The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 289: Merry Christmas

Chapter 289 Merry Christmas

Chapter 289 Merry Christmas

Although he said there was no gift, he was a man anyway, and after walking around the square with a few nv children, there were countless flower sellers who gathered together, but so many nv children, these sell The flowers are still clear red roses, how do you buy Zhang Yang?

Originally Zhang Yang planned not to buy at all, but in the end Zhang Yang decided to buy it, because it was a little girl with a braid who was at most five or six years old and sold flowers to him. ;

"Brother, do you buy a flower? You see you have so many nv friends." The little nv boy ran over, holding four or five roses in his arms, and said to Zhang Yang with a crisp tone, the second hundredth girl In Chapter 89, the words of Merry Christmas immediately amused Zhang Yang and their group. Zhang Yang squatted down with a smile, pinched the face of the little nv boy, and said with a smile: "Little girl, do you know what nv friends are? Say brother has so many nv friends?"

"I know, my mother said that today is Christmas. All the brothers and sisters walking together are boyfriends and nv friends. Look, if you walk together, then they are your nv friends." Xiao nv boy pointed at a few nv kids very seriously.

"Haha..., okay, tell my brother, how many flowers do you have, my brother bought them all." This little nv child is too cute, with two pigtails, and the clothes on his body are also ordinary clothes. Obviously the parents should be Ordinary people who do some small business, it is estimated that no one brought their children at night, so they brought it to the square.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang Yang's words, the little nv boy said happily: "Thank you brother." After that, he ran directly to hold Zhang Yang's neck and kissed Zhang Yang on the face.

"Look, look at your family's publicity, but Qingqing, you will have to look forward to it, he will not let go of such a small nv child." The next few nv boy music became a group, Tan Chapter 289 Merry Christmas and several butterflies laughed at Li Keqing.

"Cut, what do you know, I'm an idol-level character, OK? I'm an all-you-can-eat." Zhang Yang shook his head proudly.

"You are a big-tailed wolf, little girl, you tell your sister, why are you kissing this brother." Xia Yiyue squatted down, holding the little nv child's hand and said.

"My mother said, if I can sell the flowers today, I will take me to the playground there. I haven't gone for a long time. I went there last time for the Chinese New Year. Just now my brother said to buy all my flowers, so I kissed him, and my mother said that nv kid's kiss is the best gift." Little nv kid pointed his finger at a large amusement center on the other side of the square.

Everyone didn't expect to get such an answer. Everyone didn't know what to say at the moment. It happened to be a simple man with a bunch of roses in his arms. An nv man in his thirties hurried over here: "Sorry, a few This is the nv of our family, what's wrong, please forgive me a few."

The mother of this little nv child should be selling flowers next to it. After seeing this, she hurried over and ran over here. "Sister, it's okay. The little girl is very cute. Where is your stall? I will buy your roses." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Here, here, please come with me." The nv guy froze for a moment, and immediately reacted to the fact that Zhang Yang might buy a relatively large quantity, and immediately said happily. Follow this nv person to a lamp post in the square, where a tricycle is placed, and the boxes on the car are filled with roses, and there are probably hundreds of flowers.

There was also an old woman with white hair beside the tricycle who was selling, "Sister, how many flowers do you have, I have bought them." Going to the car, Zhang Yang looked at it. There were many nv children around him, 99 per person Flowers, these flowers are not enough, just bought them. "Ah?" The nv guy was stunned for a moment, after all, there are hundreds of roses here.

"Look, mom, I sold these flowers to my elder brother. Should you take me to the playground this time?" said the little nv boy, who was held by the nv person, proudly.

"A few guests, are you sure you want it? I have more here, and... these flowers, you bought the fee." The nv person hesitated and said. Zhang Yang was happy when he heard it. The nv people were real. It is estimated that Zhang Yang was determined to help them.

"It's all done, haven't you read it? This little girl has said, I have many nv friends, look behind me, seven or eight are waiting to be divided." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

The following nv children did not refute, but just smiled and looked at Zhang Yang to buy flowers there. "Uh, well, I should still have more than three hundred roses here, even if you have three hundred roses, one for five dollars. It's better to give one thousand five." nv people smiled embarrassedly, knowing that Zhang Yang is I'm kidding, but I still tell the number of flowers.

"Okay, I bought them." This rose is really cheap, much cheaper than the one in the flower shop. Zhang Yang thought, said, and then went to spend money, just reaching into his pocket, Zhang Yang was dumbfounded, he Suddenly remembered, it seemed that the money on his body had just been charged to the two doctors, and now he didn't have any money on the body.

"Uh... that big sister, you wait." Zhang Yang smiled awkwardly, then quickly turned around and ran to Li Keqing whispered: "Does Ke Qing bring money? I have no money on me."

"Pomp..." Tan Yudie and the other nv couldn't help laughing collectively. Even the more knowledgeable nv people such as Chen Xiaowei and Luo Tianshu couldn't help it. There was a giggling smile there.

"I...I said...Zhang Yang...Zhang Yang, you are also very good... asking for money from your nv friends...for others...buying roses for other nv people...haha...laughing at me." Ouyang Xin laughed and couldn't help but ridicule.

