The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 277: life

Chapter 277 Life

Chapter 277 Life

He stretched out his hand and took the familiar body into his arms. Zhang Yang lifted the quilt and carried Li Keqing into his arms. It's almost December. Even in the coastal cities like the city in the south, the temperature has begun to become cold. The winter in the south is more sad for the northerners like Zhang Yang and Li Keqing than the north.

The air in the air is particularly difficult to spend at night. The coldness seems to penetrate deep into the bone marrow. There are a few naughty pieces in the middle of the supple long hair that rest on the tip of the nose, making him feel itchy and stretch out his hand. After scratching, he pulled the slender hair away, and Zhang Yang reached in and put Li Keqing in his arms again.

Chapter 277 of Li Ke did not speak, but found a comfortable position, as if he had always been a lazy cat, he squeezed into Zhang Yang's arms, full of dependence and nostalgia. "I miss you..." A delicate voice came from my arms, and a pair of white and tender hands and arms only caught Zhang Yang's not strong waist.

Zhang Yang discovered that the Iraqi in his arms had changed into pajamas. "I miss you too." Zhang Yang said softly with his chin against Li Keqing's head. The two of them hugged quietly together. Although Zhang Yang only wore one inside, he was surprised that there was no hope at all. Jing felt the light and silky body as if he never wanted to let go.

"No overtime is allowed in the future, did you hear it?" Zhang Yangmeng remembered something, lowered his head with his chin and knocked the Yiren's forehead away. Looking at the **** eyes, he said viciously.

"En." A big happy smile appeared on Li Keqing's face. A pair of small dimples appeared on her face like that. Looking at the sharp tiger teeth coming out of Lù, Zhang Yang couldn't help but bow his head. Straight to the top, the familiar and sweet smell came to mind in Chapter 277 of life, and greedily demanded it as if it were a feeding wolf.

It took a long time until Zhang Yang felt that he could not bear it anymore, and then let go of Li Keqing suddenly, panting heavily, but at the moment Li Keqing's pajamas and underwear had long been unknown where to throw Zhang Yang off, Li Keqing changed Just like him, there is only a small inner body left

Lying on his back, Li Keqing was lying on Zhang Yang’s iōng mouth, and her long, soft hair fell from one side. Although she was shy in her bright eyes, she still looked firmly at Zhang Yang’s hands and stretched out of the bed. Out of the delicate arms that made all nv people jealous, Li Keqing's tender little hands held Zhang Yang's face, and she whispered with happiness in his face: "Zhang Yang...I love you."

Zhang Yang felt soft for a while, this silly girl, don't you know how powerful this sentence is at this moment? It is said that nv people are animals. In fact, men are not bad at all. Zhang Yang was almost confused by Li Keqing's words to mí. He lifted his chin and gently nipped at the tip of her nose. Zhang Yang extended her right hand and patted Li Keqing's springy curl in the bed. She smiled and said, "Sleep well, or I can't help it. Bad things."

"Yeah." Li Keqing's face immediately lit a faint red blush, quickly retracted into the quilt, and lay back to Zhang Yang's side, pillowing Zhang Yang's arm, and the whole person retracted like a kitten. In her arms, she quietly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Zhang Yang gave a helpless smile. At this time, the sky was basically bright. Experienced buddies all know that the little brothers are not so peaceful in the morning. In addition, Zhang Yang has tossed about it and wants to sleep again at this moment. Writing is not so easy. Especially when there is a moving body lying in my arms.

What about mō? Still not mō? Zhang Yang was a little tangled. Just when Zhang Yang struggled inside, a small hand in the quilt gently grabbed Zhang Yang's free right hand, and then put it on a surprisingly soft and smooth top. "No movement...I'm going to sleep." The faint mosquito's voice sounded with a trace of shyness.

Ok...sleep, just this posture... Then in the faint morning light, Zhang Yang saw the iōng hood thrown on the other side by him, Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, you are free, but I am qualified for your position, just This position is not so easy to do.

The sky quickly turned on, but Zhang Yang couldn't fall asleep any more. Until the sun had reached the half sky, Zhang Yang fell asleep a little bit muddled. Time approached noon quickly, and when Zhang Yang was about to fall asleep again, his phone rang violently.

Zhang Yang picked up the phone and looked at it. The name on it made Zhang Yang feel guilty for a while. It was Li Shufang's call. After looking at Li Keqing who was still asleep in his arms, Zhang Yang hesitated or picked it up: "Hello, auntie."

