The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 260: Results (Part 1)

Chapter 260 Results

Chapter 260 Achievements (Part 1)

"Since it's okay, Principal Zhao, we'll go first." Seeing that the matter had come to fruition, the several policemen were also people and immediately greeted them and prepared to leave.

"Okay, this is something we are not right. Let's trouble some comrades. The few of you sent some comrades out. The people who met the school doctor's office on the road told them that they wouldn't use them." Zhao Hong stood up immediately and enthusiastically followed The middle-aged policeman shook hands and told several school policemen in the house that the school medical room was still some distance away from the teaching building, but it was estimated that it would be coming soon.

"You're welcome, this is what we should do." After a few words of greeting, the policeman followed the school policeman and left the 260th chapter achievements (Part 1). Zhang Yang, Wei Wuguang, Yan Director, Zou Xiang father and son, and Zhao Hong. After these people left, Zhao Hong said to Zhang Yang: "Classmate Zhang Yang, can you tell me about this?"

"It's no big deal, just that Pan Wenlong wanted to frame me..." Quickly thinking about the gains and losses, Zhang Yang did not elaborate, but roughly said the cause and effect of the matter. Since the Black Eagle sold him his face, Zhang Yang naturally You have to make good use of this card.

"It turns out that it seems that we have wronged Zhang Yang's classmates, old Wei, like Zhang Yang, a good student, your class must establish him as a good student in the school, and set an example for the classmates. "" Zhao Hong turned to Wei Wuguang and said.

"Okay, I know the principal." Wei Wuguang quickly agreed with his head down, not that he wanted to bow his head, but Wei Wuguang was afraid that his face would make the principal's face ugly, so he had to keep his head down. head.

"Does the principal still have my business? Without me, I will leave." Zhang Yang raised his head and said with a smile.

Zhao Honggang was about to answer the call. Suddenly, the results of the 260th chapter of the Office of the Political and Religious Affairs Office (Part 1) were kicked from the outside by a "bang", and then several familiar figures appeared in Zhang Yang's sight. Looking at the people who pushed forward, all the people in the room were stunned. There is no way to stun, and the situation is too big.

"Principal Zhao, what did Zhang Yang make? Is it worth calling the police to let the police come?" Tan Yudie kicked in, looked at Zhang Yang in the house, and then looked at Zhao Hong. He asked directly and politely. Looking at Li Keqing, who followed Tan Yudie, and Li Yuxuan, Zhang Yang gave a bitter smile, and it goes without saying that it must be a call from Fang Shaoyun.

Give Li Keqing a reassuring look, Zhang Yang said: "I'm fine, it has nothing to do with me, the police are here to catch Pan Wenlong."

"Oh?" Tan Yudie looked at Zhang Yang strangely, but since Zhang Yang said so, then there should be no fake, but Fang Shaoyun called and said that it was not the case.

"Student Tan, you misunderstood. I just told Teacher Wei that the nomination of Zhang Yang as the three best student in their class, as well as scholarship matters." Zhao Hong recovered suddenly, there was no way, these few nv boy's effect is too shocking.

The beautiful nv student Zhao Hong is not unseen, and can they not know about the school’s uā list? But these people in the room were a little dizzy. Anyone who saw the five schools suddenly rushed into the room, and still for a boy, I'm afraid I can't calm down.

Even the more honest old man like Wei Wuguang looked full of eccentricity, let alone others. Looking at the relationship between these five nv children, it seems to be very good!

Even Zhao Hong's heart was filled with the feeling of pushing forward after the Yangtze River. Zhao Hong felt that Zhang Yang was a bit bullish. He had been a university president for several years, but he had never heard of any boy who could talk to five at the same time. The school is connected. Zhang Yang's face was naturally seen by several old guys, but he could only helplessly smile, which really had nothing to do with him.

Li Yuxuan is the master. Ouyang Xin has not known her for long. Tan Yudie knew her by accident. Xia Yiyue and Li Keqing had a relationship with Zhang Yang, but Xia Yiyue was very innocent with Zhang Yang in this life.

Zhao Hong's words made several nv children's eyes directly turn to Zhang Yang, and the content in these words made the faces of several nv children who knew the situation of Zhang Yang look like hell, so Zhang Yang was also a good student? I went there, are there three good students like him? I am just a freshman now. It seems that the number of classes from the start of the school to now can be counted with two hands. Moreover, in these few classes, almost 90% of the time is still sleeping in the class, the remaining 10% is not secretly playing with Li Keqing, or talking with the little girls next to him, he is also good student?