Zhang Yang sweated a bit, what he said...but... it seems that this is the case now. Li Keqing covered her mouth with a "giggling" smile, opened her bag, and then took out her wallet and handed it directly to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang quickly opened his wallet and looked at it. Li Keqing had a lot of cash on his body, and Zhang Yang didn't count. It was probably estimated to be more than 3,000. Zhang Yang hesitated. In fact, these people don't need your charity, as long as they can do their best. If they can help them, they will appreciate you.

Counting two thousand, Zhang Yang took it out and handed it to the nv person and said, "Sister, I have bought it." "This... this is too much." The nv person also saw that Zhang Yang had just counted the money, so he knew the money It’s not 1500. “It’s okay, this rose is already very cheap, one for five dollars, which is several times cheaper than the one in the flower shop, and isn’t it more than three hundred? It’s still Christmas today, just ask me This little girl has gone to the playground. You can definitely take the little girl to the playground. She has been waiting for a long time." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Thank you...Thank you." Mentioned this little girl, nv people's eyes were a little red, and they wiped the corners of their eyes, and said while bowing.

"No need to thank you, you must take this little girl to the playground." Zhang Yang couldn't help but again told him that he couldn't bear to see this little girl disappointed.

"Well, thank you. When we close the booth, I will take her." nv nodded.

"Oh... I'm going to the playground, thank you, big brother." The little nv child is very jīngming, knowing that Zhang Yang is talking to her, and don't forget to thank Zhang Yang.

"No need to thank you, it will be fun for a while, I said girls, I bought this flower, should you take it yourself?" Zhang Yang turned to smile and said to several nv children.

"I am dizzy, what do you call this." Tan Yudie and others are a little dizzy. Zhang Yang's name is like the name of the old bustards and the young ladies under the ancient Qinglou.

"Hey, don't care what I call, hurry, take the rose." Zhang Yang shouted with a smile, and then turned around quickly, hugged a large handful in the car, and handed it to Li Keqing: "Ke Qing, Merry Christmas ."

"Thank you." Speaking, this was the first time Zhang Yang gave her roses. Li Keqing blushed slightly and whispered. "Do you want to kiss one?" Zhang Yang quickly came over.

"I said... Brother-in-law, you're not fair." A sudden voice burst out, startled Zhang Yang, looked around, Lin Nuoxue holding a bouquet of flowers came together and said .

This has risen to the brother-in-law... Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, but Zhang Yang was quite pleased with Lin Nuoxue's style, at least not having the mischievous princess temper of those rich ladies, and still a little bit familiar.

"What's not fair." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"It's Christmas anyway. You just sent a bunch of roses to your nv friends." Lin Nuoxue rolled her eyes and said quickly.

"That's right, Zhang Yang, you are too casual. If you can't come up with other gifts today, don't blame us for taking Ke Qing away.? *渌 Father 鰊v also came to join in the fun.

They all understood that Zhang Yang had nothing but a laptop. Oh, I forgot to say that Zhang Yang’s notebook is not that military notebook. That stuff is too heavy. Later, Zhang Yang bought an ordinary one.

"Who said I didn't bring it." Zhang Yang immediately smiled with pride. I was busy preparing for this since the afternoon.

"Then take it out and see." Several people said quickly.

"Okay, but my gift is a little special, so I'm a magic guy. I make a phone call, and all the lights in the surrounding building will be extinguished, leaving the neon lights. Do you believe it?" Zhang Yang said with a grin.

"Do not believe!" Several nv children shook their heads directly.

"Well, you guys have a good look." Zhang Yang immediately took out his mobile phone, and quickly wrote a simple command. The program Zhang Yang has already been written, as long as it is activated.

Several nv children looked at Zhang Yang's movements curiously. After writing the command, Zhang Yang directly pressed the call button, and then pretended to make a call button. In fact, he just sent a signal through the satellite and then converted it into network data through the network. , Just connect the building in front.

Just a few seconds after Zhang Yang pressed the call button, all the lights above the three buildings in front of them turned black, and even all the neon lights outside the building turned black. The sudden change made the noisy square slowly and quietly, and became silent. Only the sound of vehicles passing by on the road ~ ~ Several nv children were also stunned directly, and then the neon lights on the leftmost building suddenly started to light up, but these lights are in accordance with certain Regularly bright, several large characters quickly appeared one by one on the fifty-floor high building.

"Ke Qing, Merry Christmas!" The large handwritings appeared one after another, not only did Tan Yudie's mouths change into shapes, but all the people's mouths on the entire square also changed into shapes. Then the neon lights above the second building also started to light up, and it was a huge line of fonts: "Baby, I love you, all my life!" Underneath this sentence, two red hearts composed of neon lights overlapped.

When this sentence appeared, the whole square screamed out in a very neat exclamation, then the font on the third building began to shine, and a sentence appeared on it, and this time, Even Zhang Yang grew his mouth in amazement.

I am grass! Which animal is this changed for Lao Tzu! Zhang Yang dumbfounded at the newly appeared word. mb! A! ! ! ;




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