"Zhang Yang, your child, why didn't you even eat on time? You called yesterday to say something is wrong, why didn't you come back today at noon, and are you with Ke Qing? She said she was in the school library yesterday Check the information, the phone is almost dead, and I don't say to charge back to a call at this time." Li Shufang complained loudly.

Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. It seemed that love really blinded people. Even good children like Li Keqing had learned so badly that they had learned to lie.

"Well, we will go back in a while. She just went back to the dormitory to pack things up, and we will go back in a while." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Then hurry up, the meal will be cooked soon. Also, Xiao Li asked me to tell you how much you owe, make up for yourself today," Li Shufang said.

Zhang Yang had a chill, but he hasn't trained yet. Li Keqing in her arms had opened her eyes, and when Zhang Yang hung up the phone, Li Keqing whispered and asked, "My mother?"

"Well. Let's go back to dinner, don't you have to go to the company today?" Zhang Yang asked in a low voice.

"No, Sister Xiaowei said it would be enough to have her, let me take a good rest. Yesterday we all worked overtime in the company. It is estimated that Yu Xuan and they are still sleeping." Li Keqing looked at the time and whispered. . "We got up quickly, it is estimated that we will not be able to go back in a while."

The two quickly got up from the top and started to wear clothes, but Li Keqing couldn't wipe his face, but Zhang Yang turned to wear his clothes. Zhang Yang was prepared to feast his eyes. Seriously, he hadn't seen Li Keqing's body. What a touching look.

After getting dressed and coming out of the dormitory, they just happened to meet Fang Shaoyun who came back from the outside. At first sight, the two looked immediately at Fang Shaoyun's face, with a hint of ambiguity, jokingly said, "Ke Qing, discuss What if we two dormitories change?"

"Ke Qing certainly has no opinion, it is estimated that someone disagrees." Zhang Yang said with a shrug of his shoulders. Fang Shaoyun and Li Yuxuan were also weird enough. Although they didn't know what happened between them, Zhang Yang was not stupid. The relationship between the two is very strange.

Fang Shaoyun smiled bitterly before saying, "Well, you can die if you don't strike me."

"Hey, but you don't need to worry anymore, I think I'm going to move out." Zhang Yang said with a laugh and said quickly.

"Move to live? Why?" Fang Shaoyun looked at Zhang Yang strangely, and then looked at Li Keqing's suspicious look. Obviously Li Keqing didn't know about it. Obviously Fang Shaoyun was a good boy and didn't want to be crooked.

"Nothing. The company is not operating normally now. I can help with the company's technical department anyway. So I plan to move out. This is also more convenient. It is also not convenient in school, and I may need to use it. The large-scale server, the school dormitory cannot let me toss." Zhang Yang probably explained.

This is also something that can’t be done. There is still a system in his computer. If Zhang Yang says that he doesn’t want to use it, it’s fake, but the infecting insect is only a fixed system program and he’s not a human. Yes, although it is said that Fang Shaoyun does not often enter Zhang Yang's room, but in case of such a matter, Zhang Yang decided to move out just in case.

"Okay. It looks like you are almost faster than the duo world." Fang Shaoyun nodded and smiled helplessly.

After washing, Zhang Yang and Li Keqing walked outside the school together. After Zhang Yang and Li Keqing disappeared in the dormitory building, a young man who was about 24 to 25 years old sitting in the pavilion in front of the dormitory building lifted Started, quickly took out the phone from his pocket and pressed a number to dial out directly: "Boss, has confirmed that it is him, and also followed the second target in the photo."

"Well, I understand." The young man promised, and then quickly hung up the phone, then stood up and walked quickly to a car parked next to Then he drove directly to Zhang Yang and Li Keqing The direction of leaving caught up, and soon the car followed Zhang Yang and Li Keqing, but the car did not stop, but whizzed away from the two people and left the campus.

Zhang Yang didn't care about it, but went to the house with Li Keqing. When I returned home and opened the house, I pushed open and saw that there were two people in the living room standing in front of the window talking. One of them was on crutches and Li Yingjie was undoubtedly, while the other one was somewhat familiar. Opening, the figure beside Li Yingjie immediately turned around.

When the man turned around, Zhang Yang immediately called out with surprise: "Instructor!" Zhao Fei looked at Zhang Yang and Li Keqing who were standing at the mouth and said with a smile immediately: "The two of you are back, I also said I guess I won't see you again this time. I didn't expect to catch up."

"Good instructor." Li Keqing said happily to Zhao Fei, "how are you! This kid Zhang Yang is blessed! You haven't eaten yet, there are meals left by your aunt on the table, hurry to eat, eat After dinner, I will talk to you and leave." Zhao Fei said with a smile. A! ! ! ;




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