The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 290: Brother forever (Part 1)

Chapter 290 The Eternal Brother (Part 1)

Chapter 290 The Eternal Brother (Part 1)

When all the words on the third building were displayed, a few nv boys froze for a moment, and then their faces were full of weird expressions. Everyone turned around and looked at Zhang Yang with a smile instead of a smile. Li Keqing, who was standing with Zhang Yang, was almost ashamed of his ears. He buried his head directly in Zhang Yang's arms, and then twisted his hands directly on Zhang Yang's waist.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh with air, I am dizzy, this nv child's means of feeling are born? This was Li Keqing's first practice of Zhang Yang's family law. He didn't expect to be so proficient at the first time. It's just that my md is injustice than Dou E! This is really not what I did as the eternal brother of Chapter 290 (Part 1). Zhang Yang looked at the line of words on the building without crying.

The original line of characters should not be like this. Zhang Yang originally wrote: "Ke Qing, will you marry me?" It is just these few words. As the saying goes, it is hot to hit the iron. Zhang Yang is still thinking about the proposal by the way. Who knows which The **** change to this? Looking at the line above, Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and scolded the animal for his unfinished skin. If I let Laozi know, I must play to death.

At the moment, the line on the top of the building is written like this. The word “Ke Qing” in front is not changed, but the back is completely changed: “Ke Qing, let’s go open the house tonight, you are on it.” At the end Also with a simple drooling expression.

"Okay, Zhang Yang, you can suffice. You are just a day-to-day call. No, it's a large audience..." For a long time, Tan Yudie looked at Zhang Yang strangely and said, Li Keqing is like an ostrich. Not in Zhang Yang's arms, smelling the smell of Yiren, Zhang Yang said depressed: "I said, this matter has nothing to do with me, do you believe it?"

Several nv children almost rolled their eyes almost coincidentally, but Xia Yiyue nodded and said, "I believe..." Zhang Yangli, Chapter 290, The Forever Brother (Part 1) engraved with great joy: "Sister Xia, you Know me!"

Xia Yiyue nodded, of course: "Of course, I certainly know you, so I believe you can definitely do this thing." "Poo......" A few nv children couldn't help laughing on the spot , Li Keqing, who was hiding in Zhang Yang's arms, was shaking his shoulders, and apparently he was still laughing there.

He stretched out his hand and took a photo on Li Keqing's plump little boy. Zhang Yang only said frustratedly: "Well, even if I said, what do you want? Can Qingqing open the house at night?" Zhang Yang broke the jar. When he broke, he said shamelessly to Li Keqing in his arms.

"God! How could I think you were a good man before?" Tan Yudie said with a smirk on his forehead.

"I declare that you are all bad guys." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes. The neon lights on several buildings have returned to normal. Although Zhang Yang does not know who did this, it is absolutely inseparable from the technical staff of that building. Originally, this kind of neon light control program has not been concerned for thousands of years, so Zhang Yang set his own program and left nothing behind.

Anyway, Zhang Yang believes that it is impossible for someone to find out, who knows how to be discovered by accident. nnd, when I have time, I will ask you to play every day. Zhang Yang screamed in his heart. After a brief noise, the atmosphere above the square restored the noisy environment, but everyone talked about what had just happened.

Zhang Yang was a little helpless. The atmosphere was so good, it was just being spoiled by you. More importantly, Zhang Yang didn't get anything. There are many Santa Claus dressed up in various companies on the square to deliver gifts there, and everyone soon forgot what happened, and they are very happy to start playing on the square.

The time passed quickly, everyone laughed and said Merry Christmas to each other, and then they separated at the edge of the square. It was only when they broke up with Zhang Yang and Li Keqing that they all had ambiguous smiles. "Sister, brother-in-law, I won't send you, my car can only sit alone, we will see you tomorrow." Lin Nuoxue finally broke up with Zhang Yang.

