The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 266: Be cruel to the enemy (Part 1)

Chapter 266 Be Ruthless to the Enemy (Part 1)

Chapter 266 Be Ruthless to the Enemy (Part 1)

"Anyway, thank you." Tan Yudie was sent out of the dormitory. When she was on the train, Tan Yudie looked at Zhang Yang and said seriously.

"No, who makes us friends, it's you, my innocence is pinched in your hands, can't damage my reputation." Zhang Yang said jokingly.

"Go to death, you get cheap and sell well, grow up so big, this is the first time I hold a difference." Tan Yudie rolled his eyes.

"Unbelief." Zhang Yang shook his head quickly.

"There is nothing to lie to you. I'm telling the truth. When I grew up so much, I even had a boyfriend who was cruel to the enemy (Part 1). Glances.

"I don't believe you never held your dad when you were a kid." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Get out of here." Tan Yudie directly stretched her foot and kicked Yang Yang, pulling the car and said, "Then I will go back first. I still have something to do with the Starry Sky Group. Although I left, you can rest assured that I can't It doesn't matter, hehe." Tan Yudie blinked at Zhang Yang before she got into the car.

Zhang Yang did not refute, nor did he inquire, anyway, he would not know by then. Watching Tan Yudie leave, Zhang Yang turned and walked into the dormitory.

Back at the dormitory, Zhang Yang first checked the first product of the Starry Sky Group again. This software was named by Zhang Yang as the Photon Optimized Defense Network, a very sci-fi name. Anyway, the Starry Sky Group also has the meaning of sci-fi. The product name is exaggerated. It's nothing.

After experiencing the overwhelming advertising on the Internet of later generations, Zhang Yang has grasped the core of online advertising, that is, eye-catching, no matter how many ads on the network, no matter what your name is, as long as you can catch the attention of netizens, it is a success It’s okay to exaggerate your ads. Is your chapter 266 being ruthless to the enemy (Part 1). I haven’t seen a lot of such junk products in future generations. Do you have a lot of downloads after exaggeration?

The optimization that Zhang Yang can basically think of has already been concentrated, and this software directly supports the in7 and the current vi that Microsoft is going to release in the future. Zhang Yang has already tried it. If it is a newly installed system or a vi system, it can be improved by at least 50% after using optimization, and after optimization, not only does not damage the function of the system, but can also save Less time for users to install software.

Moreover, Zhang Yang also integrates an ie package in the photon optimization software. Almost all the necessary packages for Internet access will be included. The difference is that this package is the simulation function that Zhang Yang uses to infect insects and mother nests. Let it be It is embedded in ie, but if it is not used, it will not appear at all. Only when it is used, it will be called from the package, not directly installed in the system.

This function can be described as exceptionally powerful. Even after a few years, such a function appeared, not only ensuring the cleanliness of the user's system, but also avoiding the installation of numerous components.

After more than half an hour, after the photon optimization defense software was re-beautified, Zhang Yang's mobile phone suddenly rang, picked it up and looked at it, it was Ke Qing who hit it. Although Ke Qing said that he was going to school in the morning, he actually went to the company. Li Shufang didn't know about it yet. Zhang Yang originally planned to tell Li Shufang. After all, everyone gave themselves the only support and the only nv. There is no need to hide these things.

However, Li Keqing still didn't agree, saying that she would wait until she made some achievements before telling her mother, and finally concealed it. Picking up the phone, Li Keqing's excited voice came from the receiver: "Zhang Yang, our contract has been negotiated! We have formally reached an agreement with Jiucheng, and after they have reached an agreement with Blizzard, they will be free on the website Recommend us as a must-have software for Warcraft, and also help us reach agreements with several game websites to help us recommend as a must-have software for games."

"Haha, yes, our family Keqing is too bāng! Let's kiss first, by the way, did they make any requests?" Zhang Yang already knew that Zhu Jun would definitely agree, but he signed the contract so happily, and brought it so Zhang Yang is still excited about the good conditions. After all, in modern shopping malls, no contract is signed, everything is fake, and it is only true if it is placed on the contract in black and white.

