The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 312: Coincidence (Part 2)

Chapter 312 Coincidence (Part 2)

Chapter 312 Coincidence (Part 2)

After dinner, Zhang Yang, Li Keqing and Li Yingjie came out of the house and brought a contract for another house to prepare for a trip to the uncle's house. The uncle's family is still some distance away from Zhang Yang's family, and it takes almost thirty minutes to take a taxi.

The uncle's family lives in bungalows, and demolition has not started here, it is estimated that it will be demolished in a few years. After getting off at the big intersection, the alley inside was too small for the taxi to get in. Going through a small alley in front, was about to turn the intersection. Li Yingjie walking behind pulled Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie violently, and then directly blocked them in front of them.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, but did not immediately ask. Chapter 312 of Qiao Yu (below) instead embraced Ke Qing in his arms and stood behind Li Yingjie without speaking. A swift footsteps quickly passed from the other side of the alleyway, and then a figure suddenly appeared at the alleyway. When this person turned around, he saw three people standing at the alleyway of Li Yingjie.

Zhang Yang’s movements are too easy to be doubted. This man who seems to be in his thirties, almost saw Zhang Yang, immediately stopped his footsteps, and then stepped back a few steps, full of vigilance. Watching Li Yingjie them. After such a delay, six or seven people appeared at the other end of the alley.

As soon as these six or seven people appeared, Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and was taught by Li Yingjie for nearly two months. Zhang Yang's eyes were also trained very spicy. Although the appearance of these seven or eight people looks like those of nightclubs or the like Little **** are first-rate, but their actions prove that they are definitely not as simple as bastards.

After seeing the man stop, the seven or eight men did not directly rush up, but immediately became a fan shape, directly surrounding the other side of the alley.

"Friends inside, do me a favor. If you help him, I will give you Chapter 312. A coincidence (part 2) half a million." The man who took the lead among these seven or eight men directly blasted the three of them. Shouted. In such a village, there is usually no one outside after 8 o'clock in the winter. Most of the households are locked, and this area is close to a mixed area of ​​fish and snakes in Shenyang, so the security here is not very good.

These residents basically won't make any noise at night. Even if they hear anything unusual, as long as it has nothing to do with their own homes, no one will control them.

Li Yingjie frowned quickly, and then said aloud: "We just passed by, this matter has nothing to do with us." As he said, Li Yingjie pushed back carefully, and then lowered his voice to Yang Yang said: "Be careful, These people are not easy to mess with. It is estimated that the skills of the instructors who are working in the Taekwondo Hall are similar, but the experience is more abundant than them. You will be protected and sunny in a while. I am fine."

"I understand, you should be careful." Zhang Yang nodded slightly. At the other end of the alley is a large, wide alley. There is a dim street light above the pole at the entrance of the alley, and then the street light, everyone can see each other what they look like. The man in his thirties, who was sandwiched between Zhang Yang and seven or eight other men, had a national face and thick eyebrows and big eyes, which did not look like a bad guy, but he was not tall, probably one meter. Around 7.

Most of his eyes were focused on Li Yingjie, and Zhang Yang noticed that this person’s eyes were almost focused on Li Yingjie’s shoulders, not his face or other places. Looking at this person’s gaze, Zhang Yang knew that this Man is a master, no wonder Li Yingjie is under such great pressure, so Zhang Yang is careful.

"Friend, you think about it. If you let him go, don’t blame us. You don’t blame us. In this kind of place, even if you call the police, the police won’t come without half an hour. Then we can do whatever we want. Have an nv companion? Don't want this nv kid to have an accident, you can help me stop this person, otherwise, if the man on the opposite side fails, he starts to threaten.

Zhang Yang's brow furrowed immediately, and he hated others to talk about things with Li Keqing. The man was shouting at them, and he said to the man again, "Old gun, you are still good to surrender. Today's things can't be good. Do you know who you killed? That's Mr. Wang's kiss Nephew, if you don’t want your family to have an accident, it’s best if you obediently catch it."

"If he doesn't shoot, it's not Laozi boasting, you guys are no different from the waste wood." The Chinese character face called Lao Cannon said coldly, but his eyes had never left Li Yingjie. The face looked at Li Yingjie again and said, "This friend, you should be the bodyguard of the two people behind you. There is no conflict between us. I will not hurt your employer. In my eyes, how about letting me go?"

This alley is very narrow, probably more than two meters wide. Li Yingjie narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I said, I'm just a passerby. If you want to go, you can go straight, you guessed it, as long as I Employers have no problem, I won’t say more about other things.”

"Friend, you laughed. With you behind me, if I walked over and you started directly, I can't guarantee that I can escape your attack." The Chinese character said with a deep voice.