But Lin Nuoxue’s smile is also very weird. After waving, he said goodbye to the two people. Zhang Yang and Li Keqing were left on the roadside. Zhang Yang was just about to say something, and he found Li Keqing’s face turned red instantly, as if Like a person's red apple, you know without thinking, Li Keqing must have thought of what Zhang Yang just said.

Zhang Yang just ready to explain, Li Keqing said blushingly: "Zhang Yang... Or... shall we have a few days? I... my one is here." After finishing talking, Li Keqing even had ears Bleeding can almost come, although the two have already had several intimate contacts, but regarding this matter, both of them maintain the final bottom line.

Zhang Yang patted his forehead vigorously. Zhang Yang was a little depressed. Is it true that he was unfavorable for years? Obviously, Ke Qing was already willing, but it is a pity that Zhang Yang just caught up, and there was no way. "It's okay. In fact, I didn't write that sentence. I don't know who changed the program I wrote. I was originally going to propose to you." Zhang Yang couldn't help but stretch out his hand and took Li Keqing into his arms.

"Ah?" Li Keqing froze for a moment, then exclaimed, then raised his head in Zhang Yang's arms, looked at Zhang Yang with watery eyes and asked, "Zhang Yang... You really want to propose to me ?"

"Well, of course, are you willing to marry me?" Maybe it's not too much now, but Zhang Yang still squeezed Li Keqing's little nose.

"I am willing, I... I'm afraid you don't want me." Li Keqing nodded without hesitation, the tenderness in his eyes almost melted Zhang Yang.

"Let's go home, it is estimated that Auntie is in a hurry." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Good." Li Keqing nodded cleverly, the two stopped a taxi and drove towards the house. A few tens of meters away from the two people, in a car, when Zhang Yang and Li Keqing got into the car and left, a faint sigh sounded.

On Christmas morning, Zhang Yang got up early. During this time, he had already formed a habit and could not sleep if he wanted to sleep. It was just when Zhang Yang just opened that he was surprised to see that Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie were sitting on the sofa in the living room, what the two were talking about.

Seeing Zhang Yang coming out, Li Yingjie glanced at Zhang Yang and said, "Boss, Zhang Yang is no problem here. I beg to return to the team. You asked me to go back and you said what can I do?" Li Yingjie said.

"Wait, what's going on? Why can't I understand?" Although only listening to one sentence, Zhang Yang seemed to understand what he meant, and said quickly.

Zhao Fei hesitated and looked at the rooms of Li Keqing and Li Shufang. It was still early, neither of them got up, and the decoration of the house was very luxurious. The sound insulation of the room was very good, and nothing could be heard in the bedroom. Zhao Fei thought for a while and then smiled bitterly and said, "This is what happened. The last time we did it, the time you participated, the international influence was far beyond our expectations. Now whether it is the United States or that Several related countries have very tough attitudes."

"So, we are afraid to completely disappear." Zhao Fei paused and said with a wry smile.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yang hurriedly asked, the so-called total disappearance on TV is killing people, Zhao Fei, they cannot be killed?

"Meaning that we can’t appear in the army or in the international mercenary establishment. Before, we were embarrassed as a mercenary organization, and it was also well-known internationally, but American politics has already been released, as long as we appear, They are bound to need us people to go to the United States for trial. Although our identity is secret, in fact, in some cases, i know what the situation is, but I am suffering from being unable to find evidence." Zhao Fei said with a bitter smile.

Zhang Yang frowned: "Since they have no evidence, how can they treat you?" Zhao Fei nodded helplessly: "If we are in China, it can't be done, but we are the focus of surveillance in foreign countries, so As long as we appear abroad, i will start immediately, unless we have a very formal identity, so that the other party has no way to start without evidence, but we are black in the country, and even if they are not black in the country, unless you are like a star Public figures, or somewhat influential, otherwise ordinary people are no different from black households."

After a pause, Zhang Yang hesitated and asked: "Instructor, do you mean that you can't even go back to the army?" Zhao Fei nodded: "Of course I can't go back, don't underestimate i's intelligence ability, if These faces of us appear in the army, and i, who has paid close attention to this matter, will know immediately, and the American government has an excuse to attack us."

