The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 275: Infected variants (middle)

Chapter 275 Infected Mutants (Part 2)

Chapter 275 Infected Mutants (Part 2)

Zhang Yang didn't know what kind of state the infecting insect was. After several mutations, the infecting insect already had preliminary logic analysis ability. Later, Zhang Yang added this to the infecting insect system according to the simulation function of the mother nest. The simulation function, this function and the initial logic analysis ability of the infected insects almost caused the collapse of Zhang Yang's server. Afterwards, the infected insects self-adjusted, so that the server system did not completely collapse.

Looking at the log in the infected insect, Zhang Yang's face is quite strange. Should I say that I am lucky, or should I say that nubi is out of luck? The so-called Adam is a finished product of Chapter 275 of the mutant infectious insect (middle). All its subsystems have been completed, and when nubi designed Adam, it was built according to the distribution structure of human and animal neurons. Made.

The entire system is divided into many subsystems. At the end of the subsystem is equivalent to the neurons of the animal or human nervous system. These subsystems can be subjected to basic analysis and then integrated together, just like the brain controls the neurons. The entire system The utilization rate, as well as reflecting the speed efficiency is surprisingly high.

But this brain is not so easy to write, even if nubi has gathered so many experts, there is no way to write this brain in a short time. After that, the notebook of m was transferred to this secret research base. When connected to the base Immediately after the internal network, the infected worm infected the entire network.

But although the entire system is not completely completed, this system with preliminary logic analysis is still not the same as the normal operating system, and then the simulation function of the infected insect has a huge effect. Then there is the mutation of the infected insect, and how it is mutated is not visible in the record log.

The only thing that can be seen in Chapter 275 is that the mutation infects insects (middle). This mutation process has gone through at least tens of thousands of mutations, and the log finally made Zhang Yang almost laugh out loud. After connecting to the external network and transferring data, all the programs of the Adam system that were written over a dozen years were transferred by the infected insects cleanly, and all the computers in the entire secret research institute were completely destroyed by strikes because of the system transfer.

For such a large data transfer, if nubi can't find it, there will be ghosts. The reason why nubi broke this virus in the United States is because the most peripheral part of Zhang Yang is in the United States. When the infected insect transfers data, it is transferred from the United States i. So, nubi just frantically searched for these data in the entire United States, but nubi's people did not expect that Zhang Yang's action was so fast that he directly cut off the middle connection, causing them to lose the connection of these data.

After more than ten years of research, the human and material resources in the middle are unknown. Finally, Zhang Yang made a wedding dress. No wonder he would be mad. It may not be calm to change it to Zhang Yang, even more serious than nubi. You should know that the entire system has been written for more than ten years, and the infecting insects are ruthless when transferring data, including the underlying data, and the data is transferred. All are cleaned, in other words, nubi has nothing now, even if rewriting an Adam I am afraid there is no way to do it.

"Haha! mlgbd, this is evil, haha!" Zhang Yang clearly understood the whole process and couldn't help but live in the dormitory and laughed a few times. The typical self-sufficiency of this m, nubi is worldwide. Stealing the research data of other companies, and in the end, something that I have studied for more than ten years was stolen out by an inadvertent worm.

Zhang Yang does not know what mood the nubi organization manager is at this moment. If it is Zhang Yang, I am afraid he will cry to death. It's just that Zhang Yang is even more confused now that the mutation of the infected insect has become. "Infected with insects, are you a system or a virus?"

"There is not enough database to answer, is online search allowed?" Infected Machinery's voice rang again, Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders, it seemed that he thought too well, and really when the Infected Insect became a supercomputer, in fact It’s not much different from the previous one, it just added a voice command function.

"What are the contents of the database? Displayed on the screen." Zhang Yang tentatively asked again.

This time the infected insects quickly listed the data and displayed it directly on the computer screen. "First, the infestation system structure constitutes a database.

Second, sound collection and distribution, conversion database.

Third, the fuzzy judgment analysis of the subsystem searches the database.

Fourth, hardware matching, searching, and calling the database.

Fifth, analysis calculation formulas, data simulation formulas, data analysis formula frameworks, the content is none.

Sixth, chat room structure components and chat log backup. "

These are the six major items, and there are densely packed small options under the six major items. After reading it for a while, Zhang Yang understands that all but the sixth item are the core structural data of the entire system. In other words, the size of the entire system is almost more than one hundred g.

As for the sixth item, Zhang Yang was a bit curious. It is estimated to be the chat record of nubi, the secret laboratory. "Read the sixth item." Zhang Yang tried to say.

"Reading is complete." As the infected insect's voice fell, a text document appeared on Zhang Yang's screen. Zhang Yang immediately came over curiously to check it.

At the top are some useless chats and some discussions about artificial intelligence programming. Zhang Yang is not interested in these. What he wants to know now is where is the organization of nubi and what kind of organization is nubi. I don't know if there are any related records in this chat room.

After turning a few pages, Zhang Yang didn't find what he needed, and the mechanical prompt of the infected insect sounded abruptly: "Is it possible to record user habits and generate relevant matching databases."

After stunned for a while, Zhang Yang immediately understood what this meant. In fact, it was just like a theme used by your personal computer. Everyone has everyone's habits, and this database should record user habits. Nubi is really crazy, even these details have been taken into account, no wonder the whole system will be written for more than ten years and has not been written.

