The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 527: Starry sky (3)

Chapter 527: Starry Sky (3)

Chapter 527: Starry Sky (3)

The impact of this press conference far exceeded everyone's expectations. On the second day of the press conference, after the US stock market opened, Apple's stock was as expected by Jobs. Instead of falling, it was like eating. Like Viagra, it started to rise steadily. In just one day, when the market closed on the same day, Apple's stock broke through the $300 mark in everyone's stunned eyes! Reached $307.7 per share!

One day's increase reached $69 per share! The increase is over 28%! Based on a total of 930 million shares of Apple's stock, that is to say, within this day, Apple's market value increased by 641 Chapter 257 Starry Sky (3). 700 million US dollars! And Li Keqing's personal worth also increased by 28.876 billion US dollars within this day!

$28.876 billion! This figure makes everyone feel a little dizzy, what is this concept? Li Keqing alone has been able to rank in the top ten of the Forbes World Rich List! This was done by the other party in just one day! What kind of money-making efficiency is this?

In other words, within this day, Li Keqing earned an average of US$330,000 per second! One hundred thirty-three thousand in one second, converted to rmb, is 2.6 million! 2.6 million per second! One day is enough to create 160,000 millionaires. This number makes countless people feel a little speechless.

However, this increase is actually not high. In the US stock market, because of the news that a few hundred percent of stocks have risen everywhere, and Apple’s stock has not been as hot as it was at the beginning after it broke through three hundred dollars. In the slow climb, everyone is a little unclear. So, according to common sense, this increase is a bit small.

But in the next day, one person’s actions made everyone understand why things appeared in such a change. Chapter 257 Starry sky (3), even Apple’s stock appeared because of this person’s actions A brief setback. And this result was surprising to everyone, but at the same time it was shocking.

When Zhang Yang received this call, he was actually a bit crying and laughing. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Zhang Yang received a call the next morning, and the person who made the call made Zhang Yang stunned. This man is no one else. It is another symbol of the US stock market, the stock **** Buffett! What makes Zhang Yang speechless is that Buffett's phone has no second meaning. He wants to sell all the 5.2% of the shares in his hand to Zhang Yang!

This news made Zhang Yang very painful. If it was not the secret agreement that was not disclosed after the contract was signed with Apple, Zhang Yang wanted to eat the 5.2% share because when he bought the 5% After the point two shares, it means that Star Group has completely completed the complete holding of Apple Stock Company, which means that Apple will completely become a subsidiary of Star Group!

The problem is, it’s so dead, I signed the secret agreement with Apple! dry! Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, but Zhang Yang did not give up. After receiving the call from Buffett, after talking with the other party for a long time, Zhang Yang hung up the phone and called Jobs directly.

"I hope to convene the board of directors." This is Zhang Yang's first sentence after calling Steve Jobs. After Zhang Yang's words made Jobs stunned for a while, he asked strangely: "Of course this is possible. You are the Star Group The largest shareholder, of course, has the right to convene the board of directors, er, although the exercise of power is with me. But can I ask, what is the purpose of convening the board of directors?"

"The purpose is very simple. Just now Mr. Buffett called and wanted to sell me a 5.2% stake in his hand!" Zhang Yang told Jobs directly. Jobs was a little ignorant on the spot. He was silent for a long time before he said, "Zhang, have you forgotten that there is a contract between us?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten, but the purpose of my convening of the board of directors is to let Apple abandon this secret agreement. Of course, if the board of directors does not agree, I will not force to buy the 5.2% stake." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders. Said casually.

The only reason why Zhang Yang is so random is that now Apple is actually in the pocket of Starry Sky Group. When the resolution was passed by Apple’s board of directors, Zhang Yang later learned that although it was when? * Still  Coward Puxie My nephew   Mu Shao ü Sang  涫 Zhai Yu  apologizes 銆鲆憹  胅  獍 various types of    Mu Yu ugly neglected pen bad pen still  thumb calligraphy   hole about welding What is it?br/>

Of course, there is only one exception, that is, the 6% of the shares in Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan. Because the contract was not signed at that time, Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan wanted to reach 6% of the shares, which means that they would buy 100%. Twelve percent of the shares, and then after the board of directors passed a resolution and obtained 99% of the shareholders' approval, the starry sky group's 45 percent of the shares had a reason.