"What about military status?" Zhang Yang paused and asked.

"The military ranks of our people have been completely destroyed." A trace of inexplicable loss and bewilderment flashed on Zhao Fei's face, and Zhang Yang also fell silent. Of course he understood what military ranks meant for Zhao Fei and others. That means life.

"Isn't there no explanation above?" Zhang Yang frowned, should such a thing always be said? "Oh, it doesn't matter. We were already prepared for this kind of mentality when we started on this path. We are only a part of it. Every year, the agents in the foreign-related intelligence bureau and related secret units under the Ministry of National Security are 100%. The final result of eighty is the same as ours."

"However, it is not completely unexplained. Our archives are recorded in the National Red Archives." Zhao Fei said here, seeming to be relieved.

"It's the kind of red files that can be decrypted after thousands of years?" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes. Even if there are records in this file, is there any difference? Perhaps there is a difference for Zhao Fei and they are just comforts.

"I came to inform him this time. There are not many of us who have a family. Most of them are orphans. Li Yingjie's parents are still built, so our opinion is that he went home." Zhao Fei paused and said Said.

"What can I do when I go back? You said that we people, what else can we do in this society?" Li Yingjie smiled bitterly, and he didn't expect the result after the injury.

"In fact, it is also a good thing for us. At least since then, we have returned to the ranks of normal people. At most, it has been monitored by the Ministry of National Security for more than ten years. Others, we can get married and have children. You are not always looking forward to Have you lived a normal life?" Zhao Fei said with a smile.

Only Zhao Fei himself understands that this is probably comfort.

"Otherwise, you are all right, go to work in my company? Then you have a formal identity? What will happen in the future, I will certainly not be able to move you." Zhang Yang hesitated a moment, and suddenly his eyes opened. , Li Yingjie, their skill is undoubtedly, don't they want an identity? Didn't they hire Li Keqing as their bodyguard when they hired their own company?

Zhao Fei froze for a moment, and then there was a flash of joy in his eyes. He nodded quickly and said, "This is a good idea. In this way, as your company continues to expand, we appear in the public eye. There will be more and more times in the middle, and I can’t take us by then.”

"Yeah, that's it, the instructors are all here, but Qingqing and they don't have bodyguards now. It's a big deal. We have one each, and... our group of beautiful nvs are all single. Zhang Yangchong Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie blinked.

With a snap, Zhao Fei slapped directly on the back of Zhang Yang's head, and said with a grumpy smile: "Smelly kid, dare to ridicule us, did you owe it? Don't think you won a black belt and eight segments It won’t work.”

"Well, how can I practice it is not your instructor's opponent, so this matter is finalized, instructor your salary must not be worse, take 10,000 a month, and then increase according to the company's development. What?" Zhang Yang said quickly.

Zhao Fei smiled and said, "I’ll work for you kid, you can just watch the salary and so on. In these years, our black income is also very large, and we have no place to spend money. But... thank you , Can your company arrange so many people? If you are too nervous you can help arrange a few people with family."

"Is it still the instructors we saw last time?" Zhang Yang asked.

"En." Zhao Fei nodded.

"No problem, it's not just eleven people. I'm still raised. In the future, our Star Group will be the world's first company." Zhang Yang Niucha said.

"Haha, okay, if you want to say this, then I won't say anything. Our brothers will give you jiā. What are your opinions, Yingjie?" Zhao Fei laughed twice, without saying anything hypocritical.

"I have no opinion, I didn't expect that I received an apprentice i, and actually got my future in hand. It seems that I am not losing money." Li Yingjie, people like them, don't see that they are very powerful in fighting. In fact, once let them pass In the lives of ordinary people, they are all very ignorant and do not know what to do. Now there are things and goals. More importantly, Li Yingjie was relieved when he was with the gang of brothers. A! ! ! ;




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