"It's like this, uh, the principal, if it's okay, I'll go first, I still have things." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go, and the young people should be safe in their work, and don't be upset next time." Zhao Hong said with a smile, a generous look, Zhao Hong's words made Tan who just kicked off. Yudie’s face turned red slightly, “Principal Zhao is sorry, I was a little anxious just now.” Tan Yudie has a good habit, as long as she is wrong, she knows how to apologize, unlike some wealthy children who think they are princesses nv , Even if it is wrong, all ducks die hard.

After coming out of the political and religious office, Li Yuxuan couldn't help but say, "What's the situation? Fang Shaoyun, didn't you say that Zou Xiang wanted the police to catch Zhang Yang? Didn't it mean that Pan Wenlong came to Zhang Yang for trouble? And also let Zhang Yang beat him Bleeding, why did Pan Wenlong be arrested by the police, did Zhang Yang fart, did he return a good student?"

"Fuck, what do you mean, I can't be a good student anymore?" Zhang Yang was a little depressed. What is this called, wouldn't it be good to be a good student?

"Do you say you can be a good student? Don't talk about others, you can ask your family Keqing, you ask her, do she believe it?" Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes and pulled Li Keqing over and said.

Li Keqing blushed slightly, looked at Zhang Yang, and nodded for a long time before saying, "I believe."

With a bang, Li Yuxuan and Fang Shaoyun both staggered together. Li Yuxuan quickly stood firm and said with a little cry: "I said silly girl, even if he is your boyfriend, you can't believe everything. Don’t you know Zhang Yang’s virtue? Has he had 10 classes in class since the start of school?”

"No." Li Keqing shook his head this time without hesitation.

"According to the 10 lessons, if you told me not to lie, how many times have he slept in these 10 lessons? Do you always have half of them?" Li Yuxuan asked again.

"Almost." Li Keqing blushed slightly and whispered. Tan Yudie, who didn't understand the situation, listened to Li Yuxuan and Li Keqing, and it became strange to see Zhang Yang's face.

"Even if he has taken the remaining five classes. How long have we started? Aside from military training, we have been taking classes for almost two months now, and his elders have taken five classes. Student, do you still believe it? Even if the lover sees Xishi, it is not like that!" Li Yuxuan was going crazy.

"What's the matter? Don't all foreign universities emphasize self-study? As long as the exam credits are up, I believe Zhang Yang can pass the exam. Besides, isn't he not going to class because of Zou Xiang? And he is still self-taught and self-taught The level is much faster than what the school teaches. If Teacher Wei knows it, is it okay to judge the three best students?” Li Keqing retorted seriously.

This time even Zhang Yang blushed a little. Li Yuxuan pulled his long hair. It took a long time to raise his head and shouted: "Heaven, you will drop a thunder to kill the egg of Zhang Yang. Such a lovely and kind mm world has disappeared. Isn't it? How did he come across him."

"Pouting", several of the nv children next to them couldn't help but laughed directly, and Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun watched for a while.

"Hey, hello, are you talking like this, why do you hack me, anyway, Ke Qing is our family, don't think of any bad ideas." Zhang Yang depressed and slapped Li Yuxuan on the shoulder, then only Li Keqing was taken back in her hand, and Li Keqing's small hand watched Li Yuxuan vigilantly.

Li Keqing, who is not used to being intimate in front of so many people, blushed, and secretly took a small hand without success, and let Zhang Yang hold it.

"Okay, I served. The two of you were sent to punish me." Li Yuxuan looked dull.

Li Yuxuan disagrees with this topic, and Tan Yudie they are embarrassed to continue to ask what is going on. These nv children are ǐng clever. Seeing Zhang Yang is unwilling to say, he knows that he does not want to worry about Li Keqing, so everyone also did not ask. However, all three of Tan Yudie suddenly felt that ǐng was envious of Li Keqing. If Fang Shaoyun said just right, Zhang Yang really didn't care about Li Keqing.

"By the way, I haven't asked yet, what are you doing this afternoon? How are things going? Let's go to Say while eating." Zhang Yang suddenly remembered, a few The nv boy was busy with the company's business this afternoon, and I don't know what it is like.

"You don't say it's okay to eat. When we say that we are hungry to help your company, let's go and invite us to dinner." Li Yuxuan said quickly.

"No problem, but let's talk about it first. Lanzhou ramen, one bowl per person, small bowl, without eggs." Zhang Yang nodded and said seriously.

Out of the teaching building, the sun has gone down. Riding Tan Yudie and their nv children pulled Li Keqing to the front. Fang Shaoyun secretly mōmō grabbed Zhang Yang's arm and lowered his voice and asked, "I said, is it okay?"

"It's okay, can I come out if something happens? Pan Wenlong's grandson was arrested." Zhang Yang paused, then whispered something to Fang Shaoyun.

This time deserves, grass, this is called evil and evil, and it is not that the time has not come. "Fang Shaoyun immediately scolded. A!!!!!!;




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