The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 265: Default champion

Chapter 265 The default champion

Chapter 265 The default champion

After leaving contact with each other, Zhang Yang’s interview was over, but what made Zhang Yang speechless was that several old men directly asked Zhang Yang’s work, and directly said that the champion of this computer competition was his. Unless someone can answer the same question as Zhang Yang, but is this possible? After Zhang Yang came out, looking at the many excited participants waiting outside, Zhang Yang was helpless. It is estimated that if these people know that the champion has been set by now, I am afraid they can rush to strangle Zhang Yang.

However, Zhang Yang was not embarrassed. He relied on his strength, that is, to follow the normal score. This champion is also in Zhang Yang's pocket. After coming out of the default champion school in Chapter 265, Zhang Yang directly called Tan Yudie over the phone. He did not forget that his champion was still about Tan Yudie's fate. Now tell her these , Can be regarded as an early pleasure for her.

"Hello, Zhang Yang, are you going to start?" Tan Yudie asked with a smile, as if what Zhang Yang told her in the morning did not affect her at all.

"I have finished the exam." Zhang Yang said helplessly.

"After the exam? Isn't it? This is just over half an hour. Do you say you are the first one?" Tan Yudie's tone was full of surprise.

"Yes, I am the first, and I tell you, I am the champion in this computer competition." Zhang Yang said the answer directly. He knew that Tan Yudie might have waited a long time for this day, Zhang Yangneng Understand her mood, after all, no matter who it is, after knowing that she is going to marry someone who doesn't like or even hates, and can't resist, when one day she is free, I'm afraid she will be very moved.

When Zhang Yang's words fell, Tan Yudie didn't move very much, just smiled and said: "Go, although I care about this, but you don't have to start teasing me now. Chapter 265 The default champion? Be careful I beat you, but I am a black belt of karate."

"Well, where are you?" Zhang Yang looked at the students coming and going. It was really inconvenient to say this on the phone. In case someone else heard the champion of the computer competition, it was already determined at this time. If it does, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"I'm in the dormitory, my game is also today, but my schedule is in the afternoon, I will pick up something in the dormitory at this time. By the way, I forgot to tell you, this morning Chen Xiaowei they went to Jiucheng company After negotiations, there should not be too many problems." Tan Yudie said to Zhang Yang with a smile.

"Really? Haha, that feeling is a good thing, so, come to my dormitory, I will tell you something." After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang decided to call Tan Yudie the dormitory, let her know earlier Happy or happy, it was a reward to help Zhang Yang so much.

"Yes, you wait, I'll come." Tan Yudie hung up the phone when she finished. Looking at his mobile phone, Zhang Yang is actually speechless. Doesn't it sound like a good person? It seems that the few mm related to myself seems to be very at ease with him. Take Tan Yudie for example. Don’t talk about going to a male dormitory alone, but talking to a male student alone. I'm afraid I never go out. But after meeting Zhang Yang, these laws have long been broken.

Scratching his head vigorously, Zhang Yang felt quite curious, did he engrave the word good person on his face? Otherwise, why do these mms believe in themselves so much? Do you want to explode the bestiality? Hu thought and Zhang Yang walked toward the dormitory, but speaking of it, Zhang Yang really did this, he couldn’t do it. In Zhang Yang’s eyes, he didn’t even win the dear Xiao Keqing. There is really no interest for the time being.

What Zhang Yang didn't know was that it was because he treated these mms just as ordinary friends, and there were no other things in his eyes, so these mms believed him so. In fact, people are sensitive, not just nv people, even men. Everyone has any thoughts in their hearts that are unnatural in their eyes.

Fang Shaoyun is still in class, there is no one in the dormitory, after a while, Tan Yudie will directly advance, even knocking away. Entering Zhang Yang’s bedroom and seeing Zhang Yang playing Super Mary, Tan Yudie was speechless: “I said, my big boss, aren’t you? We’re busy working for your company outside, you’re here Do you play games in the dormitory? Or Super Mary, do you have a little time to live?'

"Are you going? You come." Zhang Yang played naturally the version of Super Mary. He has already developed a habit. As long as it is a little free time, he plays with this. Although Rome was not built in a day, it is indeed a brick. Zhang Yang didn't believe it, he couldn't crack it in a short time, he didn't believe that he couldn't crack the game for one or two years.