In order to prevent this person from suddenly attacking, Li Yingjie's whole body is in a state of exertion at any time. This national character face is obviously also visible, so he dare not come over even more, fearing that Li Yingjie and the group of people behind are a gang. But Li Yingjie could not let this person come over. If the alley was wide, it was easy to say, but the alley was too narrow, and Li Yingjie could not guarantee 100%.

I was in a stalemate at the moment, and the seven or eight men at the alley seemed to know that this man did not dare to pass from here, and immediately approached the Guozi face slowly from there. Li Yingjie's body also tightened violently. Zhang Yang took two steps back and blocked Li Keqing behind him. His right foot stepped on the wall behind him, and his hands were slightly raised.

Li Keqing obediently stood behind Zhang Yang, did not speak, but just stood quietly, presumably afraid of Zhang Yang's distraction. The seven or eight men at the entrance of the alley were getting closer and closer. Just when the leading man was less than two meters away from the Chinese character face, the Chinese character face that had been staring at Li Yingjie suddenly moved.

Zhang Yang finally realized what he called Jing Ruo's virginity, and if he moved away from the rabbit, the body of this Chinese character's face was like a ball hitting the ground fiercely. But instead of rushing to Li Yingjie, he turned directly to the seven or eight men behind him.

Squinting slightly, Zhang Yang's body relaxed a little. This man's movement made Zhang Yang immediately understand that this Chinese character face may not be simple in origin. Although he doesn't know who he is, he knows from the mouths of those seven or eight people This man just killed and ran out, and this choice of not rushing to Li Yingjie, but rushing to those seven or eight people made Zhang Yang understand that this man has rich combat experience and a calm analysis of the surrounding situation .

It seems that Li Yingjie will not shoot casually in order to protect Zhang Yang and Li Keqing, even if it is shot, there will be some scruples, but once he rushes to Li Yingjie, Li Yingjie in order to protect Zhang Yang and Li Keqing, the shot is inevitable. In this case, he certainly could not hit Li Yingjie all at once, and as a result, he gave those seven or eight people to surround him and had a chance to detour.

More importantly, he didn't know if they publicized the seven or eight people together. But rushing to those seven or eight people is different. If Li Yingjie is not a gang with them, if they are really passers-by, then he will definitely not shoot, so that he can easily leave the seven or eight people.

Even if Li Yingjie was with them, the strength of these seven or eight people was not very good. Once he attacked, Li Yingjie would be disturbed by these people even if he wanted to help. It will be easier for him to get out. After watching it for a while, Zhang Yang understood why the man didn't fight. His left arm seemed to be injured, and obviously he didn't need to work hard, but even so, the man's strength was also very good.

Zhang Yang looked at it for a while and understood that if this person’s arm is not affected, he fights with Li Yingjie, which is estimated to be of the same type. However, Zhang Yang only saw Li Yingjie, Zhao Fei and those Zhongnanhai bodyguards at his home, because at that time it was cooperation, and Zhang Yang had just started to block his sight, and he could not determine Li Yingjie's combat effectiveness.

These seven or eight men are not empty-handed, they carry very sharp choppers in their hands. With a stab, the man gave a swift slam, and his sleeve was directly scratched with a long button. But fortunately, he hid in a timely manner and was not injured. Later, Zhang Yang discovered that this man was only wearing a thin shirt.

However, when Zhang Yang saw the man’s wrist when he started again, his pupil shrank violently. Under the dim light, a blood-red dagger tattoo was so clear, Zhang Yang immediately shouted: "Instructor I saw it, you are optimistic about it." Li Yingjie immediately nodded and agreed, and the whole person immediately rushed out like a cheetah. When Li Yingjie moved, the man immediately shrank the offensive, and the group of people was obviously guarding against Li Yingjie, but it was useless to guard against it. When Li Yingjie rushed to the alley, without a word, the whole person flew directly to the nearest to him A fool.

Two sharp voices of "thorn" and "click", followed by a scream, Zhang Yang saw what it means to be empty-handed into a white blade, and Li Yingjie's movements were very simple and neat. When this mixed knife was cut down, Li Yingjie's The right hand snapped the wrist of the hand where he held the knife, and then turned down fiercely, and a crisp bone fracture sound came.

However, this **** was obviously not a mediocre hand, and Li Yingjie scrapped a hand, and his right foot kicked Li Yingjie's crotch. With a "snap", Li Yingjie shrank back abruptly, letting his yīn legs pass, and then a simple round kick kicked directly on the head of the mixed, "bang" sound, His head hit the wall next to him and fainted. A! ! ! ;




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