The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 526: Starry sky (2)

Jobs's words surprised everyone, but these reporters weren't stupid, and they quickly responded that there is absolutely something stupid. Is it that Apple can solve this biggest problem? ! Oh no, is the Star Group able to solve this biggest problem? Everyone almost thought about this problem, so after Jobs said this sentence, the whole venue was immediately quiet, everyone was quietly waiting for Luo Tianshu to take the stage. ;

Luo Tianshu walked on the rostrum with a smile on his face. Only then did these reporters suddenly find out that this is another big one! How much is the Starry Sky Group, plus the status and excellent capital plus the madness of the Starry Sky Group? This is not just a lively news, countless reporters have flashed their flashes.

Luo Tianshu's calm Chapter 526 Starry Sky (2) Looking at everything below, she has experienced a lot of this situation, but the difference is that Luo Tianshu has never participated in so many press conferences by reporters. Go, there are at least three or four hundred reporters in the audience, not even fewer than the reporters when some countries released press conferences.

I glanced down at the stage and was talking to Fang Shaoyun. If it was possible, Luo Tianshu really wanted to knock him out. This animal, with such a good thing in his hand, did not say it was taken out. I didn’t even prepare myself for the attack. Fortunately, it’s just a press conference now. I don’t need the Starry Sky Group to produce any finished products. Otherwise, the person who is her president may lose much. What does your company want to produce? , She doesn't even know now, isn't it nonsense?

"Hello everyone, journalist friends, thank you Mr. Jobs for leaving this opportunity to me. Let me announce the cooperation between Starry Heavy Industry and Apple. After the latest research, Starry Heavy Industry has now obtained a new battery production formula. This production process will increase the battery life of the current battery by 30 to 40 times under the same volume!" Luo Tianshu announced with a smile that this shocked her at the beginning. Chapter 526 Starry Sky (2) News.

With a "boom" sound, following a strangely quiet moment, it instantly seemed to throw a scoop of boiling water in a hot oil pan. Countless reporters almost immediately started a "buzzing" discussion. It was as horrible as tens of thousands of flies were instantly inserted.

Increased battery life by 30 to 40 times year-on-year? ! What concept is this? Luo Tianshu looked at the following reaction with a smile on her face. She was not surprised that such a thing would happen. After all, this news is too amazing. Although the process like battery is also unstoppable, it is improving with the development of science and technology, but This rate of increase is also a bit scary.

"Please be quiet, everyone!" Luo Tianshu knocked on the microphone and said, the reporters below immediately calmed down. Everyone stared at Luo Tianshu closely, fearing that he had missed something. "Regarding the use formula of this new type of battery, we have recently applied for patents in all countries in the world. In addition, I will explain a little bit to the question of the reporter’s friend. The battery has always been the biggest shortcoming of the iphone series of mobile phones. With the development of Xingkong Heavy Industries' new battery, this biggest shortcoming will no longer be a problem. What is the concept of an increase of 30 to 40 times year-on-year? That is to say, we are playing games with iPhones and using maps. Under the circumstances, its battery life is only about six hours, but now, this time will be increased to 10 days! That is to say, even if you have been playing games in stages, the battery battery life will be at least 10 About days!"

Luo Tianshu's powerful voice still echoed in the hall. All the reporters had a feeling of being completely shocked. I just heard that there was no intuitive impression of a 30 to 40 times increase, but now when compared, these reporters immediately felt a little bit crazy. There are so many journalists on the field who use iphone phones. For these journalists, even if they don’t play games, the long talk time causes the battery to be insufficient. This has to make them like iphone. The mobile phone person will prepare a spare mobile phone, but now, this short board will no longer be a short board!

Now almost everyone has put that **** sales issue behind their heads, needless to say, everyone understands completely, just from where Jobs’ confidence that Apple’s stock will never fall is from. Once this biggest shortcoming is resolved, and the iphone1 generation can still depreciate to buy a new iphone2 generation, do these members still complain? No, it is estimated that the complaint will not only disappear, but will be even more crazy.

Only those who have used it will understand that as long as there is no better choice, you may be interested in other mobile phones in the future. Although it has various shortcomings, this shortcoming has also been resolved by Starry Heavy Industry, which means What is it? This means that after you get your iPhone, you can play as you like, and! The battery capacity is even longer than the battery life of other ordinary mobile phones on the market!

If other mobile phones have an advantage over iphone in the past, after all, the battery restriction is not a little bit, is it not dry even if the things that are cattle are dead? Now that this problem is solved, it is even ahead of its opponents. How do you let other mobile phone manufacturers live? !

"In addition, the new battery of the Star Group uses the latest technology, and its charging speed will be much faster than any ordinary battery on the market. The charging speed of such a large-capacity battery will only take 2 to 3 hours, that is to say, You don’t have to worry because you don’t have time to charge, even if you are waiting for the plane, you can also fully charge the battery in our hands, which is enough for everyone to use for 10 days!" Luo Tianshu threw a second bomb. The current battery charging time of a mobile phone is quite long, at least seven or eight hours before it can be fully charged.

Shortening the charging time has undoubtedly facilitated the use of everyone again. "Thank you for your participation, because of the new technology production line, the battery production rate is slower, so we increased the time to market for iphone2 to January 1 next year. In addition, because the production price of new batteries is relatively expensive, iphone2 The price may increase slightly, but the increase will not be too large. I will ask Mr. Jobs again, thank you." Luo Tianshu did not answer the reporter's question, but left the rostrum quickly.

