The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 273: Something that makes thanatos crazy (Part 2)

Chapter 273 The Things That Drive Madness (Part 2)

   Chapter 273 The things that make you crazy (Part 2)

   "There is one more thing to tell you, if your boss is willing, your assets can instantly increase by 16 times." Chen Xiaowei said with a chuckle.

   "What's the matter?" Zhang Yang asked strangely.

"Nothing. From 11 am to 12:22 am, I have received a total of 11 calls, all of which require the purchase of our company. The highest purchase amount is 100 million US dollars, but we are required to take out The software that discovered this virus, whether it is a firewall or anti-virus software, or a scanner." Chen Xiaowei said directly.

   Zhang Yang was speechless for a while: "Are you sure? You are right." One hundred million dollars? Just to buy such a thing? Zhang Yang once again witnessed the wealth of these people. It seems that there are many people with vision, but Zhang Yang is not surprised at all. It seems to be very fake, but such things have happened more than once or twice. The most famous Microsoft does not know how many opponents are killed with money, but most of them are not known to outsiders.

   "Uh, forget it, this thing has nothing to do with me, I don't have the right to deal with it, but you should know how to use this thing." Zhang Yang said.

   "Well, I know the boss, you will not sell the company, know the boss your opinion, I will know what to do." Chen Xiaowei said with a smile.

   "Wait." Zhang Yang shouted Chen Xiaowei who just hung up the phone.

   "What else does the boss ask?" Chen Xiaowei asked quickly.

"I want to say that you can ask Ke Qing for these things in the future. She said she would sell it, she said she would not sell it, she wouldn’t sell it, she didn’t need to call me all the time. Don't be busy." Zhang Yang said helplessly. He didn't want to be often found by Chen Xiaowei in the future. Zhang Yang really didn't want to manage things in these companies.

   "OK, I get it." Chen Xiaowei agreed, and then hung up the phone directly.

After lunch at noon, Zhang Yang did not go anywhere, still hiding in the dormitory waiting for the data to be copied, what made Zhang Yang somewhat surprised was that at around 4 pm, the virus released completely disappeared from the Internet. Like Zhang Yang’s infected insects, these viruses have all been self-deleted. Don’t think about it. You know that you must give up. If you can’t find it, then it doesn’t make sense to go on.

However, although the virus has disappeared, it has alerted the political departments of all countries in the world. Such a super virus, according to the latest reports from major media, according to incomplete statistics, within a short period of five or six days During the period from the outbreak to the self-deletion of this virus, the number of its active infections exceeded 150 million computers worldwide!

This number makes everyone feel a little scary. You have to know that the number of infections of various viruses in the past was only tens of millions of computers, and it still passed a long time of outbreak, but now, this super virus is only five. Within six days, the number of infections has exceeded 150 million! What is this concept? According to the current number of computers in the world, it is almost one tenth of all computers in the world.

   The rapidity of this super virus has caused major security companies to be criticized by the media. The Wall Street Financial Daily even used a special edition and a long black headline to report this event. "Maybe all financial orders in the future depend on the face of "hackers"?" Where are our politics and security companies? 》

   The content of the article is even more direct. The impact of such hacking on the financial order is unparalleled. Perhaps the future major stock market indexes need to look at not the company's recent situation, but whether the financial system will be attacked by hackers? Although the report is a bit exaggerated, even the Financial Daily, which has never reported other incidents, is very concerned about the incident. It is conceivable that this incident has caused shocks all over the world.

   also proved from the side that the influence of computers and the Internet on people is getting deeper and deeper. However, Zhang Yang has nothing to do with Zhang Yang. Instead, the Star Group got the most benefit because of this incident. Even the media such as cnn in the United States were amazed by the Star Group’s first response, and even directly starred the Star Group with Mén Tieke. For example, cnn said that a newly established high-tech network company in China can quickly find viruses, so why is our country's, also known as the world's first race mén iron shell company, reprinting a company virus Early warning?

   Even a red Chinese Internet company, even the other party is not a professional security company, can find viruses. Why can't major security companies find them? Every year, customers pay so much money to you, where have you used it? Is it really like what our reporter reported before, that the major companies are just changing the soup instead of yào, and earning money, but have not made any technological innovation?

