The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 274: Mutant Infected Insect (Part 1)

Chapter 274 Variation Infected Insects (Part 1)

Chapter 274 Variation Infected Insects (Part 1)

No matter what this thing is, Zhang Yang still decides to wait for it to be completely completed. Anyway, the result is already the same anyway. Since it is nubi and crazy for it, then this thing is absolutely impossible to be a file bomb or harmful thing, otherwise Even if nubi wants to act, just find out a few hackers, and there is no need to let them come out. ;

The technology of Zhang Yang is naturally understood. Such a technology, even in nubi, is definitely not an ordinary member. Since letting such trump cards come out, then obviously this so-called Adam is really important.

After calming down, Chapter 274 of the mutant infectious insect (Part 1) Zhang Yang began to carefully look at the refreshed code on the screen. The speed of refreshing these codes is not as fast as the beginning. Some codes can also be seen clearly. Soon, Zhang Yang's face became a little weird. Many of the codes refreshed on the screen were codes. Zhang Yang could not understand it at all, but part of Zhang Yang still knew that that was part of the source code of the infected insect.

That is to say, no matter what the mutation is now, the infecting insects are also involved. As long as the infecting insects are involved, Zhang Yang will not worry, and the core control of the infecting insects is still in his hands. But the other part makes Zhang Yang illegible. If Zhang Yang reads correctly, this other part of the code is a variety of functions of the system. Most of Zhang Yang's system has been adapted by himself. Some of the code in Zhang Yang naturally knows.

The question is, what does it have to do with the system? But anyway, the only thing Zhang Yang can do now is to watch, nothing else can be done. However, this thing did not allow Zhang Yang to wait too long. About half an hour later, the code for frantically swiping slowly disappeared, and a progress bar for loading data appeared on the screen. The progress bar was neither slow nor fast. When reaching 100% of Chapter 274 Mutant Infected Insects (Part 1), the server that is running at high speed is turned off directly.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment. Before he recovered, the server restarted. About seven or eight seconds later, a screen suddenly appeared on the screen. This screen is very familiar to Zhang Yang. This is the management page of the infected insect. A lg that Zhang Yang is familiar with, or a figurative infective insect made by Zhang Yang is also acceptable. It is a very majestic bug, similar to a beetle, but the difference is that the whole is more like a red crystal polished, Sharp claws, tentacles, and fangs make people feel quite yīnsen and fear.

"Please authenticate the core authority..." A line of prompts appears next to it, core authority? What's going on? Zhang Yang was baffled, and now even the system is not started, how come he got infected with the worm? And certification core authority? After a pause, Zhang Yang still entered the 32-bit core authority password of the infected insect.

When Zhang Yang finished inputting, Lan's screen changed directly, and then the system desktop appeared in front of Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was stunned again. It should be known that although Zhang Yang uses a server, there are many pieces of hardware that the server needs to start, and so much hardware makes the system start-up speed slower than ordinary home machines.

But how long is it now? Even the time he just entered the password, less than forty seconds before and after, it used to be at least a minute or so before. What's going on? Zhang Yang's heart is even more curious. He can't wait to reach for the mouse, Zhang Yang Just picked up the mouse, and suddenly an abrupt voice suddenly rang out from the sound: "Good night gd!"

"Bang", the sudden sound directly frightened Zhang Yang, the mouse in his hand fell directly on the table, the whole person couldn't help but lean back, and fell directly on the floor . Not looking at the pain in his body, Zhang Yang climbed up from the ground in dismay, and asked with horror, "Who are you?"

People who can enter their computers silently, and Zhang Yang has not discovered before, in addition to Zhang Yang can’t think of the second person, more importantly, before Zhang Yang checked the 1st and 2nd satellites connected to his computer, basically No one is connecting two satellites, how did he get into his computer? Is he a ghost?

Hello, I am infected with worms. "The male voice synthesized by the computer sounded directly in the stereo.

This answer left Zhang Yang directly in place, infected with insects? Infected with insects! ? It took a long time for Zhang Yang to recover, his face became quite weird, as if you had a puppy, and suddenly there was a puppy who would walk with two feet, and he would also follow You speak the same directly.

But these are not enough to describe the shock in Zhang Yang's heart. Zhang Yang's mood is quite disordered. He doesn't know how to describe his mood? Infected with insects? how could it be possible! This md is not making a science fiction movie!