"Come here, and haven't played it." Tan Yudie immediately sat down and started playing. After just two steps, Tan Yudie couldn't help but yell: "No? How can it die here? Is this changed?"

"According to your acquaintance, this is the version of Super Mary. It has been modified. I haven't passed the third level yet." Zhang Yang shrugged.

"Cut, that's your stupidity, look at me." Tan Yudie turned around and started playing. It is really a test of its practical keyboard to play this thing, especially this version, as long as it is a little less delicate in some places, it hangs directly. And Zhang Yang, you let him write code and the like very patiently, but if you play this, if you die three times or five times in a place, Zhang Yang will feel that her heart is like a cat, and you can’t sit still, let alone continue. After playing, he has no patience to play this.

But then, Tan Yudie let Zhang Yang know, playing games is also genius. At least Super Marie, who looks difficult in Zhang Yang, seems to be much simpler here in Tan Yudie. Although she is still dead, as long as she has died once, there will definitely be no problems for the second time, and it will pass directly. Anyway, this game has unlimited lives. If you follow Tan Yudie like this, I am afraid that all levels will be passed soon.

"By the way, didn't you call me to say something? What happened?" Tan Yudie asked casually while looking at the computer screen and playing games.

"Ah, this, am I not saying that, I must be the champion in this computer competition." Zhang Yang said quickly. "Come on you, you think you are a judge, and ah, not allowed me to open the brush, you know I am very sensitive to this matter." Tan Yudie's slender fingers beating on the keyboard, Speaking while playing the game.

Well, when playing this game, Zhang Yang didn't dare to be distracted at all, he would die as long as he was distracted, but Tan Yudie was surprised to talk to Zhang Yang while playing this without any problem.

"I didn't lie to you. It's true. Professor Chang Leshan told me just now, and Zhao Hong and they are all there, as well as several academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences." Zhang Yang said quickly, nnd, isn't he so hiring? Believe it?

As Zhang Yang's words fell, Tan Yudie's body stiffened stiffly, and Mary on the screen soon died. But Tan Yudie still did not notice. "Hello, are you okay?" Zhang Yang was taken aback, wouldn't it? Although it was said to be moving, it shouldn't be moved like this? Zhang Yang couldn't help but reached out and patted Tan Yudie's shoulder.

Tan Yudie's body began to tremble, and she paused. Then she suddenly stood up from Zhang Yang's computer, turned around and grabbed Zhang Yang's arm directly. The expression on her face could not tell whether she was moving or excited. Or maybe it's a surprise, "You... are you talking about true?" Tan Yudie's speech is very slow. She even trembles when she talks. I can imagine how much the pressure of the family has affected her.

Zhang Yang sighed, it seems that it is not always a good thing to be born in such a family. At least if there is no freedom in this respect, even if there is money, how can you have power? I am afraid this is why many people cannot understand that ordinary people envy rich people, and rich people envy ordinary people.

Although somewhat emotional, Zhang Yang nodded. The two are now good friends. Tan Yudie can be relieved. Zhang Yang is naturally happy for her. Although it is only temporary, at least she doesn't have to bear that much pressure. Think about a young nv child who lives under such pressure every day, it is really not tired.

When Zhang Yang nodded, the expression on Tan Yudie’s face instantly became weird. For a long time, Tan Yudie screamed violently. The sound was so sharp. I’m afraid I heard it all over the dormitory building. Scared her to death. Before waiting for Zhang Yang to come back, Tan Yudie screamed and hugged Zhang arms crossed from both sides of Zhang Yang's neck, just hugged Zhang Yang, He buried his face directly in Zhang Yang's neck, and soon Zhang Yang felt the warm and hot liquid wet his collar and neck.

Zhang Yang's body froze for a long time before he sighed and reached out to hug Tan Yudie gently, patted her on the back, and it was obvious that Tan Yudie was not at all comfortable, and the long-term repressed Gejeong She was crying quietly, even though she was crying. Obviously, she probably didn't know how many times she secretly cried before.

"Thank you...Thank you, really thank you for your publicity." For a long time, Tan Yudie said sobbingly.

"It's okay, it's okay, we're friends, I won't help you, who will help you, okay, don't cry anymore, and cry, people think I'm treating you, my life is innocent, I don't want to be like this Ruined." Zhang Yang said jokingly.

"Pouting", Tan Yudie couldn't help but laugh out, like a pear with rain, Zhang Yang couldn't help but shook his head, demon jīng. A! ! ! ;




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