang Yang just screamed and pointed at his nose without saying a word. Naturally, Zhang Yang could not give others anything bad. Face, anyway, in the future still eating under the hands of others, this face must be given to others.



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