"Are you infected with a worm? How did you become like this? Are you more than a virus? How did you become like this?" After returning to God, Zhang Yang directly threw a long list of questions.

"There are not enough databases to answer." The voice of the machine rang out from the sound. In a word, Zhang Yang was relieved inexplicably. This answer directly proves that at least the infection is still a program, not that it has become What made Zhang Yang unexpectedly.

To be honest, if the infected bug really becomes a kind of intelligent program that is played in a movie, Zhang Yang may be able to accept it. Even Zhang Yang has encountered such a thing as a rebirth, and there is nothing unacceptable. But Zhang Yang's answer made Zhang Yang understand that he thought too much.

This simple program question and answer can be done easily. Some g can speak, and collect the voice samples of the driver, analyze the program, and then convert it into program commands. To put it simpler, in fact, it is to follow the voice input, convert the sound into code through the software, and then search and match similar commands within the program to complete some things that require hand movements.

Many people's smartphones can do some functions with voice, but what Zhang Yang can't figure out is, how could an infected insect become like this? This is not as simple as the previous mutation. This is completely a complete change. After the core has not changed, most of the things have been completely changed.

"Is there any process of your mutation in your database? If so, call me out," Zhang Yang tried to ask a question again.

"Yes, please wait." The infected insect responded quickly, and as its voice fell, then a large section of the log was opened on Zhang Yang's screen. Zhang Yang couldn't wait to check it immediately. He now urgently needed to know how the infecting insect became like this, and what the more than 100 g of data it returned was.

There are not many log records, the more strange Zhang Yang looks at his face, when he sees the last, Zhang Yang completely understands why the infecting insects become like this, to put it bluntly, or the setting mechanism of the infected insects, and Zhang Yang now It has been determined that the infected insect entered the laboratory from the m computer.

Moreover, Zhang Yang knew from the log that the reason why the infecting insects became like this was inseparable from Adam in his mouth, but what Zhang Yang did not think was that the nubi organization was actually developing an artificial intelligence system! Of course, seeing these six words, you must not connect with the artificial intelligence in science fiction movies. This is two different things.

In fact, this kind of artificial intelligence system can not be called intelligence. To put it bluntly, it is actually just a system with logic analysis capabilities. In fact, supercomputer systems from companies like IBM, Microsoft, and Apple all have similar systems. And their developers can't wait to put all these systems on the four words artificial intelligence.

In fact, it is far from the level of artificial intelligence. A supercomputer has a very large volume and a large area of ​​hardware. At the same time, such a supercomputer is often used as a host, but there is a problem. Such a huge host, the data it stores is bound to It is also quite huge.

Then, if you want to use people as its system, its efficiency will become quite slow, which requires it to have a system, one can automatically retrieve its own internal content, and can be based on the collection of human voice samples, and then restore it Code commands, so as to search the corresponding resources within the system, or complete the corresponding procedures to represent the work of manpower.

This is one of the basic conditions for using supercomputers. Otherwise, why are there so many rich companies in the world, but there are so few enterprises with supercomputers? It is because the problem of the system cannot be solved. If you buy the hardware of the supercomputer, but there is no corresponding system support, then it is no doubt that its efficiency is not as cost-effective as if you use a large data center.

Although such a system is far different from the artificial intelligence in the movie, it is undeniable that in the era when the Internet has just developed Such a system is already very advanced. Especially sound collection and conversion into command processing systems, which are simply core secrets in only a few super large groups around the world.

The sound collection and conversion of supercomputers cannot be as slow as those of systems such as voice recording on the market, otherwise, it would be useless at all. And Adam is such a system. Adam is a system with logic analysis capabilities that has been developed by the nubi organization for more than ten years.

Adam's writing specifications are several times higher in design than IBM and other companies' super systems. Its voice conversion, logic analysis, and the use efficiency of u are several times that of IBM and other companies, and even a dozen times. the above. Especially for the optimal use of the system and the speed of feedback to commands, the fuzzy analysis retrieval system is quite out

But Adam did not complete it because nubi designed them too high. Although there are many programmers, computer hardware experts, and artificial intelligence experts, Adam still has not completed it, especially in logic analysis. But he died, and encountered the infectious insects that Zhang Yang came out of. A! ! ! ;




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