The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 313: Soldier (on)

Chapter 313 Soldiers (Part 1)

Chapter 313 Soldiers (Part 1)

The addition of Li Yingjie surprised the Guozi face, but his men were not slow at all. With the addition of Li Yingjie, there was no suspense in this scene. Just when the Guozi face dealt with seven people by itself, it had a slight upper hand. Joining an extremely fierce Li Yingjie, within ten minutes, seven men were directly placed on the ground, and both men started very neatly.

The men didn't show mercy at all. Although they didn't ask for the names of these foolish men, all seven people fainted. Seeing that they had resolved the battle, Zhang Yang quickly took Ke Qing's little hand and ran over and said, "Come with us." After that, Zhang Yang took the lead and walked directly into the alley of another soldier in Chapter 313 (Part 1). These gangsters should be more than these seven people, otherwise, this Chinese character face will not run away.

All the residents here can only go to the uncle's house to hide. They can't find anyone, so there will be no problem. "Are you dizzy?" Zhang Yang asked as he ran. "Are you suspicious of me?" Li Yingjie rolled her eyes and answered the Guozi face that followed honestly: "No problem, they fainted."

Going around the alleys, Zhang Yang quickly knocked on the courtyard rented by his uncle. The yard is not large, and the rent for one year is also very cheap, which is more than 4,000 yuan.

"Who?" The uncle's voice soon came. "Uncle, it's me, Zhang Yang." Zhang Yang shouted loudly. "Zhang Yang, are you back? Why did you come here so late?" The uncle's tone was immediately full of surprises. Zhang Yang went to college but returned home for the first time, and he hadn't seen him for more than half a year.

The courtyard opened quickly, and there were several people around Zhang Yang. Uncle Xiao froze for a moment, but still said with a smile: "Hurry, please come in." Uncle Xiao is not tall, only about 1.6 meters, looks like Zhang Yang's A few uncles and aunts are not tall in Chapter 313 Soldiers (Part 1). His grandma and grandpa are short.

Let Yang Yang them in, and the uncle will soon be locked away again. "Come here, come back to the house, it's cold outside, is this?" Uncle Xiao's eyes first fell on Li Keqing's body, for fear of Li Keqing's fright, Zhang Yang's hand was still holding Li Keqing's small hand.

"Uncle, this is Ke Qing, my nv friend, Ke Qing, this is Uncle Xiao. Uncle Xiao, these are my two friends." Zhang Yang introduced them quickly. "Your uncle is good." Li Keqing smiled sweetly and said.

"Okay, hurry up, enter the room. Shanshan, Zhang Yang is here, and brought nv friends." While letting some people into the room, the uncle shouted to the room.

Uncle Xiaoyang is no more than nine years old than Zhang Yang. Aunt Ma is three years younger than Uncle Xiao, almost the same age as Zhang Yang. Entering the room, the young aunt also greeted her, and said with a smile: "Yo, it's a good time, all brought back to his wife, come sit down, I'll pour water for you."

"You sit first, I'll go to you to find something to eat." Uncle also quickly rushed a few into the dilapidated sofa in the house, and then smiled and walked to another room. When the uncle and the aunt went out, Zhang Yang quickly said to the face of Guo Guo: "Don't ask, hey." Zhang Yang quickly lifted the clothes on his arm, revealing the unique red dagger.

Seeing the tattoo on Zhang Yang's arm, the Chinese character face immediately realized, and Li Yingjie next to him also smiled and exposed the tattoo on his arm. The Chinese character face immediately said gratefully: "Two brothers, Thank you." "Well, our affairs said for a while, this is my uncle's family." Zhang Yang whispered.

Guozi nodded immediately to know that the uncle quickly took a few apples and came in, and the uncle was holding a few glasses of water. "Thank you uncle." Zhang Yang and Li Keqing thanked, and Li Yingjie and the Chinese character face followed Zhang Yang to call Sun Hailiang, and called up the uncle, making Sun Hailiang a little awkward.

Zhang Yang is also a little speechless and can only say haha: "Um, uncle, don't look at their two ages and laugh like you, but they are good friends with me, they can only call me."

"Yeah." Li Yingjie and Guozi face also nodded with a smile, Zhang Yang looked at the expressions of the two for a while, and the two people, this disguise is definitely Oscar-level, and both faces are the same. The honest face looks like that kind of honest person. It wasn't like this when I was just fighting.

"Uh, so be it." Sun Hailiang was helpless. After a pause, Sun Hailiang said with a smile: "How is Zhangyang University?"