At that time, many shareholders were naturally unhappy. After all, no one wanted to spend half of their money in exchange for an unknown technology, but these people were basically small shareholders, and these small shareholders were not happy at the time. They have chosen to sell their shares at a high price.

It can be said that when working with the Star Group, Apple completed a share concentration! And when? * Still  HAT  neon  look at the post  蛉思彼巎∥- bad dumpling   play " Xin 嫔 烍魍 ǖ 牧馍 ü 蛔 俜俜 憘愕阄濉?br/>

Therefore, it is not too difficult to persuade these shareholders. In fact, everyone has long been aware of this fact, but it is just that everyone is acting silly and stupefied. Jobs naturally knew this too. Although he still said the contract, he said it was not resolved that way. After Zhang Yang said that he was confident in persuading all shareholders, Jobs simply acquiesced: "OK, No problem, I will let all shareholders know. However, I think you are going to fly to the United States."

After hanging up with Steve Jobs, Zhang Yang called Buffett again. "Mr. Buffett, I just called Mr. Jobs and asked for a board meeting. If you don't mind, Mr. Buffett, can the shares be sold to me later?"

Buffett said with a smile: "Of course, Mr. Zhang, I haven't met you very much. I will definitely attend the board meeting this time. I will invite you to dinner."

"Haha, it was my pleasure to have dinner with Mr. Buffett. I was also planning to participate in the auction of Mr. Buffett's charity lunch." Zhang Yang laughed twice and made a joke. Buffett, Zhang Yang, is still Very admirable, although he has a sharp intuition that ordinary people do not have, and also has the characteristics of a capitalist, but can not deny the merits of others, at least when they make money, charity activities have not fallen at all.

Speaking of it, Zhang Yang hasn’t had time to do what kind of charity. Of course, this kind of thing must be done. If he dares not to do it, the saliva of those in the country will choke you, but how to do this This is another option. Zhang Yang will not go to any charitable fund meetings or donate money. Zhang Yang wants to do these things in his own way.

"Mr. Zhang laughed and said, I haven't admired anyone in my life, and you are the first! You are my idol!" Buffett was not surprised at all by concealing his adoration of Zhang Yang and those of Buffett. It is no secret to know that the real helm of the Star Group.

Zhang Yang was a little dumb. He didn't expect that he still has a fn with such an arrogant identity. It seems that he is also very arrogant. "Haha, then I'm disrespectful, but Mr. Buffett, I'm afraid you don't know, you are also my idol. Haha." Zhang Yang smiled readily.

The time passed quickly. This time it was not just publicity to come to the United States. Li Keqing and others also came. The cooperation between Starry Heavy Industry and Apple has not officially signed a contract. This time, the matter of negotiations has also been resolved.

As Apple's largest shareholder, Li Keqing is of course going to attend this meeting. Although Li Keqing once asked a lawyer to write a copy of the share transfer letter to Zhang Yang, but the transfer letter was not announced and was not announced on the board of directors of the Star Group, so from a legal point of view, there is no registered transfer letter It is actually invalid.

When Li Keqing walked into Apple's largest conference room with a smile, the more than thirty shareholders who had arrived almost stood up and gave a welcome applause to Li Keqing. The shareholders were almost full of smiles. Everyone knows that if it weren't for the woman in front of I'm afraid their assets would not increase so many times.

Except for the well-known Zhang Yang, others will naturally not know that if there is no Zhang Yang, they will reach such a height in a few years.

In the conference room, there are naturally two other familiar faces, Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie, both of whom naturally attended the meeting as Apple shareholders. Don't underestimate that Li Yuxuan has only 1% of the shares. In fact, Li Yuxuan has more than 1% of the shares than Jobs.

"Gentlemen, please sit down." Steve Jobs naturally presided over the meeting. After a brief introduction to the cooperation between Apple and Star Heavy Industries, Steve Jobs cut into the topic: "This time at the invitation of Miss Li Keqing, this meeting was held. At this press conference, I will invite Miss Li Keqing to speak."

There were not too many people in this conference room who knew that Zhang Yang was the one who had negotiated with Apple. Zhang Yang did not say that the people who knew it were naturally silent, and he did not talk about this matter very well. RO! ! ! ;




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