The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 277: The men have risen (Part 1)

Chapter 277 The Masters Rise (Part 1)

Chapter 277 The Masters Rise (Part 1)

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang simply brought the food on the table, four people sat on the sofa, Zhang Yang and Li Keqing had dinner, and Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie sat next to each other. "You used that soldier's ID?" After Zhang Yang sat down, Zhao Fei asked.

"Use it, what's wrong?" Zhang Yang asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Er, it's okay. Use it. Use it." Zhao Fei shrugged his shoulders, but his face became strange, and looked at Zhang Yang strangely. Although he was eating, Zhang Yang still felt Zhao Fei's eyes and put his mouth in his mouth. His food swallowed, and Zhang Yang raised his head inexplicably and asked, "Instructor, your 277th chapter, your lords have risen (Part 1) What are you looking at me for? I've seen everything in my heart."

"Uh, it's okay, right, should you be okay after the game is over?" Zhao Fei asked with a weird face.

"No, why? Do you need my help?" Zhang Yang asked strangely.

"It's okay, we have been idle recently. If you are okay next, Li Yingjie is your instructor. Can you do it for a month?" Zhao Fei looked up and down and said openly.

"This... can." Zhang Yang had some scalp numbness, but he still agreed to it. Anyway, it has already started now. It is not Zhang Yang's way to give up halfway.

"Okay, this is what you said. When Li Yingjie leaves, I want to see your training results." Zhao Fei said with a smile.

"No problem." Since he agreed, Zhang Yang did not hesitate and nodded readily.

Zhao Fei did not say anything confidential, but just left for a while, and left Zhang Yang covered with fog. Does Zhao Fei tell him to train well?

"Since you have nothing to do next, in the future, the 277th chapter of the men will rise up (Part 1) but you will not be allowed to run around. I don't care how you solve the problems in the school. Anyway, the next month, Zhao Tou said, but to see the results of your training." After sending Zhao Fei away, Li Yingjie looked at Zhang Yang with a smile on his face.

"Okay, instructor, come on. I don't resist." Li Yingjie's smile made Zhang Yang feel that it would be impossible for him to live in the future, and Zhang Yang said with a sorrowful face.

"Haha, don't be generous and righteous. You can rest assured that I will love this kind of life in a month." Li Yingjie smiled proudly.

A dull voice of "Bang" sounded, and Zhang Yang was directly back on the ground, and Li Yingjie flipped it onto the cushion. Climbing up from the ground, Zhang Yang moved his shoulders and looked quietly at Li Yingjie opposite. It has been more than a month since the last time I saw Zhao Fei. Li Yingjie's injury has been cured for a long time, but there is no way to remove the steel nails in uǐ. Although uǐ was injured, Zhang Yang couldn't see it at all.

The two are now in a Taekwondo gym near the community. More than half a month ago, except for the necessary training every day, the two of them moved here most of the time. They were full of sadness and anger. Foresight, Li Yingjie, where he is training a student, is basically to use Zhang Yang as a special soldier.

Besides, the special forces didn’t exercise like that? When the army special forces training and fighting are two people fighting, which is like now, Zhang Yang is the target of being abused. In Li Yingjie's words, if you want to hit someone, you must first learn to be beaten. Anyway, it has been more than half a month. It is nominally Zhang Yang's attack, but Zhang Yang will attack a fart. The final result is just like what he just did, and Li Yingjie directly put it on the ground by various means.

However, Zhang Yang did not make any progress at all for more than half a month. At least at the beginning, Zhang Yang was put on the ground by Li Yingjie directly, but now the two can barely be put in after a dozen or twenty strokes.

"Instructor, are you sure this is really possible?" Zhang Yang asked depressively. Zhang Yang found that he didn't make any progress at all. Although he said that the delay was a little longer, the final result was the same. In that case, Zhang Yang was very speechless and found that his own body's anti-strike ability seemed to have improved a lot.

At first, Li Yingjie fell to a painful death, but after being dropped thousands of times in more than half a month, Zhang Yang could hardly feel the pain.