"Of course, my university is not in vain, hey, uncle, speaking, I have good news for you." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Is there any good news? If it's Keqing, you don't need to say, you can find such a beautiful nv friend of Keqing, it is your blessing. Uncle, I don't have that life." Sun Hailiang looked Lamentedly, the little aunt next to him immediately glared at him. In fact, the little aunt looked very beautiful, even a little tired, and looked like a man in his thirties.

"Oh, uncle, do you remember when I left before I went to university? When I asked you to drink, did I tell you? I said that I will make money in the future. I will buy a house for you. You said at the time, I want to buy , You just accept it, it's not counted." Zhang Yang asked with a smirk.

Zhang Yang's question was a little abrupt, but Sun Hailiang still laughed twice and said: "Your boy, your uncle didn't hurt you in vain, why did you suddenly think of saying this? Is it because you made enough money to buy a house? After all, it’s not a bad thing, but I’m taking advantage of it. As long as you make money, you can buy a house for your uncle, I’ll take it. With such a powerful nephew, what am I doing? No blessings."

Although Sun Hailiang said with a smile, apparently this was mostly a joke. Zhang Yang was not prepared to make a joke. He took out the Linhe contract directly from Ke Qing’s bag and handed it to Sun Hailiang and said with a smile: "Uncle Uncle Will you accept it?"

"What? Can you really buy a house for Uncle Xiao?" Sun Hailiang smiled and accepted the contract in Zhang Yang's hand.

The little aunt next to him also got up with some curiosity. Sun Hailiang opened the contract, just looked at it and froze directly. The little aunt beside him also froze for a long time. The two talents looked up and looked at Zhang Yang. Some vaguely asked: "This is?"

"Uncle, this is the house I bought for you. Didn’t you say that I made money and you bought the house? You need it? I’ve already bought it, well? Just in the beautiful garden, our new house was also bought there. It happened to be close this time." Zhang Yang said with a grin.

"This... is this really? Where is your kid's money?" After shock, Sun Hailiang turned over the contract in his hand and asked.

"Of course it's true. Of course I made the money. Am I studying computer science? I wrote a software, a security company took it, and finally bought my software for a total of money. Tens of millions." Zhang Yang paused and told the truth. Uncle Xiaoyang, because he was about the same age as Zhang Yang and their peers, knew the computer and the Internet and was no stranger.

"I can't ask for this house, it's too expensive." After Sun Hailiang was surprised, he shook his head and handed back the contract in his hand.

"Uncle Xiao, how did you just change what you just said." Zhang Yang knew that Sun Hailiang was about to quit, so he asked him at the beginning.

"This..." Sun Jiuliang smiled bitterly for a long time before he said, "Zhang Yang, the uncle knows that you want to help the uncle, but how can the uncle stretch out his hand and take it in this more than one million house? Someone got me."

"Uncle, what you said is wrong. When our family was in trouble, your family was not wealthy, but you and your aunt took out the deposits to help us repay the loan sharks. You didn't say anything. Is it down? Maybe it’s more valuable, but in my opinion, it’s the same. If you don’t take the house today, uncle, then you just don’t take my nephew as a nephew.” Zhang Yang said seriously.

"This..." Hearing Zhang Yang's determination, watching Sun Yangliang who grew up in Zhang Yang couldn't help but smiled bitterly. He naturally knew Zhang Yang's personality. It took a long time before he looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Well, I accept, but... this money, if we have the ability in the future, we will definitely have to pay it back. If we don’t have the ability, then my uncle will have a thick skin."

"Oh, okay." Zhang Yang nodded immediately, "Yes, why didn't I see handsome, man?"

"Sent to kindergarten, your uncle and I are going to work, and we can only send the handsome to the full-time kindergarten, but this is also good. The handsome is also very independent now." The aunt's face was full of smiles for all these years. I don’t even have a fixed residence. My little aunt actually has no complaints about her uncle. Although it is said that Zhang Yang gave away a house, it is always there. The Chinese have a special place for the house. If you have a family, you will have strength in everything.

"Um, uncle, this is 30,000 yuan. You hold it first. Don’t give up. Although it is said that Jinxiu Home is a fully renovated community, you still need to buy some necessary furniture. Anyway, you should borrow me. Now I have the ability. In this way, your family can be relaxed." Zhang Yang took out another 30,000 yuan and handed it to Sun Hailiang.

After hesitating for a while, a house has been accepted. These 30,000 yuan, Sun Hailiang hesitated and did not refuse: "That line, I accepted it, but still the same sentence, the uncle has the ability in the future, this money I must return you."

"Um, okay, we will go back to that little uncle first. My two friends still have something to do. Tomorrow you will move in directly, my mother and they are all at home." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, that's it, I listen to you." Sun Hailiang said happily. A! ! ! ;




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