"Yes! Can you change the voice? Is there anyone who is a little bit more?" Zhang Yang did not worry about looking at the data. Now it is important to know what the infective insect can do after this complete mutation becomes the system. of.

"The data is established, and the authority is the first core sequence. After the sequence is generated, please create a unique control authority password. It is detected that the core password has been changed. Will it be replaced?"

"Do not change." The core control password of the infected insect is a 32-bit password. Zhang Yang may not remember it if it grows longer. More importantly, such a password simply cannot guarantee absolute security, but Zhang Yang has no good way for the time being. This can only be done first.

"It's finished, please ask whether to conduct the first self-test." Then another prompt sounded, Zhang Yang immediately understood that he should have touched a set system startup process, only to complete such settings completely, I am afraid that the function of the entire system can only be fully exerted.

"Yes." Zhang Yang nodded curiously, nubi's ability was good. Although the mutation became the same as Zhang Yang's infective insects now, but it can't be denied that if there is no semi-finished Adam of nubi, light It was Zhang Yang who wrote the infected bug as it is now. I am afraid it will not work for decades.

This time there was no prompt tone, but the data on the sky blue screen began to refresh constantly. The results of the self-test were unexpectedly fast. In less than a minute, the self-test was completed. When the self-test was completed, the entire computer screen immediately turned into a bright red prompt and a full screen could not be put down.

Looking at the horrible drop-down menu next to it, Zhang Yang filled his head with black lines. This m may not be able to be seen next year. For the nubi group, why do you write the system so perfectly?

"The system security status is zero percent. It is recommended that, first, increase the system hardware, the hardware required to fully utilize the system's capabilities is probably as follows..." The mechanical prompt sounded immediately, and Zhang Yang's head was loud Zhang Yang said quickly: "Skip all the prompts, and list the highest level on the screen according to the alert level."

A clear sound of "ding" sounded, and the mechanical prompt sound stopped immediately, and then several red warnings marked with nine stars appeared on the computer screen. Zhang Yang looked at the top one, the first sequence of passwords is too simple. There are hundreds of small lists under the second article. In short, Zhang Yang's servers are too garbage to perform system functions. The following hardware needs to be added to fully perform system functions.

What's more, it actually counted the amount of uā fee required, just looking at the 11-digit number, and the unit was still $ (US dollar). Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and simply chose to ignore it. The hardware investment of more than 10 billion yuan will sell Zhang Yang to see if it is enough.

Time passed quickly, and until early in the morning, Zhang Yang's stomach began to growl, and he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have eaten yet. The ability to infect insects has been tested almost. In just one night, Zhang Yang was completely contaminated by the infected insects. Oh, no, it cannot be said that it is contaminated, only that he was attracted by the infected insects.

Convenient, too convenient! With such a system, you can only say, what Zhang Yang wants to do, just speak directly. What he said will automatically be converted into a command, and then the computer will automatically execute it. There is no need to use Zhang Yang to execute it by hand. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the wrong commands like those smartphones. The fuzzy retrieval function written by nubi is very powerful!

More importantly, if you want to use your hardware resources, you don’t have to worry about the hardware resource fees. This system can maximize the optimization of system resources and achieve optimal use. And when analyzing some things, you don’t need you to do it. Just wait for the result.

The only catch is that when you order, you must learn to follow the same procedure as in the program, and use the programmed language to order. For example, you let him call the qq program. You can't tell me to open qq, such a humanized language, the system still can not understand, you have to say, run the qq program. In this way, the system can understand what you mean.

And there is still a problem. Although it is an intelligent program, its core settings are all in English. If it is converted into Chinese, a lot of code must be rewritten. Fortunately, however, the internal settings page of Infected Insect Zhang Yang was originally set in Chinese, so when the infected insect mutated, the English was automatically translated. This is why it "speaks" Chinese.

There are errors in automatic translation, and many places still have to use his authority to correct them one by one, and let the infector rewrite the system database. But what makes Zhang Yang happy is that the original virus function of the infected insect has not disappeared. It is now like the nv emperor in the ant network, and the small virus placed is the small ant, which can contact and control all the copied viruses.

The only pity is that the future is beautiful and the reality is cruel. The server in Zhangyang's dormitory seems to be very good for ordinary people, but the result of running this system is that it cannot be run for a long time at all, and the system cannot be searched online. Otherwise, the u computing speed will be instantly overclocked, and the entire server will be directly burn.

In other Yang now has an additional gadget that can chat with him mechanically. Besides that... there is no benefit at all, and more importantly, even if the system is not running, it Still occupying system resources, Zhang Yang is now slower than he used to use the system himself. In short, this seemingly very powerful system for Zhang Yang sums up in four words...useless.

"Okay... I don't blame you for my computer's decline for its satisfaction." Zhang Yang said with a helpless face, but that expression would be seen if others saw it. It's all a faceless beating.

Opened the Heimen Forum with his own notebook, Zhang Yang looked at the test system one night, did not pay attention to what is on the Internet, and then went to the forum to see if there is any latest news. After opening the Heimen Forum, the highlighted post is a conversation with gd. Below are countless guesses.

At first, Zhang Yang felt very agitated when he saw him scolding him, but at this moment, Zhang Yang looked at it and felt happy. The more he looked, the more happy Zhang Yang was. A! ! ! ;




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