"I said it would be fine. That's how we were taken out by Zhao Tou." Li Yingjie nodded seriously.

Revenge, Chi Luǒluǒ's revenge. Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, feeling that they had been beaten up by Zhao Fei a lot, and now they have to find it on themselves? Zhang Yang sighed and rushed towards Li Yingjie while thinking of himself as a very good person. At least Zhang Yang never thought that he could remember so many things in just over a month.

For example, the place where the black hand is placed, the place where the human joint is fragile, and the nervous system is concentrated. If these positions are attacked, it is definitely a hit. And now Zhang Yang can also tell others very arrogantly, and he will also remove others’ arms. Too. His joints did not know how many times he was unloaded by Li Yingjie. After being unloaded more times, Zhang Yang's body naturally developed resistance.

It takes skill to remove the joints. Now even when Li Yingjie is fighting, he can hardly remove Zhang Yang's joints, as long as he destroys the opponent's strength. Zhang Yang did not feel anything, but Li Yingjie felt quite obvious. Zhang Yang did not like what he said for more than half a month. There was no progress. On the contrary, his progress was quite large!

At the beginning, Li Yingjie and Zhang Yang faced each other. It can be said that it is as easy as drinking water. Zhang Yang can be easily put, but now? Facing Zhang Yang, Li Yingjie had to be careful and careful. He had to do his utmost to be able to maintain the victory and make Zhang Yang helpless.

You must know that when these people faced Zhao Fei, even if they were a few months later, it might be Zhang Yang's present situation. Li Yingjie didn't teach Zhang Yang how to fight, but let him attack and let him learn by himself when he was beaten. Perhaps many people think that this won't be learned at all, but you underestimate biological instincts.

Don’t look at Zhang Yang’s attack is not as powerful as TV or military fist, but the angle of attack is definitely the most tricky, the most labor-saving and effective, this is a kind of instinct generated by the creature in a long-term crisis situation , The body will automatically record what kind of attack is the most labor-saving, what kind of attack is the most effective and direct.

And Li Yingjie is to create such an atmosphere for Zhang Yang's body and make his body feel dangerous. Then these actions will slowly penetrate into his bones and become a subconscious reaction. Therefore, Li Yingjie and Zhao Fei have no fixed routines in their fighting movements. Everyone is different from everyone.

When Zhang Yang flew up, he was thinking of Hu. In just over a month, it can be said that the devil-like training gave Zhang Yang's body a strong muscle and his fist was fast and ruthless. Many people fight and throw punches, elbows are used to retreating before they can use their maximum power, but such moves are easy to be seen by smart opponents.

Now in daily beatings, Zhang Yang himself did not find that his movements had been adjusted subconsciously, his fists went straight to Li Yingjie's face and the punching speed was fast and ruthless. Li Yingjie's left arm lifted up sharply, separating Zhang Yang's right fist, and the right hand was wrapped up almost instantaneously.

At this moment, Zhang Yang did not want to attack at all. Since this time, he has been used to falling. When he moves, Zhang Yang still has other things in his mind. When Li Yingjie's right hand is wrapped up in an instant, Zhang Yang's brain I don't know where to wander, but his body responded subconsciously.

Suddenly, his right hand retracted unexpectedly, while his arm slightly moved away from Li Yingjie's right hand, and then his falling right hand almost instinctively grabbed Li Yingjie's belt, while his left hand almost caught lightning at the same time. Lived Li Yingjie's right wrist.

When Zhang Yang was doing everything, his brain was still thinking about other things, so his movements were extremely fast and accurate. The results of being beaten in more than half a month were almost immediately reflected. As soon as his right wrist was grabbed, Li Yingjie secretly said badly. Before waiting for his lower plate to stabilize, a huge force came from his waist.

Then Li Yingjie's body was almost instantaneously thrown over the shoulder by Zhang Yang's belt. A dull voice of "Bang" sounded, and Li Yingjie was thrown to the ground by Zhang Yang, as if Zhang Yang went off every time. There was silence in the entire gym.