Jobs smiled again and went to the podium, looking at the reporter below, Jobs said with a humorous smile: "Now everyone must understand where my confidence just came from. Now I want to announce another news, that is Friends who have bought iphone1 now, and do not want to buy iphone2 at that time, in order to take care of users around the world of iphone1, we will introduce a preferential policy, because the two phones have the same hardware structure except for a few modifications such as cameras, so Friends who own iPhones will enjoy a 10% discount when buying iPhone 2 generation on the basis of discount. In addition, in order to take care of friends of iPhone 1, the mobile phones produced by iPhone 2 will give priority to guarantee the replacement of iPhone 1 users."

"In addition, today, we will announce the price of the iPhone, its price will not increase much, even compared to the 1st generation, its cost performance will be higher! The global price of Iphone2 will be 649 US dollars The selling price in China will be relatively lower because of the battery, and the selling price will remain at 4999RMB. Of course, this will not be the final selling price. If there is no major problem, this selling price will be adopted." Jobs The price of iphone2 was announced.

As for what this big problem is, after the following reporters froze for a while, although countless reporters raised their hands, Jobs did not answer the questions of these reporters. In fact, what they can think of is nothing more than the tariff problem of various countries! Now the Star Group has thrown out this news, but it is possible to predict how much impact this news will have on the world. I'm not sure what kind of policies countries will introduce in order to protect domestic enterprises, but now it is better not to be so full of words.

Trade barriers are not false. If countries increase the import tariffs of such batteries in the Star Group in order to protect domestic battery manufacturers, it is foreseeable that the popularity of Star Heavy Industries products will be severely affected in the future.

This is the end of the press conference, and more publicity did not allow them to say more, and did not let anyone disclose anything to the reporter. Next, let's look at the reactions of various countries. The production line of this new battery has been scheduled for production. With the help of Luo Gai, the production line can be completed in about three to five months. In fact, for the production line, it only needs to be modified in a small range. It is a raw material, and the production line has not changed much.

And because Zhang Yang cut the performance by two-thirds at once, the cost for it will also be reduced by about one-half, plus the cost of mass production, so that the final cost of a battery may not be much. High, at most about 200RMB.

The Star Group's press conference is almost the same as the global live broadcast at the same time, so when the Star Group's press conference ends, the news has begun to spread to the world like a shock wave! Since the Star Group announced such a large-scale high-profile, it means that this battery is already a finished product, and it can be fully popularized. Almost immediately after receiving this news, the energy departments of various countries immediately convened an emergency meeting.

Although Zhang Yang thought that the shock would be great, what he did not expect was that a press conference caused 80% of the countries in the world to hold an emergency energy meeting almost immediately. Because the meeting was held above, the officials of various countries did not make a statement, but the reaction of the people was as hot as the beginning of the flames.

Especially for iphone users, many people jumped on the spot almost excitedly. The price of iphone2 is not as expensive as imagined, and iphone1 users also have a 10% discount. This is the depreciation cost. When the time comes to buy iphone2, it is basically adding dozens of dollars, or even not adding it and then changing to a new phone?

Ah wrong! Apple said that iphone1 will no longer be produced, that is to say, the number of iphone1s in the future will only be the amount produced by Apple! No, you have to buy it quickly! If you buy it late, it will be gone. It has to be said that there are not many people who respond quickly. With the holding of this press conference, users who have already purchased and those who intend to buy have thought about this reason almost instantly.

Iphone’s current global sales are in this different position, even more crazy than Zhang Yang’s previous life. Although its sales have not yet reached the horrible sales of the previous life iphone4, it has also exceeded 10 million units worldwide, and Nearly fifteen million, it is moving towards the terrible figure of twenty million.

The most direct reason why iPhone has such horrible sales is because of domestic sales! Because almost all Chinese people now regard iphone as a domestic brand, the sales of iphone in China are much higher than their previous life. In China, its overall sales have reached one-third of global sales!

This figure was a bit stunned when it was publicized. After all, the sales of the previous iPhone in China are actually not very good, and it is only the beginning. From the launch of iphone1 to now, it is just over two months. It’s just a month.

With the holding of this press conference, the sales of iphone1 not only did not stop, but entered a new outbreak period. In fact, this starburst executive and Apple executives have already expected but Jobs has some Can't figure out why Zhang Yang chose so.

Will the real reason Zhang Yang tell him? In fact, Zhang Yang should not be blamed. The reason why Zhang Yang set such a policy was well thought out. He could not tell Jobs that he was prepared to overwhelm all governments in the world, right? Zhang Yang is too clear about the faces of European and American countries. If he does not make something in advance, then when the other party raises the tariffs, it will not allow Star Heavy Industries to sell batteries. Zhang Yang must not cry?

As for the mystery, let him understand it. But in fact, the recovered iPhone1 is not scrapped, as long as the recovered iPhone1 is unsealed, and then the camera inside is replaced, the original loss is replaced, and then the iPhone2 shell is sold, the overall quality will not decline Although the cost will increase partly, compared with the selling price, the profit is only a little thinner.

You know, these iphone1 mobile phones will only be used for a few months until January next year. As long as the originals that are easy to wear are replaced, it is no different from the new mobile phones! ! ! ! ;




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