"Well, of course I did. You don’t know today. When the staff of Jiucheng Technology Department tested our software, their eyes were straight, and they asked us when this software is going to be launched, and even Jiucheng’s CEO We are full of praise for our software." Li Keqing's tone was full of excitement.

And from the receiver in the phone, Li Keqing apparently has not been out of Jiucheng for a long time, and Chen Xiaowei and Li Yuxuan can hear a few excited voices in the receiver.

"What conditions did they mention?" Zhang Yang asked quickly. Zhang Yang heard from Li Keqing's words. Although Jiucheng Company made conditions, this condition should be a condition that is not too difficult for the Star Group, otherwise If they are, Li Keqing will not be so excited.

"They put forward conditions to say that when our software is charged in the future, it will be free for players of World of Warcraft." Li Keqing said with a smile.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then he couldn't help but laughed, "It's hilarious, who came up with this bad idea, don't even think about Zhang Yang knowing, when Chen Xiaowei and their couple of beauty talks, they certainly didn't tell Jiu Cheng This software, Starry Sky Group, will never be charged for free forever!

Otherwise, Jiucheng will never put forward such odd conditions. "By the way, Sister Xiao Wei said, ask when your funds will be available, and the contract on the 90% side is progressing quickly. It is estimated that the negotiation will be completed within a week. We will start to purchase servers immediately. Yu Xuan paid for the purchase yesterday," Li Keqing asked quietly.

"You should be able to transfer money to the bank now, and the bank account should be able to be unfrozen." Zhang Yang thought for a while and said to the Black Eagle yesterday that the bank account should have been unfrozen. After all, Pan Wenlong has already arrested, and although there is no news from Baiying Safety, Pan Hu must have entered. As for the situation of Baiying Safety, Zhang Yang is not yet clear.

After a few more chats, Zhang Yang hung up. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang quickly waited for his QQ. If he wanted to know the safety of Baiying, it would be right to ask Gao Gang. As long as it is bad news about Baiying's safety, Gao Gang is definitely the first to know.

A few messages popped up just after I went to qq. It looked like it was sent by Gao Gang. What made Zhang Yang surprised was that Xiao ing did not appear this time. It is estimated that someone should have informed ing that gd appeared yesterday, so ing did not send any message to gd.

Opening the news of Gao Gang, Zhang Yang saw the information he wanted, and the goal was to fill the screen with "hahahahahaha" Zhang Yang covered with black lines. This Gaogang did not hide his emotions at all. The next one is that Gao Gang told Zhang Yang that Pan Hu's family has been taken away by Guoan, and Baiying Security has entered a temporary state of control.

And the third message is full of haha ​​Zhang Yang who is full of screens. Some Ling Ling Gao Gao will not be stabbed by this news. Some jīng gods are abnormal. Looking at the latest news, it was sent this morning. Zhang Yang thought about it and immediately sent a message to Gao Gang: "Are you there?"

About a few minutes later, the beep of the beep sounded, and Gao Gang’s message came back: “I’m here! God, you finally appeared! I’m really going to find God, you’re going to report something. "Wow, haha, you are my lucky star, I didn't say that, I will sell my life to you in my life."

Zhang Yang exploded in sweat, and quickly typed back: "I am not interested in men...Isn't it just sending them Panhu to prison? You don't have to be happy like this? Anyway, they blame them. I found it myself. Who asked them to put their ideas on my master?"

"Hey, God, of course, not just because of this, Pan Hu’s grandson went to prison is just one thing, and another happy thing is that the bank called me this morning and asked me about matrix security. I don't want to take over Baiying Safety. Wow ha ha!" Gao Gang added another ha ha ha after this sentence.

Zhang Yang, who was seen by Gao Gang's news, was also stunned. He quickly turned a few thoughts in his mind. Didn't expect the Black Eagle to handle Baiying safely? But think about it, it is impossible for the country to take over, and if the political department takes over, it is easy to cause all kinds of suspicions. After all, a security company suddenly changes ownership. This kind of thing is hard to believe.