   Egg hurts! Spit blood! This is the same feeling of all security companies in the world, especially the Sémén Tieke feels the most direct. At least the report of cnn represents the ideas of many people. Zhang Yang almost didn’t laugh to death, he once again understood the kind of foreign media The potential of mad dogs is simply to catch who bites who, whoever dares to bite anyone as long as they want to sell and grab people's attention.

However, Sémén Tieke is also wronged. In fact, such a matter, no matter who started the security company, I am afraid that it will not be able to react in the first time. After all, this world has been destroyed much easier than construction, especially one. No new security company can prevent a new virus outbreak, even if Zhang Yang opens a security company.

   But what makes Zhang Yang somewhat overwhelming is that the major foreign media have mentioned in their respective commentator articles at the same time, and everyone should be able to look forward to the advent of the Star Group products. Foreign media is quite lively, but the domestic media reaction is obviously a bit slow. Except for the latest report posts on some mén websites, there is almost no mention of this matter on TV. However, Zhang Yang has long since given up on the domestic media. It is no surprise that such a situation has occurred.

   As long as the Star Group has benefited, at least, because of this, I dare not say that 90% of the future World of Warcraft players should have confidence in the Star Group? In fact, what Zhang Yang didn’t know is that at this moment Zhu Jun has already called his secretary quickly and asked the secretary to notify Star Group as soon as possible the official website and software release. The contract between Jiucheng and Blizzard has been signed. .

In the middle, Zhang Yang also paid attention to the Star Group's website. To Zhang Zhang's surprise, the Star Group's official website was being built at a rapid rate. The home page of the entire official website is no longer the humble website with a simple frame at the beginning. The background of the entire website has been replaced by a mí person's nebula cosmic background, which matches the name of the Starry Sky Group, a deep and mysterious starry sky.

   The style of the website is also more sci-fi type. With the latest version of the photon defense software uploaded by Zhang Yang, the framework of the entire website has been thoroughly structured. What makes Zhang Yang excited is that Photon Defense has already downloaded more than 100,000 downloads.

How long did it take, from the simple framework when the official website was first released, to now it is only a few days, Chen Xiaowei not only uploaded the website, but also uploaded the company’s first product. , And open for download. It seems that there is no wrong choice between hiring Chen Xiaowei.

As time went by quickly, Zhang Yang's mood became more and more urgent. Looking at the remaining time displayed on the computer, there were only two or three minutes left. Zhang Yang's heart jumped continuously, and he could quickly know why he was crazy. By the way, Zhang Yang had a kind of expectation in his heart, so that something might definitely exceed his imagination.

It took 2 minutes to say whether it was long or not, but Zhang Yang felt more difficult than the previous nine. When the countdown on the screen finally became 0, Zhang Yang almost opened at the same time Software to place these materials yourself. But what made Zhang Yang collapsed was that when he just clicked on the drive letter where the data was Suddenly his mouse and keyboard failed directly, and then the screen directly turned into a blue screen, and the screen suddenly appeared on the screen. Innumerable codes began to refresh like crazy.

   Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then he tried to start working as a computer, but his keyboard and mouse didn't work at all. "My grass!" Zhang Yang called out directly, what's wrong with this tm? Does it mean that the data copied by the infected insect is actually a file bomb? impossible? If it's a file bomb, it just broke out just after it was copied and it couldn't explode so quickly?

  Zhang Yang's brain started to run crazy, his hands began to work on the keyboard, but obviously these cào operations and various commands had no effect. Zhang Yang completely lost all control of the entire system. what happened? Sudden changes made Zhang Yang's heart panic, and soon, Zhang Yang forced himself to calm down.

It’s useless to panic. After calming down, Zhang Yang paused and brought the laptop next to it, and connected directly to the No. 1 satellite through the wireless network. The data was transmitted from the No. 1 satellite. Yes, if it is a file bomb, then satellite 1 will also crash.

   The screen flashed and the computer was successfully connected to satellite No. 1. Zhang Yang's nervousness was immediately relieved. As long as the satellite No. 1 is fine, it proves not to be a file bomb. Quickly checked the various settings of the No. 1 satellite, there is no problem at all, and there are no traps or the like.

  Can't keep looking at the blue screen that refreshed the code, Zhang Yang's finger hesitated on the server's power switch, and then retracted it.



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