The two have been training here for more than a month. The Taekwondo hall near this community is not an ordinary small hall, but a large comprehensive sports venue. At least hundreds of people are training on the training ground of nearly 1,000 square meters. Some people have been used to these two during this time, but new people come and go here every day.

Just not far away from the two of them, it happened that the coach was explaining the essentials of Taekwondo. A little mm who had just signed up and started learning was like a primary school student, raising his right hand weakly.

"This classmate, what's the matter, please say." This little mm looks very pleasant, and came to learn Taekwondo to prevent wolves, so the Taekwondo instructor immediately stopped himself when he saw the problem with such a cute mm. Asked very kindly.

"That instructor, the two guys over there are so fierce, don't you care about them?" Xiao mm pointed in the direction of Li Yingjie and Zhang Yang and asked weakly.

A taekwondo instructor had a dozen or twenty students beside him. Originally, this little mm asked questions. People around them were still discussing. Zhang Yang finally won. Once listening to the question of Xiao mm, everyone’s face immediately became very strange. , Eyes involuntarily cast on the Taekwondo instructor.

The face of the Taekwondo instructor immediately became green. Although it is said that it is a Taekwondo gym, it is actually a huge fitness center. Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie paid a lot of fees and no one taught. The person in charge here naturally Can't pick out any disease.

It’s just that after all, it’s also taught martial arts here. There are two people next to toss about it, which will naturally arouse the curiosity and doubts of those who come to study, especially Li Yingjie’s movements and methods are obviously not Taekwondo, but here is to learn Taekwondo Where is this, isn’t it a face slapped by Luǒluǒ?

But anyway, the customer is the customer, and the customer is the God, so when the two came on the first day, the dozen or so instructors in charge of teaching here endured. Who knows that the next two will stay here for a long time almost every day, and I have been tossing there all the time, especially Li Yingjie’s movements are quite neat and simple, and his men also have Zhang Yang who is a miserable person every time he acts as a foil, so many students throw their own faces with stars. The instructor ran to Li Yingjie and wanted to worship Li Yingjie as a teacher.

Li Yingjie is naturally impossible to teach other people, so she declined politely, and trouble came. This fitness center is expensive, and those who can come here are people with good economic conditions. Everyone taught money to naturally enjoy the best service. So, after Li Yingjie disagreed, these people went directly to the manager and said It’s their instructors who can’t.

The person who can serve as an instructor here cannot naturally be too poor. It is said that it is not good. Can you say that his temper is good? But the manager is also a personal person. When Zhang Yang paid for the fee, the manager was there. Zhang Yang directly paid for a member. He didn’t even blink his eyes. The manager knew that Zhang Yang was not an ordinary person and was quite rich. .

More importantly, this manager has some young people who have worked here. He has seen everything. From the actions of Li Yingjie, this manager knows that this master is not a good man, so he directly suppressed the dissatisfaction of these instructors. Down.

The problem is that this person has anger. The two of them are struggling here every day, especially as Zhang Yang's strength is known, the time for the two to fight is getting longer and longer, and Li Yingjie chose to exercise Zhang Yang's anti-strike ability. The place still does not have that kind of particularly thick cushion.

Everyone knows that there is a thick cushion in the Taekwondo hall where people fall, but the rest is just a thin it is better than falling directly on the floor, it is not much better go with. Once Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie worked with each other, the others looked quite thrilling. At least the sound of Zhang Yang's fall to the ground was not false.

Over time, there are even more people here dedicated to seeing Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie fighting each day, and more and more people are dissatisfied with these soft instructors. So ridiculous and ironic, there are all kinds of voices, especially some spurs, and they specifically asked these instructors, dare to take these thick cushions, and then practice with another instructor to show them?

Did you say this is not a face? So, as soon as this little mm asked out, it hurt the instructor's pain. The customer is God. Although they are instructors, but if they want this job, they dare not say anything unpleasant to these customers and do too much. Thing, so their fire can only be held in their hearts.

Clay figurines still have this three points of anger. When Xiao mm opens his mouth, the instructor feels a little suffocated, but how can he not do so, immediately said angrily: "You are here to learn from me, or look at others ?" The tone was quite aggressive. A! ! ! ;




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