And let other security companies buy is undoubtedly the best choice, but what Zhang Yang did not expect is that this piece will actually fall to Matrix Security. After all, this is more than 80% of the real Baiying Security shares. It was all in Pan Hu’s hands, and Pan Hu was now directly caught. Judging from the three counts that Zhang Yang heard yesterday, I am afraid they might not have come out.

These properties are naturally confiscated directly, but if the bank cannot take over, then there is only one option: sell Baiying safely and then confiscate the money. However, this money is definitely not worth seeing, but to be honest, I don’t know how many official knots are in the officialdom, but these people have not shot it? And throw such a big piece to the matrix safe?

If you think about it, if the bank lets Matrix Security take over, Baiying Security will definitely not be sold at the market price. It is estimated that the price is low. Unbelievable, but Baiying Security is only Pan Hu was arrested. Any other hardware and software, technical personnel do not Loss, and more importantly, there is a contract with ABC in Baiying's safe hands! No matter who takes over, this is a golden egg.

"What price?" Zhang Yang asked quickly, Baiying Security is not a listed company. According to the contract of the Agricultural Bank, and its current assets, liabilities, and hardware facilities, the market value is about 500 million to 800 million rmb. In the meantime, I don't know how much it would cost if Gao Gang took over.

"As long as Matrix safely produces 300 million RMB, you can own all the shares that originally belonged to Pan Hu." Gao Gang said quickly.

"300 million!" Zhang Yang was a little speechless, and the order of the Agricultural Bank alone can almost sell this price. This is a pie in the sky.

"Are there any requirements? If it's so cheap?" Zhang Yang frowned.

"Of course, there is no need to avoid the ABC's security fees for one year. At the same time, the security of this message matrix must not be disclosed to the outside world. In addition, in the case of Pan Hu, the media will announce that it was due to myocardial infarction." Gao Gang quickly answered Road.

death? ! Zhang Yang froze for a moment, but he reacted quickly. Unexpectedly, the Black Eagle was ruthless enough to kill Pan Hu directly. Don’t think, since the media has already announced it, then Pan Hu must be alive. By the way, there is not even a trial. Even if it is alive, it is estimated that he spent the rest of his life in some secret prisons in Taklimakan or Badain Jaran Desert.

After receiving this news, Zhang Yang didn't have any other ideas. If he had to say yes, then there were only two words, deserve it! There is a bottom line in this land boundary in China. As long as you don’t touch the bottom line, some things are very good to talk about, but as long as you touch the bottom line, there is no room for recovery.

Zhang Yang was very troublesome about breaking Baiying's Unexpectedly, Pan Hu, the son of B, directly helped Zhang Yang to solve this problem. Don't think, Zhang Yang knows that Pan Wenlong hired people Pan Hu absolutely did not know , Pan Hu is not b, he certainly knows that this kind of thing is successful, he can say anything, but in case of unsuccessful, the consequence is the disaster of extinction, there is no second possibility

"What do you think?" Zhang Yang thought about it and then asked, after all, this matter was decided by Gao Gang. Although Zhang Yang's gd id owns 40% of the security of the matrix, Zhang Yang cannot come out to take over this Part of the shares, the most, is the safe dividend from the matrix every year, and even for minutes, Zhang Yang has to turn n circles around the world to wash the money. So the company's decision is still Gao Gang's decision, but Zhang Yang also knows that if he asks himself, it's a white question. If Gao Gang comes to decide, do you still have to think about it?

"Does this need to be said? Of course it is an acquisition! Although Matrix Security currently has insufficient funds, the bank said that it can provide loans first!" Sure enough, Gao Gang returned to Zhang Yang's message without hesitation. Zhang Yang has no opinion on this nature. Although Matrix Security previously returned to the domestic security giant because of the cooperation with GD, it is like swallowing Baiying Security, then Matrix Security will directly grow, ranking the leader of domestic security giants! A! ! ! ;




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